Beef tongue in a slow cooker - a delicacy with the taste of meat! The best recipes and methods for cooking beef tongue in a slow cooker


Beef tongue is a real delicacy!

At the same time, it is affordable and deliciously delicious.

It can be served as a meat cut or used for different dishes.

A slow cooker will help you cook it easily and simply. In this case, the taste is not affected.

Beef tongue in a slow cooker - general principles of cooking

Before cooking, the tongue should be soaked in cold water for half an hour, then rinsed thoroughly. You can use a brush. The main difficulty in preparing beef tongue is its purification from the film. In fact, the thin skin is easily removable. It is enough to immediately remove the product from boiling water and immerse it in very cold water, then draw it several times on the surface with your fingers.

In a slow cooker, the language is boiled from 2 to 3 hours using the "Stew" or "Soup" programs. Then the product is used for frying, stewing, baking. It goes well with various vegetables, spices, cereals and mushrooms.

Recipe 1: Beef tongue in a slow cooker

A method of preparing a delicious and fragrant beef tongue, which can be used for meat cutting, salads, aspic. The same product is great for hot and cold sandwiches.


• tongue;

• onion head;

• 5 peas of pepper;

• one carrot;

• 2 bay leaves;

• 5 cloves of garlic;

• 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt;


1. Take the middle tongue about two kilograms, wash and cut along. We clean out excess fat, remove all unnecessary and rinse.

2. We move the product into the slow cooker, twist the snails into pieces, but do not tightly. Fill with water to the upper mark.

3. Close and cook exactly 2.5 hours on the “Soup” mode. If the language is small, then you can reduce the time to two hours.

4. After the signal of readiness we take out the tongue, pour everything out of the bowl and wash the dishes.

5. Throw chopped carrots and onions, add all the other spices according to the recipe, including a spoonful of salt.

6. Return the language back.

7. Pour boiling water so much that it covers the product by 2 centimeters.

8. Close and cook again in soup mode, but 50-60 minutes are enough.

9. We take out the product, clean the film and use it for any purpose. For accurate cutting, we stand for several hours in the refrigerator.

Recipe 2: Beef tongue in a slow cooker with potatoes

A variant of a hearty and insanely delicious beef tongue in a slow cooker that immediately comes with potatoes. That is, nothing more needs to be served to him, unless sliced ​​from vegetables or a light salad.


• 1 kg of tongue;

• 1 kg of potatoes;

• 0.2 kg of onions;

• 0.2 kg of carrots;

• 50 ml of oil;

• spices.


1. Throw a piece of washed tongue into a slow cooker, pour boiling water so that the water covers the main product by 2 centimeters. Cook on the soup for 1.5 hours.

2. We take out the tongue, clean the film, cut into pieces.

3. Shred coarse carrots, also onions.

4. Pour the broth from the multicooker, rinse the container, wipe it.

5. Pour the oil, set the program "Baking" and fry the vegetables for five minutes, toss them immediately together.

6. Cut the tongue into slices and add to the onions with carrots, give a little fry.

7. Peel the potatoes, cut into several parts and also toss in the slow cooker.

8. Pour the products with boiling water or hot broth. The liquid should barely cover them. Salt immediately, you can pepper.

9. Re-enable the soup program and cook the language with vegetables for an hour. We season the dish with greens when serving.

Recipe 3: Beef tongue in a slow cooker with mushrooms and cream sauce

A delicious dish of beef tongue in a slow cooker, which is prepared with champignons or honey mushrooms. Suitable for different side dishes from potatoes, cereals, but can be used independently.


• 1.2 kg of tongue;

• 0.6 kg of mushrooms;

• 2 onion heads;

• 500 ml cream of 15%;

• salt;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 50 grams of butter;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• spices for the tongue.


1. The tongue is boiled for at least two hours on the soup program in a sufficient amount of water. Add bay leaf, peppercorns to the broth, but do not salt.

2. Cool the tongue, peel and cut across the plates up to 5 millimeters. Let us stand aside for now.

3. Cut the onions, send to the empty and dry capacity of the multicooker, throw the butter and fry until transparent.

4. Add the mushrooms. Honey mushrooms can be thrown whole. If champignons are used, then cut into small plates.

5. Fry the mushrooms for about twenty minutes, they should be almost ready.

6. Add cream mixed with flour. When pouring the sauce into hot mushrooms, you need to stir the products continuously.

7. Spread the tongue slices, add salt, chopped garlic cloves.

8. Cover and cook for fifteen minutes in a quenching mode.

9. Two minutes before the end add chopped dill, throw black pepper to taste.

Recipe 4: Baked Beef Tongue in a Multicooker

It turns out that in a slow cooker you can not only cook the language, but also bake it. The dish is very tender, juicy, unusually tasty. Pickled mushrooms are used, but can be cooked without mushrooms.


