Fashionable holiday hairstyles for girls are so different! What holiday hairstyles are suitable for girls of different ages (photo)


The desire to be beautiful is born with the girls.

Even little babies of several years of age love to dress up.

Hairstyle - one of the best ways to give the image of beauty and charm.

Holiday hairstyles for girls can be varied, but the hairstyle should be appropriate for the age of the girl. For example, for a kindergarten, a light, playful hairstyle that involuntarily causes a smile is suitable. But the middle-class student already wants to look like an adult.

Holiday hairstyles for girls 2-5 years old

Girls from two to five years old are very active, so the hairstyle for this age should be: firstly, comfortable (not to be tight), and secondly, good hold (so as not to deteriorate at the wrong time).

Hair jewelry can be a real salvation for mothers who do not own hairdressing skills. Jewelry can be made even for babies with short hair, which is important for 2-3 years of age.

With the help of small rubber bands you can make a beautiful holiday hairstyle for a girl 3-5 years old.

Hairstyle "Rim"

Gum is better to take one-color.

1. First, carefully separate the strand in the bangs and collect in a ponytail.

2. Then make an even parting. Fix hair on one side temporarily with a hairpin.

3. Divide loose hair into 3 equal strands.

4. Now the central tail must also be divided into 2 strands, one of which is braided together with the next lock in the tail.

5. Continue weaving the tails, weaving into each previous one.

6. Braid the second side.

Using the same technique, you can make a festive hairstyle for a girl with interlocking locks.

Hairstyle "With interlocking locks"

1. Make a straight part.

2. Separate the two strands around the bangs and make two tails.

3. Clip the hair on the right side with a hair clip. Divide the left side into two strands.

4. Braid the right upper ponytail with the left strand.

5. Release the hair on the left side and also divide into 2 strands.

6. Braid the left ponytail with the right strand.

7. It remains to twist in this way tails with strands again and decorate at the base with decorative hairpins.

An interesting and simple haircut "For a short haircut"

Such a hairstyle looks beautiful on a parting. From the side where there is more hair, make 4-5 pails the same in color and size with rubber bands, then twist each ponytail around the rubber band.

The listed hairstyle techniques are the most convenient for creating a festive image of a girl of kindergarten age.

Holiday hairstyles for girls 6-9 years old

At this age, as a rule, girls already have long hair, which gives room for creativity and imagination. Girls at this age want to be like princesses, so they accept any experiments to create a magical festive hairstyle.

For girls with short haircuts, you can also choose the appropriate hairstyle or make a beautiful styling.

Pigtails "Dragons"

The technique of braiding under the cute name "dragons" gives room for creative experiments. Using this technique, you can make many beautiful holiday hairstyles for girls, not only the middle classes, but also high school students. Weaving such braids can be straight weaving, oblique, in a circular. Also, the appearance of the hairstyle is affected by the number of braids and the thickness of the locks.

"Curls" for the little princess

Flowing curls are a win-win option not only for girls, but also for little princesses. This hairstyle is easy to do, although it will take time to work.

It is advisable to use ordinary curlers or pigtails to create curls as a festive hairstyle for a girl. Thermal effects adversely affect the baby's hair, so it is better to refuse to use a curling iron or ironing.

You can add special charm to curls with the help of hairpins, ribbons or additional weaving elements. You can complement the image with a scythe or a bundle collected over loose curls. Such a solution will not only add grace to the hairstyle, but also make it more durable and comfortable.

For short hair, you can use the variations of hairstyles that have been described for 2-5 years of age. Curls on short hair can also look beneficial, if properly laid. For styling children's hair, you can not use aggressive means, you need to make a choice in favor of specialized products designed specifically for children.

Holiday hairstyles for girls over 10 years old

Closer to 10 years, most children begin to give preference to more "adult" hairstyles. Of course, this does not apply to all girls. Some girls, even in adulthood, prefer light and playful images in clothes and hairstyles. However, when choosing a hairstyle for a girl older than 10 years, the mother can no longer fully rely on her taste, it is necessary to consult with the child.

Braids are the best option for long and thick hair. Various weaving techniques will create an original image not only for the holiday, but also for everyday life.

A girl with a scythe is both a strict conservative image and a fabulous one. Scythe reminds of favorite fairy tales, princesses. In addition to the aesthetic appearance, the braid is also a practical option. Hair removed in this way will not interfere, which is important for the holidays, implying outdoor games and competitions.

Many girls like hairstyles that resemble business ladies. As a rule, these are different variations of "buzzers" and "cones".

This hairstyle is suitable for any holiday and looks great with a festive outfit. In addition, special skills for its implementation will not be required.

Hairstyle "Gulka, braided with a braid" on long hair

For hairstyles necessary:

• one bulk gum;

• 2 tight elastic bands;

• invisible, studs;

• decorative elements for decoration (if desired).

1. Comb your hair well and make a ponytail on the crown with a tight elastic. Wear a voluminous one on top (it will serve as a frame).

2. Gently spread the hair over the bulk elastic and fix it at the base with a second tight elastic.

3. Divide the remaining free hair into two strands and braid it in braids.

4. Wrap braids around the base of the “gully” and secure with invisible and hairpins.

5. Add festivity to the image using decorative hair clips.

Such a hairstyle can be done on medium hair, only the braid around the “gulka” will have to be replaced with a decorative elastic band or a chignon (artificial braid) suitable for the color of the hair.


Watch the video: 9 EASY Travel Hairstyles. Missy Sue (June 2024).