Bearberry - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Bearberry - general description

Bearberry (Arctostáphylos, bear ears) is a small evergreen shrub belonging to the genus Heathers. Often it grows in the form of a continuous turf, in appearance it resembles lingonberries, but it spreads and does not have dots characteristic of lingonberries.

Leaflets are thick, obovate, have a distinct mesh of veins, with tucked edges and denticles. It blooms with whitish-pinkish flowers, from which the fruit develops - a tart red berry. The flowering period is spring and the first half of summer. Bearberry grass has an interesting feature - it does not burn.

Bearberry - types and places of growth

Bearberry is a plant adapted to life; it is not afraid of the subarctic and arctic climate, however, it does not like competition from other plants. It grows in large areas of North and Central America, Northern Europe. The range of bearberry in Russia consists of Siberia, coniferous forests of the Alps and the Far East. The plant prefers humus-rich swampy soils and wastelands, but can also grow on sandy soils, in places well-lit by the sun.

Bearberry - healing properties

The most important use of leaflets of this herb is associated with its disinfecting effect on the kidneys. The effectiveness of this property is confirmed by numerous studies, for example, Germany recognizes this herb as an anti-inflammatory urinary tract in the public health service. Now they use new recipes for making kidney tea with cold infusion.

Studies have confirmed that this method is more effective, as it allows you to save all the active ingredients without giving a bitter unappetizing taste. In addition, bear ears are used in the treatment of numerous other diseases: pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis, gravy, heartburn, gastritis, in addition, it treats alcoholism, nervous system diseases, and even malignant tumors.

Bearberry is also used in veterinary medicine for the external and internal treatment of cows and horses.

Bearberry - dosage forms

For medicinal purposes, the ground part of bearberry is used, to a greater extent the leaves of the plant, as well as fruits, shoots and flowers. Collect it at the end of the season - the last weeks of August and autumn. The leaves themselves do not fade for a long time, they have a very dense skin, so during drying the sun's rays are not terrible. Bearberry is characterized by the presence of the following active ingredients: arbutin, methylarbutin, free hydroquinone and tannins, flavonoids and a little essential oil. In pharmacies, a drug called "Uriflorin" is sold, which is a bearberry leaf.

Bearberry - recipes

- Herbal tea from bearberry leaves: 1-2 teaspoons of leaves are placed in cold water and insisted for a day. When taking a little warm up. This tea is considered an indispensable tool for inflammation of the bladder (cystitis).
- Infusion of bear ears is used externally to treat wounds and skin during diathesis.
- Treatment of gastritis - boil bearberry in milk.

Bearberry - contraindications

Contraindication for the use of the drug is pregnancy and feeding the newborn, they also do not give tea to children under 12 years of age and with acute renal diseases.

Since this herb contains a large amount of arbutin, its effect in the treatment of the kidneys and urinary tract can be successful if an alkaline urine reaction occurs. If the inflammation does not stop, it is necessary to change the medicine.

Overdosing can lead to nausea and stomach pain. In the treatment of this herb, it is recommended to consume plant foods, and to exclude components that can lead to the oxidation of urine. Sometimes they even add a little soda to tea. During its use, dry mouth may be felt, urine begins to acquire a greenish tint.


Elena 05/07/2016
We in Siberia are full of this plant. That's just about its healing properties, I have not heard ... Maybe just because I have not encountered diseases that bearberry treats. Although, it was the treatment of gastritis with this plant that interested me.

Yana 05/07/2016
Honestly, I was surprised by the fact that it is written that bearberry grass does not burn ... It means that it does not burn even when dry? Then - yes, an interesting ability. Well, and at the expense of treating alcoholism ... I'm also not sure that you can completely cure a person.

Zhenya 05/07/2016
I heard about this plant, about its medicinal properties, but I just can’t remember in connection with what diseases. I wonder if these berries, really so similar to lingonberries, have a taste similar to it? It seems to me that I ate such berries.

Larisa 05/07/2016
Yes, actually, bearberry medications are very helpful in treating the urinary tract. I judge this by myself, with cystitis, I drank this medicine. So, it was not in vain that Germany officially accepted it. And in my opinion, bearberry is also taken in other types of treatment.

Katyusha 05/07/2016
I am always surprised when they write that some drug can cure alcoholism. Not only do I not believe in it, but I can’t understand how to interrupt a person’s desire with a drug. No, for a while, of course, it is possible, but further, a person can return everything back.


Watch the video: The Amazing Healing Power of Uva Ursi Herb (July 2024).