• 1 kg of tongue;

• 0.2 kg of champignons;

• 2 tomatoes;

• 40 grams of oil;

• 0.2 kg of cheese;

• 70 ml cream;

• 1 spoon of flour;

• 1 onion head;

• seasonings.


1. We wash the tongue and cook for two hours on the stewing mode. You can add any seasoning, pour in water about a liter.

2. Cool the product, remove the skin, cut into slices of 1.5 centimeters.

3. While the tongue is cooling, you need to fry the chopped onion in oil.

4. Add the pickled mushrooms to the onion, also chopped. Cook until all the liquid has evaporated.

5. Mix the cream with flour, send to the mushrooms, as soon as the sauce thickens, take out the filling on a plate. If the mushrooms are fresh, then a little salt.

6. Pour a little oil into the clean capacity of the multicooker, lay the slices of the tongue.

7. On each piece we lay out the mushroom filling. If there is a lot of language, you can simply lay out the products in solid layers.

8. Cut the tomatoes into slices and lay on top, sprinkle with grated cheese.

9. Turn on the baking program and cook for fifteen minutes.

Recipe 5: Beef tongue in a slow cooker with wine sauce

An unusual recipe for beef tongue in a slow cooker, served with amazing sauce. Wine will need dry red.


• tongue;

• salt;

• laurel;

• peas of pepper.

For the sauce:

• 100 ml of broth;

• 270 ml of red wine;

• a spoon of flour;

• a spoonful of butter;

• greenery;

• onion head;

• spices.


1. Wash the tongue, scrape off the excess with a knife and throw it into the slow cooker. We put spices, pour in water and cook for 2 hours on the "Stewing" program. 15 minutes before the end of cooking salt.

2. After the signal, we take out the language, throw it into cold water and easily clean the product from the film. Put it in a container and cool.

3. Pour water from the crock-pot, rinse and wipe. Turn on the "Frying" mode.

4. Put the butter, after a minute chopped onion, then toss the grated carrot. We pass the vegetables until soft.

5. Add the flour, fry another minute.

6. Pour broth into a future sauce in a thin stream, then add wine. Season with spices, salt and cook for about 15 minutes on a soup program or stew.

7. Filter the sauce and wipe the pieces of vegetables through a sieve. We bring spices to the desired taste.

8. Cut the tongue into thin plates, lay on a platter, pour with wine sauce, decorate with herbs.

Recipe 6: Braised Beef Tongue in a Multi Cooker

Another recipe with wine. This time it can be anything: white, red, pink, dry or table. Of course, the taste of the dish from the type of alcoholic drink will change, but it will still be amazing.


• 1.5 kg of tongue;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• 600 ml of broth;

• 30 grams of flour;

• 200 ml of wine;

• laurel, parsley, a pinch of thyme.


1. we cook in any way the language, you can in a slow cooker, but not less than two hours. Then peel and cut into small cubes.

2. Pour oil into the capacity of the multicooker, warm it up.

3. Throw the flour, fry for a minute and with a thin stream we introduce the broth, followed by the flour.

4. Bring the sauce to the desired taste, that is, salt and pepper, season with any seasoning, throw a pinch of thyme.

5. Return the language to the slow cooker, close and simmer for 30 minutes.

6. In the finished tongue, add parsley, bay leaf. Serve on your own or with boiled rice.

Recipe 7: Beef Tongue in a Slow Cooker with Tomatoes

You will need fresh tomatoes for this dish, but you can also use canned tomatoes or in your juice.


• 1 language;

• 8-9 tomatoes;

70 grams of butter;

400 grams of onion;



1. Boil the washed tongue in water. We set the soup program for 2 hours.

2. We get the product, dip it in cold water and remove the skin. Cool completely.

3. There are a lot of onions in this dish. We cut all the heads in half rings.

4. Melt the butter in a slow cooker, the Baking program.

5. Fry the onion until rosy.

6. Add the grated tomatoes and boil the mass by a third.

7. Add tongue cut into cubes, sticks or slices. If not salted tomatoes were used, then we salt, we throw various spices, and pepper.

8. Close and simmer for 20 minutes.

9. Sprinkle with herbs, turn off. Serve with potatoes, pasta, cereals.

Beef tongue in a multicooker - useful tips and tricks

• You need to salt the tongue at the very end of cooking. Otherwise, the spice will slow down the process, draw moisture, the product will turn out to be dry and tasteless.

• To make the tongue juicy, lay it only in boiling water. Or pour boiling water over it. It will contribute to the formation of a film on the surface, which will preserve the taste and juices inside.

• When cooking the tongue, you need to add different spices to the water, but you should be more careful with bay leaves. It can give the product an unpleasant aftertaste and bitterness.


Watch the video: How to Cook and Peel Beef Tongue Correctly - Best Beef Tongue (July 2024).