Diet of Kim Protasov - a detailed description. Reviews on the diet of Kim Protasov and examples of recipes.


Kim Protasov's diet - description and general principles

The very word “diet” can make you sad, but not Kim Protasov’s diet! He gives his reasonable advice in a light humorous style, and the diet itself is different from the advice to eat a piece of salad at breakfast and half an egg at dinner. Indeed, "a thin cow is not a gazelle yet." The author vividly and cheerfully suggests "not to make a cult of food", but to take advantage of his best practices on nutrition methods, and warns against new-fangled blitz diets and the miracle of drugs. This diet option is quite long, designed for five weeks, during which the fight against excess weight will be subject to certain rules of nutrition and daily routine. The first two weeks can be called pure lacto-vegetarianism, what you need in the warm season, when you can find any vegetables in the garden, fresh fruits ripen and enough sun.

Be prepared for the fact that already at this time you will experience an unprecedented surge in sexual and mental energy. Over the next three weeks, nutrition becomes more balanced. The body manages to clean up and again fill up with reserves, but at a new, “thought-out” level. So, the essence of the diet is that we purposefully reduce kilograms and centimeters, while increasing sexuality and quick wits, and our money remains in the wallet thanks to an economical and inexpensive menu. In general, you should eat vegetables and again vegetables, plus 5% dairy products. Moreover, vegetables are allowed in any form, at any time of the day and in an arbitrary amount. You can add just one egg, and even a couple of green apples.

The basic principles of the Protasov diet:

• The basis of the diet is a simple simple diet, consisting mostly of dairy products and vegetables;

• The fundamental difference between a diet and other methods of losing weight is the lack of a rigid framework that limits the diet, and the ability to not deny yourself the food allowed by the diet. In this principle, the nutritionist’s statement “What else to eat, to lose weight” is implemented in all its glory, giving a great opportunity to eat at any time of the day and in any quantity;

• Do not deviate in the diet from the list of allowed products;

• in 5 weeks of the diet, there are 4 main periods, each of which differs from the previous one in the list of selected products, some of which may be repeated;

• Kim Protasov's diet needs to be properly observed. Every day it is necessary to eat no more than 1200-1500 kcal;

• Protasov’s diet can be used not only by those who are struggling with excess weight, but also by ardent connoisseurs of a healthy diet, as well as those who want to cleanse the body.

Significant advantages and minor flaws of the diet of Kim Protasov

Kim Protasov’s diet has many positive features. The main ones are:

1. The lack of time and quantitative framework regarding the adoption of permitted foods.

2. Kim Protasov’s diet is accessible to the general public, as it does not include expensive or rare foods in the diet.

3. Lack of reference to the time of year. You can lose weight or cleanse the body with a diet in any season.

4. Normalization of metabolism. Kim Protasov's diet has a positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, and also improves the activity of most body systems.

5. Although dieting is possible without restrictions, overeating is completely excluded due to the fact that the dishes are saturated with protein and fiber. They become as light as possible.

6. The presence of a significant amount of protein in the menu contributes to the breakdown of fat, and in combination with physical exercises - to build muscle.

7. When Protasov’s diet does not need to completely eliminate fats, you just need to reduce their amount (reduce to zero in the first weeks of the diet). The milk fat present in such a nutrition system saturates the body with linoleic acid, which is involved in the process of burning fatty layers and converting fats into energy.

8. With a healthy diet, bowel function is normalized even in people suffering from chronic constipation.

9. The diet contains the necessary and sufficient amount of vitamins, fiber and minerals for the normal functioning of the body.

10. The effectiveness of the diet has a long shelf life.

Now you should familiarize yourself with the possible shortcomings of the diet. Rather, they will be correctly called small minuses, since their materiality is negligible:

1. The main disadvantage of Protasov’s diet is the menu of the initial weeks. At first, it is difficult for the body to adapt to the way of eating raw vegetables and dairy products without processing. It should be borne in mind that in the winter it will be much more difficult to start such a diet than in the summer.

2. It is not always easy to find fermented milk products with a fat content of 5%. If necessary, they can easily be replaced with home-made products.

3. Kim Protasov’s diet prohibits the use of ready-made yoghurts and cottage cheese with various flavors, fruits and additives - the products should be in pure natural form without sugar.

4. Do not include in the diet monotonous dishes and products. It is necessary to change the menu as much as possible, using a large selection of recipes.

The effectiveness of the diet of Kim Protasov

Strict adherence to the rules and principles of a healthy diet leads to results in the form of deprivation of 10 to 12 kg of excess weight for 5 weeks. If there is little excess weight, then the result will be insignificant. The maximum phase of intense weight loss occurs at 4-5 weeks of diet. This process suggests that metabolism is established and digestion is functioning properly.

