September 27. News from the past.


September 27, 1811 - In St. Petersburg, the Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was consecrated, the construction of which was organized by the architect Voronikhin. It was in this temple, in front of the icon of the Mother of God of Kazan, that the famous Russian commander Mikhail Kutuzov prayed when he went to war with Napoleon, and his grave is now located here. Kazan Cathedral is not only one of the largest and most beautiful cathedrals in Russia (created in the Empire style), but also a monument of Russian military glory, it holds the keys to the cities taken and other trophies of the Patriotic War of 1812.

September 27, 1863 - the first kindergarten appeared in St. Petersburg, before that a similar institution was opened in the city of Helsingfors (Helsinki), which at that time belonged to the Russian Empire. Initially, kindergartens were private, a fee was charged for finding children in them, only people with high incomes could afford to identify a baby in such an institution. The first free kindergarten for the poor opened in Moscow in 1866. The kids were taught literacy and reading, and games for the development of dexterity and logic were also practiced. The world's first prototype kindergarten appeared in 1802 in Scotland, but was called a school for kids. The first kindergarten opened in 1837 thanks to the German teacher Friedrich Frebel.

September 27, 1960 - the Ostankino television tower was laid in the Russian capital, which for many years was the highest tower in Europe, in addition, it occupies the fifth place in the world among free-standing structures. The height of the Ostankino tower is 540 meters.

September 27, 1991 by decision of the participants of the XXII Extraordinary Congress of the All-Union Leninist Communist Youth Union (Komsomol), a decision was made to dissolve a large youth political organization. Local youth organizations remained in the union states, the backbone of the Komsomol leadership formed the first communist youth organization on the territory of the former USSR.


Watch the video: 10 News Latest Headlines. September 27, 7am (July 2024).