Causes of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastrointestinal inflammation: symptoms and effective treatment


The normal work of the gastrointestinal tract is a full-fledged, and most importantly, timely delivery of useful “materials” for our body, because throughout its life it is being built and rebuilt. The burden on the digestive departments is quite large - if you add up everything that we eat and drink all our lives, then this is a real mountain. The stomach does not always cope with its work, diseases arise, which ultimately lead to inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Causes of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract

Gastrointestinal inflammation can develop for various reasons, they are conditionally divided into several groups:

1. Infections. The inflammatory process develops due to the presence of bacteria, for example, E. coli. Also included here are viruses (rotavirus) and protozoa.

2. The patient has parasites in the body, namely helminths.

3. Autoimmune processes - the immune system rejects the cells of the mucosa. As a result of this, an inflammatory process occurs (Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis). The disease is quite dangerous and today it is difficult to treat.

4. Genetic predisposition - some diseases, including a tendency to develop inflammatory processes, are inherited. If relatives suffered from this, then the likelihood that children will inherit this is almost 90%.

5. Error in nutrition - frequent overeating, eating too fatty, spicy, salty foods. Abuse of bad habits is especially affected, as a result, any part of the gastrointestinal tract can become inflamed.

6. The walls of the intestines have insufficient blood circulation, as a result of the fact that there are atherosclerotic changes.

7. The intestinal microflora is disturbed. With a predominance of pathogenic flora, the gastrointestinal tract is prone to the development of inflammation.

8. Gastritis and heartburn. Diseases are the result of increased acidity in the stomach, they are always chronic and periodically repeated.

9. An ulcer. Many attribute this disease to "business" people. After all, it develops against the background of constant stress, malnutrition, the use of low-quality products and so on. Almost all ulcers can be cured, but after that they begin to behave unpredictably.

The causes of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract lie, first of all, in the presence of an irritating factor, the cells of the mucous membrane die, severe pain occurs, nutrients cease to be absorbed.

Gastrointestinal inflammation classification

It is conditionally possible to divide the inflammatory process into several types. At the place of localization, such species are distinguished as:

1. The inflammatory process of the duodenum 12 - its development falls on the initial part of the small intestine.

2. Inflammation in the small intestine.

3. The inflammatory process in the large intestine.

By duration, gastrointestinal inflammation is divided into two groups:

1. Acute inflammation - the period of its development does not exceed a month.

2. Chronic inflammation - the process of gastrointestinal damage lasts long enough and can reach up to a year.

Inflammation is also divided by a causal factor:

1. Infectious - the cause of this inflammation is an infection, usually bacteria.

2. Non-infectious - this includes all other causes of inflammation (diet, heredity, etc.).

This is the main classification of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract.

Symptom of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract

For the inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract, certain symptoms are characteristic, they do not depend on where the inflammation is localized, and also what caused it:

1. Severe abdominal pain. It is bursting in nature, it is impossible to determine a clear location. The pain is due to the fact that the smooth muscles of the intestines are cramped.

2. Nausea is the first symptom that indicates an inflammatory process, which occurs, as a rule, immediately after the patient has eaten.

3. Bloating - since inflammation causes a lack of digestive enzymes, the patient has increased gas formation.

4. The stool is irregular and unstable - periodically it can weaken, diarrhea develops. The inflammatory process in the digestive tract can also be characterized by frequent constipation.

5. Weight loss - as a result of the fact that nutrients cannot be fully absorbed, the patient begins to lose kilograms.

6. Anemia - the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases, the patient becomes pale, a decline in strength in the body is noted.

Symptoms of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract are always evident. Some of them can manifest themselves constantly, and some arise only in the presence of provoking factors. If there is a suspicion of the development of inflammation, it is necessary to visit a medical institution and undergo an examination.