Protasov’s diet can be called “smart”, because with her diet the body is not able to lose weight more than is allowed by its natural nature. It is optimal to lose kilograms with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 70-75 kg. If, for example, with this growth you weigh 60 kg, then you will not succeed in losing weight up to 50 kg or less.

Therefore, the effectiveness of the diet will depend primarily on the presence of excess weight and its amount.

The basic rules of diet

Over the years, Kim Protasov’s diet has gained many rules that experienced nutritionists have added as supplements to increase the effectiveness of the diet:

1. Follow the exit from the diet is necessary within 30-32 days.

2. You can include all vegetables except potatoes in the menu, and it is also necessary to moderate the consumption of beets.

3. As already mentioned, you can eat at any time of the day or night, but eating apples is always better to put off in the morning or day.

4. So that the diet is not too fresh, the inclusion of spices is allowed. But they must not contain GMOs, salts and flavor enhancers.

5. It is allowed to use salt strictly in moderation - a maximum of 2-3 g per day.

6. In order not to stretch the stomach, you need to eat small or medium portions 5-6 times a day.

7. Men on such a diet should eat 2100 g of vegetables daily.

8. You can not use such methods of cooking vegetables and apples as cooking, stewing, baking. The latter method can be used to create cottage cheese casseroles, and it is also allowed to cook cheese.

Useful recommendation

Sometimes, gaining a daily norm of vegetables within 1200 g can be difficult. A good way out in this situation is to make a smoothie. In the form of a drink and 400 g of vegetables, it is quite simple to eat at a time. But do not get too carried away in this way, eating liquid food, because the essence of the diet lies in accelerating metabolism due to dietary fiber.

How does it work

This menu restricts the intake of carbohydrates, and natural milk and eggs provide proteins and calcium, so the restructuring of the body does not threaten brittle nails and dry hair, such as with a protein diet. Eat calmly in the morning, afternoon and evening, but not high-calorie meat, pastries and bread. The author of the diet claims that by the end of the first, most difficult period, the appetite is normalized and the desire to eat high-calorie foods disappears completely. Some do not even want to eat a single egg, without which at first it was tight. The end of the second week is marked by extraordinary ease in the whole body and mind. Facilitated by fat and meat, the body will become capable of living energetic actions. But you already have to add 300 grams of fried meat or fish to the vegetable menu. Cheeses and yogurts can be reduced. Three weeks after the start of the diet, the slow melting of the body in the eyes is predicted, the most intense weight loss occurs over the past two weeks.

It is imperative to note that after the end of the diet, a weaned body will not immediately be able to transfer, for example, dumplings or fried potatoes, as well as any fatty foods, so you need to pay enough attention to getting out of the diet. This completely non-burdensome diet will be useful to everyone just to cleanse your body. It is tolerated much easier than many other diets.

Kim Protasov's diet - what foods can be consumed

In the first and second weeks of the diet, preference is given to cheeses, vegetables, all kinds of cheeses of 5% fat, yogurts, feta cheese, three green apples can be eaten from fruits. Coffee tea, of course, without sugar, plus a large amount of water - drink it at least 1, 5 liters, you can bring the volume up to 2 liters. At any time of the day, until the body is completely saturated, but that’s all. You can’t add anything else.
In the third, fourth and fifth week we add a piece of meat, boiled stewed or fried, the consumption of cheese and yoghurt will have to be slightly reduced.

Kim Protasov's diet - what foods should not be consumed

You will have to give up any products that contain at least a drop of fat. Surely this reason also served to exclude meat, although opinions were divided about fish oil. Some nutritionists claim that fish oil does not lead to weight gain, but according to the rules of this diet, we need to abandon fish. For a few weeks, forget about buns, cookies and cakes - that is, about any confectionery, as well as sugar, bread, cereals, pasta and potatoes. And, of course, for 5 weeks a solid “No!” Alcohol.

Kim Protasov's diet - menu examples

In the first weeks, life without meat, vegetable oil and any other fat can be annoying with its monotony. So that she does not seem very sad, try to create a little variety of salads. Since especially at first the oil will become inaccessible to us, we use a lot of greens, lemon juice or vinegar for refueling. Another option is low fat yogurt.

Salad "Freshness"
Ingredients: tomatoes (3 pcs), cucumber, radish, onion, pepper. For dressing: finely chopped greens with vinegar and salt. Thinly chop the tomatoes, onions and cucumber, grate the radish on a coarse grater. Dress with finely chopped herbs, mashed with salt and sprinkled with vinegar. If the salad seems to be very "poor", you can add here the necessary "daily" egg.

Brussels sprouts salad
Ingredients: Brussels sprouts (300 grams), carrots (1 pc), green peas (50 grams), yogurt, salt, herbs, spices.
We cut Brussels sprouts into strips, rub the carrots on a coarse grater, mix with green peas and add salt and spices. Pour over yogurt - we get one of the options for a European lunch.

