Beresklet (photo) - planting and care in the open ground. How to grow an euonymus: a colorful shrub in your area


Eucalyptus refers to woody plants that are often used to create hedges or decorate a site.

Armed with the necessary knowledge about growing euonymus, you can enjoy its colors throughout the season.

Characteristics of the plant - euonymus

All varieties of this amazing plant have an openwork crown. During the summer, the leaves have a dark green color. In May, the bush is covered with nondescript flowers. Especially beautiful is the spindle tree in autumn.

During this period, the color of the leaves changes dramatically. The bush flashes with whites, red, yellow and orange paints. One sheet can have several shades. In October, the plant is covered with berries that adorn the garden until the frost. In the fall, euonymus fruits become orange-red.

Important! Eucalyptus berries contain alkaloids and are unsuitable for food!

Eucalytes are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and ease of care. Some species tolerate frost well and grow well in central Russia.

Varieties of euonymus (photo)

When choosing plants for growing in the garden, you need to take into account its dimensions and the specifics of growing. Some representatives of the genus are able to reach up to 10 meters in height.

European euonymus

A large plant whose height exceeds 7 meters. In nature, it grows not only in the form of a tree, but also as a bush. In autumn, the leaves turn fiery red. Hanging fruits take on an orange tint.

This type of soil is undemanding, can grow in the shade. All the autumnal beauty of the leaves can be observed only by growing it in a sunny location.

For landscaping a small area suitable compact varieties of euonymus. The height of such shrubs does not exceed two meters, they lend themselves well to pruning, forming a dense crown.

Winged euonymus

Shade-tolerant deciduous shrub native to the Far East. Under natural conditions, its height reaches 2.5 meters. In our growing conditions - up to 1 meter.

Young shoots of green color. Autumn color of the leaves is dark red, while the fruit is bright red.

Japanese euonymus

This variety of shrubs reaches a height of up to 1 meter. It is distinguished by its dark green leathery leaves. Suitable for growing indoors, offices and conservatories. The plant tolerates dry air and shade well. However, variegated forms need good lighting.

Japanese euonymus is unpretentious to the growing conditions. Needs moderate watering and top dressing. The perfect challenger for bonsai. Using pruning, a plant can be shaped into a ball, cube, or pyramid.

Dwarf varieties with creeping shoots are used as ground cover plants.

Fortune euonymus

The evergreen creeping shrub reaches a height of up to 30 cm. Climbing shoots spread up to three meters, are well kept on a support and are rooted in nodes.

Fortune's euonymus prefers well-fertilized soils and partial shade. Varieties with decorative leaf color are best grown in lighted areas. This variety tolerates frosts well. It looks beautiful on alpine slides and in rocky gardens.

Planting a spindle tree in the garden

The spindle tree belongs to the fast-growing shrubs, so when planting seedlings you need to leave enough space for development. The soil for planting should be nutritious, loose. It should be noted that the plant does not tolerate moisture stagnation at the roots, therefore, land should be allocated for the euonymus planting. Dwarf varieties of shrubs can be grown in flowerpots, brought into the room with the onset of frost.

The euonymus is planted in spring or autumn. Landing pits are prepared in advance, seasoning them with compost or humus. The seedling is lowered into the hole and covered with earth. The earth is lightly compacted, watered abundantly and mulched. This allows you to save soil moisture and increases its aeration.

Location selection

An improperly located plant is more often more and is attacked by pests. When planting seedlings, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the variety and its relation to light. Shade-loving varieties, such as the Sakhalin euonymus, are located in secluded corners of the garden. For sunny places it is better to choose other species, such as Maaka.

How to care for euonymus?

1. The optimum temperature for the comfortable development of euonymus in the summer is 20 degrees. The plant withstands a short-term increase in temperature, but is attacked by ticks.

2. Some varieties of euonymus winter at a temperature of 8-16 degrees. As a rule, these are tubal plants that are grown in greenhouse conditions.

3. Watering shrubs should be moderate. But drying out the soil is detrimental to the plant. It is necessary to monitor the level of soil moisture. Experienced gardeners recommend mulching the near-trunk spindle tree circle, which will help to cope with the drying of the earth.

4. The plant tolerates shearing and shaping. In the spring, all dried and broken branches are removed, shoots growing inside the bush are cut. In summer, you can trim the crown of the euonymus, giving it the necessary shape.

5. Most varieties of euonymus are frost-resistant, but young seedlings need shelter.

6. In the open ground, the plant is grown for a long time in one place, but tubular specimens need regular transplantation. Spend it in the spring, handling the plant in a larger pot. It is not worth neglecting the transplant, as the shrub will slow down growth and development.

How to feed an euonymus?

Like all plants, euonymus needs nutrition. For a beautiful and long flowering, healthy foliage and active growth of top dressing, make twice a season.

• Spring fertilizers are aimed at the formation of flower buds and the growth of shrubs. During this period, organics are used, for example, diluted manure or bird droppings.

• During flowering, the shrub must be provided with a complex of trace elements. During irrigation, phosphorus and potassium are added.

How to breed euonymus (photo)?

Ornamental shrub propagates well by dividing the bush and cuttings, less often - by seeds.

Cuttings are carried out in the summer. In June, planting material is harvested from young but mature shoots. Prepared cuttings are planted under a film in a nutritious soil mixture. Rooting takes up to 1.5 months.

Growing euonymus from seeds is difficult. Without stratification of seedlings, you can wait up to two years. The collected seeds are kept for several months at a temperature of 10 degrees, when their shell bursts, the temperature is lowered to 0 degrees. Further, the seeds are kept in such conditions for 5 months. When the stratification is completed, they are sown on the bed, the first shoots appear in about a month. Only three years later seedlings can be planted in a permanent place. All this time they are protected from frost, watered and loosened the soil.

Dwarf varieties are well propagated by dividing the bush. Young shoots are separated from the uterine plant with part of the roots. The top of the seedling is cut to 1/3 of the height and planted in a new place. Such plants take root well and quickly form new shoots.


Watch the video: How to grow Green Spire Euonymus Upright Narrow Evergreen Shrub (July 2024).