Gastrointestinal inflammation diagnosis

The patient must undergo a mandatory diagnosis in order to make an accurate diagnosis, establish the causes of inflammation, as well as the exact location of his localization. For diagnostics, instrumental and laboratory methods are used:

1. Blood test - by the number of white blood cells in the blood, as well as the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, the development of inflammation can be suspected.

2. Coprogram - thanks to the study of feces, it is possible to accurately assess the function of the intestine, or rather to find out if it performs it.

3. Bacteriological examination of feces. Feces are examined in order to identify bacteria in it, to determine their sensitivity to antibiotics. As a result of the study, the doctor will be able to prescribe drugs without threatening the patient's life.

4. FEGDS is an endoscopic examination using a fiber optic tube, at the end of which there is special lighting and a camera. If necessary, a specialist can take a piece from the mucous membrane for a subsequent biopsy.

5. Colonoscopy - the principle of research is exactly the same as the previous one, but the patient is not injected with a sensor through the mouth, but into the anus. A thorough examination of the large intestine takes place, the localization of inflammation is being studied.

6. Video capsule endoscopy - this method is considered the most modern. The patient needs to swallow a capsule on which there is a camera and lighting, it slowly passes through the intestine exactly one day, and the information goes to the computer.

Thanks to modern diagnostic methods, it is possible to identify the inflammatory process at an early stage of development, this will avoid negative and serious consequences for the whole organism.

Treatment of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract

Treatment of inflamed gastrointestinal tract should be complex and include several types of therapy at the same time:

1. Etiotropic. This treatment method is aimed primarily at eliminating the cause of inflammation. In order to get rid of harmful bacteria, antibiotics are prescribed. With autoimmune inflammation, it is necessary to take immunosuppressants. You can destroy parasites with the help of anthelmintic drugs, here they include - albendazole or piperazine.

2. Diet. With the inflammatory process in the digestive tract, successful treatment will only be with proper nutrition. You need to adhere to such a diet constantly, otherwise the already affected mucosa will be even more irritated. Doctors strongly recommend eating foods such as - chicken, low-fat milk. It is necessary to cook the products a couple, in no case do you need to fry them, and even more so smoke.

3. Pathogenetic therapy - use it in order to eliminate the inflammatory process. The patient needs to take anti-inflammatory drugs, under their action, toxins will bind. In order to reduce the load on the digestive tract, it is recommended to use enzyme preparations.

4. Symptomatic therapy - thanks to her, the patient's condition improves, the pain recedes (for this, antispasmodics are taken). In order to reduce increased gas formation take espumisan.

For treatment, they use not only traditional medicine, but also folk medicine, it is better to combine such treatment with a reception.

Digest honey and horseradish

Rub horseradish on a grater, and then mix in a 1: 1 ratio with honey. Separate one spoon from the mixture and spread it on bread, eat such a slice every time before eating.

Sorrel tincture

Grind the leaves of the plant. Separate one spoon and fill the floor with liters of water. Put the contents of the pan on the fire and bring to a boil, you must cook exactly 15 minutes. Put the finished product on for one hour, then strain. Drink 1/3 cup five times a day, 30 minutes before eating. You can’t drink such a tincture with a stomach ulcer.

Dandelion broth

Useful for the digestive tract is a decoction of dandelion roots. Grind them, separate one spoon and fill the floor with liters of water. Everything must be put on fire and cook for 10 minutes. The finished product is infused for exactly 4 hours, then it must be drunk ½ cup three times a day.

In the same way, dandelion leaves themselves can be prepared. As a result, the work of the stomach will be improved.

Calamus tincture

Place twenty grams of the plant in a dark glass bottle, pour 100 ml of alcohol. Put everything to insist in a dark place for 10 days, while shaking the bottle every day. Strain, drink 20 drops daily (dilute in a small amount of water).

The health of the whole organism depends on the work of the gastrointestinal tract, therefore it is necessary to monitor it and undergo treatment on time.


Watch the video: What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease or IBD? (July 2024).