Canned corn salad
Ingredients: carrots (2-3 medium-sized pieces), garlic (2-3 only), sweet corn (1 can), lettuce, lemon juice, ground pepper and some fresh ginger root.
We pass the garlic through the garlic, place it in a jar with a lockable lid together with lemon juice, salt and pepper and mix well. You can even shake the jar. Grate the carrots, mix with the mixture and add the corn. Put lettuce leaves on the bottom of the salad bowl, top with the resulting carrot-corn mixture, sprinkle with chopped ginger and serve. This salad should not be abused, it is very rare to consume sweet corn during the diet, but you can still pamper yourself once or twice.

Radish Salad with Cucumbers
Ingredients: large radish, cucumbers (2 pcs), yogurt, lemon juice, green onion, dill.
Radish is grated, mixed with finely chopped cucumbers and seasoned with lemon juice with yogurt or yogurt. Add green onions and dill. Real Russian food, even our ancestors respected this plain salad.

Cheese appetizer on tomato
Ingredients: cheese (5%, 250 g), garlic, lemon juice, herbs, yogurt (1 spoon).
Mix cheese, herbs, lemon juice, garlic. You can add a little yogurt. We spread a little of the resulting mass on tomato mugs - it looks very appetizing.

Egg pancake appetizer with vegetables
Ingredients: yogurt (such as "Activations"), tomatoes (2 pcs), bell pepper (2 pcs), processed cheese.
Beat the egg with milk, fry in a pan with non-stick coating or with a drop of vegetable oil. Cool and cut into squares. Cut, tomatoes, peppers and garlic, season with "Activia", mix with omelet and cheese. This dish is much more satisfying than salads, but you can eat it only once a day, salads are available in unlimited quantities.

Salad "Sea"
Ingredients: tomatoes, sweet peppers, yogurt, onions, canned fish in oil (drain fat), egg, greens.
This puff salad can not be called dietary, it is hearty and tasty. We will cook it in layers, lubricating the ingredients with yogurt and decorating with greens. So, tomato, pepper, onion, mashed canned fish, egg white, yolk, greens. Eat and lose weight.

Baked chicken
You can take advantage of the “chicken on salt” recipe and bake it whole by pouring a kilogram of salt onto the roasting pan. Inside, put a few slices of lemon - and for an hour in the oven.

Diet of Kim Protasov - useful tips and reviews

As you know, starch, which is found in potatoes and cereals, has an enveloping effect. Thus, with normal nutrition, food can not damage the walls of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract. The lack of starchy foods and the abundance of vegetables on the menu is not useful to everyone. Contraindications to many diets, and in particular to the Protasov diet, are such diseases:
- peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
- chronic gastritis;
- esophagitis, duodenitis.

In addition, much attention should be paid to getting out of the diet. This is a complex adaptation process, during which some products are gradually replaced, vegetable oil, nuts, and olives are introduced into the diet. At first, you will have to do simple arithmetic and count fats - no more than 30-35 grams per day. Including dairy products, meat, frying oil and more. Even egg yolk contains 4-5 grams. fat.

Now you can diversify the diet of fruits - instead of three apples, choose other fruits, of course, not dried and not too sweet, such as mangoes. For breakfast, instead of vegetables, it is now possible to cook porridge, add low-fat cottage cheese and vegetable salad to it. If desired, we replace dairy products with chicken or other non-fat meat. These changes must be introduced gradually. After this diet, the body is completely ready for normal functioning without overeating and abuse, so whether you can maintain weight is up to you.


Natalya 12/30/2016
Girls, believe in your strength! And stop feeling sorry for yourself! I will be 52. I want to return my beautiful body, I’ve been trying for 5 weeks now. My result is 7.5 kg. Good luck to all!!!

Zuhra 04/04/2016
Here. well read carefully now. I'm talking about that. that the reduction, the melting of weight and volume falls on the last weeks of the diet! And then I’ve been sitting on it for a week, I even wanted to throw it - the weight somehow does not go away. Although a friend is delighted with such a diet. Carefully need to read.

Tatyana 04.04.2016
Before. how to sit on such a diet, you must definitely READ all contraindications !!! Many people spit on this, they think that the most important thing is to lose weight. But believe me - if you have a stomach ulcer, and these are constant terrible pains, you will not care about the weight!

Lena 04/04/2016
With this diet, volumes go very well. For some reason, weight loss does not always guarantee that you will decrease at the waist. And this is very important! After all, we don’t like the kilograms themselves, namely the volumes! I really liked this diet!

Diana 04/04/2016
Wow, all kinds of easy recipes, and I have no doubt - delicious food. I am confident in myself, I can easily not eat unnecessary foods. And losing weight a little is always good. Especially, summer is coming. And I spend almost all my time on vacation.
