Ochanka - medicinal properties and use in medicine


Ochanka - general description

Eyebright is an annual herbaceous plant that reaches a height of 10-15 centimeters and branches heavily at the top. The stem is reddish, the leaves are opposite, sessile, wedge-shaped below and ovoid in the upper part. In the axils of the apical leaves, small white flowers with blue veins grow from July to September. The plant is also known under the names "eye grass", "eye socket", "gorjanka". Sometimes the eye is called "toad grass," because toads hide in its dense thickets.

Ochanka - types and places of growth

Eyebright the drug is found almost throughout Europe, mainly in the forest-steppe zone - central and southern Germany, Italy, the Balkans. Grass is common in Belarus, Ukraine, the European part of Russia, Scandinavia and the Caucasus. The grass is semi-parasitic on the roots of neighboring plants and absorbs nutritious juices from meadow herbs. It lives in meadows, wastelands, on dry slopes and roadsides, low-lying peat bogs, can be found in forests on and mountainous areas.

Eyebright - healing properties

The first mention of the healing properties of eyebright dates back to the 15th century. In Scotland, for example, bird eye feathers were impregnated with a mixture of milk and juice and applied to the eyes. From the name it is not difficult to understand that the eyeball is used to treat eye diseases - glaucoma, cataracts, conjunctivitis, barley. Some believe that the plant fights farsightedness, improving vision, taking infusions from the eyebright inside and applying compresses. Eyebright in case of tuberculosis and eczema helps adults and children, can stop fever and allergies.

Decoctions from the spectacle have an astringent, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive and antibacterial effect. The infusion of herbs is used in folk medicine for colds, asthma, bronchitis, cough, fever, sore throat, peptic ulcer, as well as gastritis with high acidity. Eyebright is able to cope with jaundice and increase appetite. In addition, the grass favorably affects hair growth, and with such an infusion, you need to wash your hair regularly.

Eyebright - dosage forms

For therapeutic purposes, the entire plant is used. It is customary to collect the aerial part at the beginning of flowering. Grass should be cut off near the ground, making small bunches that are hung out in a shaded, ventilated place for drying. It is recommended to store dry grass in well-closed vessels, because moisture is destructive for the healing properties of raw materials.

Eyebright is taken internally and external compresses are made. For internal use, infusion or powder is made from a dried plant, for external use lotions and eye baths.

Eyebring - recipes

For the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the eye, eye pupil is consumed in the form of an aqueous extract and powder. To prepare the infusion, 40 grams of dry ratsenia is poured with 1 liter of boiling water, insisting for several hours. The prepared infusion is recommended to rinse the eyes, make lotions and apply in the form of eye drops.

With bronchitis, you should use an infusion of herbs. You need to take 3 teaspoons of ground eye, pour them with half a liter of boiling water and insist for 2 hours. You need to drink 50 milliliters 4 times a day. An effective remedy will be for tonsillitis, colds and other diseases of the respiratory tract.

For gastritis, a collection is used, which consists of eyebright, mint, lemon balm, hawthorn, heather. You should take 3 tablespoons of the mixture, pour two glasses of boiling water. Infusion should be taken orally for colitis and gastroenteritis - half a cup 3 times a day before meals.

Eyebright - contraindications

Contraindications to the use of eyebright are not known. Although many sources indicate that the plant is poisonous, so do not get carried away by excessive use of decoctions.


Diana 05/02/2016
I understand that if the plant is not toxic, then it can be given to children? Of course, in small quantities. It’s just that I have such weed, Dad was treating his eyes, he began to get inflammation from welding, and did not pass for a long time. Indeed, the vision of the eye is very positive.

Galina 05/02/2016
Thanks for the article. I immediately remembered that lately my vision leaves much to be desired. And now I know how to fix it. Inside, maybe I won’t take it at all, I'll try to make lotions. I hope that eyebright will help me too.

Oksana 05/02/2016
Yes, honestly, this herb helps to improve eyesight very well! I don’t know about some serious eye diseases, but correct your eyesight for sure. Well, and of course, everything needs to know the measure. Compresses may not hurt, but prolonged use inside can negatively affect health.

Tom 05/02/2016
I don’t know where this grass came from at home, but there was a pack in the closet. I wanted to throw it away, I looked for information on the Internet. I decided to try the strength of this herb on my hair. Three weeks, regularly rinsing hair with this decoction. My braids grew by 8 cm!))

Ksenia 05/02/2016
But I know this plant! It was him who I took from eye disease. It’s not even a disease, but my eyesight just started to deteriorate, and they advised me to take an eyeball. And she did compresses, and took it inside. And very pleased with the action of this weed. I recommend to everyone.


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