Apples in their own juice for the winter: fruits that can themselves be preserved. Options for interesting harvesting - apples in their own juice


Who owns the discovery of this type of blanks is unknown, but for the invention - the mark is "excellent".

Canning without water is pure vitamins, a natural taste and saving capacities for winter harvesting, the deficit of which is acutely felt during the mass harvest of everything that grows in the garden and in the garden.

Indeed, in the summer I want to take care of stocks as never before, following the well-known popular testament that the summer day feeds all year.

Apples in their own juice - basic technological principles

Nobody counted and systematized the number of recipes for homemade apple blanks, but the list of recipes is regularly updated, as it should be. Home canning, as a special section of cooking, has its inventors and pioneers.

But, conducting experiments on canning in your own kitchen, nevertheless, you must follow the general rules. First of all, it concerns compliance with sanitary standards. In addition to preparing products for canning, sorting, washing and slicing, you must also carefully consider the selection of the necessary equipment for processing.

Failure to comply with sanitary standards during canning, at best, will result in shots of cans in the pantry. But more sad options are possible - food poisoning. Therefore - we check everything with a special passion, from the beginning to the end of the process.

When dealing with boiling water or syrup, large and uncomfortable containers that have to be raised, placed on the stove, or cleaned, take care of your safety. Preparation of the workplace before canning (potholders, hot coasters, tongs, etc.) will create a measured rhythm in the work, without nerves and fuss.

Apples contain a lot of acid, so all kitchen items in contact with these fruits should not be susceptible to oxidation. If, according to the recipe, the fruits need to be boiled with sugar, then pre-select the dishes with a thick bottom and non-stick coating. Each step, thought out in advance, will provide ease of operation, will help to avoid annoying moments.

Try to distribute the work so as not to overwork. Banks and lids can, for example, be sterilized the day before and left closed. Immediately before canning, just warm the container in the oven or microwave. The temperature of the cans and bookmarks (products) should be approximately the same so that the glass does not burst. The same rules must be observed when immersing full cans in boiling water for pasteurization. Just in case, keep ready a spare container and an additional volume of marinade or syrup.

Malic acid is an excellent preservative, which greatly facilitates the preservation of these fruits. In addition to it, apples contain acetic, citric acid and some others, in all - 23 items, interchangeable and irreplaceable. Therefore, it is not difficult to save apples in your own juice in a jar. It helps itself in conservation. The second component that acts as a preservative in sweet preparations is sugar. But he is not salt. Sweet foods are not too sweet as salty. No need to worry too much about excess sugar, as well as its lack. Sugar, as a preservative, is not required for apples at all. Therefore, for canning apples, only apples and sterile cans are enough, and everything else can be added to taste.

For preserving any desserts at home, there are usually no strict rules. Many housewives, writing down the exact recipes, in the process of cooking change them beyond recognition, and the result is a completely new dish. This indicates that, even without being a professional in cooking, many women manage to reach the heights of culinary art, and they willingly share their recipes so that someone, after reading them, redid them again in their own way. As they say, on health. If only it were delicious!

Recipe 1. Apples in own juice for the winter for poultry dishes


  • Sweet and sour apples (slices) 1.8 kg

  • Cardamom

  • Sugar 200 g

  • Cinnamon

  • Clove

  • Juice, apple (clarified) 1.4 l

Output: 2 cans of 1.5 l each

Cooking method:

The workpiece is very convenient for preparing marinades and, at the same time, stuffing duck. From it you can make sauce for baking pork in the oven. The juice in this piece is also very tasty, although unusual.

Choose the appropriate volume of cans so that apples can be consumed in one go. Cans, washing thoroughly, sterilize in a microwave or oven.

Boil the finished juice in a saucepan, add spices and sugar to it. With the prepared marinade, pour the peeled and sliced ​​slices of strong apples, stacked in jars to the top.

Pasteurize for 10-12 minutes. Count the time of pasteurization from the moment of boiling water in the pan.

Cork jars, and turn over. When cool, transfer to the pantry.

Recipe 2. Apples in own juice for filling pies, strudel


  • Apples 1 kg

  • Cinnamon

  • Sugar 400 g


Cut solid fruits (of technical maturity) into large strips, immediately lowering them into acidified water. In a slow cooker, combine the prepared apples, after draining the water, with sugar, mix and set the stewing mode - it is necessary that the fruits let in the juice and decrease in volume, but not boil.

Prepare dry sterile jars of various sizes. Put the workpiece in jars and spin immediately.

Recipe 3. Apples in own juice for the winter - the second way to make apple filling


  • Sugar 300 g

  • Apples 1.0 kg (net)

  • Cinnamon or Vanilla - optional

Order of preparation:

Prepare jars and fruits beforehand as described in the previous recipe. Peel, julienne the apples and place in a bowl, which must be kept cold before pasteurization, closed. Use not more than 300 g of sugar per kilogram of peeled and chopped apples. Sprinkle apples with sugar. As they drain the juice and settle in containers, add sugar and apple slices. It is necessary that they become denser as much as possible, then lay them in jars, along with the juice that has formed. Pasteurize and roll up.

Recipe 4. Apples in own juice - puree, natural


  • Apples, peeled 1 kg


Such a recipe is a godsend for a family where a small child grows up. An absolutely natural product for baby food can be prepared on their own, and even pick up a variety of apples from which the baby will not have diathesis.

Ripe apples well wash and chop the blender. Choose the sweetest varieties so you don’t have to add sugar.

Place the mashed potatoes in sterile jars, place them in a water bath and pasteurize thoroughly. If the mass settles during pasteurization, report it from one can to another so that there is no free space left in the tank. Immediately after pasteurization, spin the baby food and leave it in a pan with hot water until it cools completely. Then wipe the jars with mashed potatoes dry and remove.

Recipe 5. Apples in own juice for the winter - fruit for cocktails


  • Ranetki apples 2.5 kg

  • Vanilla

  • Cinnamon

  • Sugar 1.5 kg


Wash the "paradise" apples, remove the inflorescences, and cut off the ends of the stalks. Prick them with a needle in several places. Fold in a pan and sprinkle with sugar. Leave for a day or more to make the juice stand out. If the juice is not enough, add any fruit juice. Sugar must dissolve, and syrup must completely cover the fruits. After that, boil the apples in your own juice, 3-4 times for 5 minutes. Pack the finished dessert in hot and dry, sterile jars.

Recipe 6. Apples in their own juice with figs


  • Sun-dried figs - by the number of apples

  • Sour apples 10-12 pcs. (per can, 1.0 liter)

  • Syrup, apple 350-400 ml

  • Cinnamon or vanilla


Choose small apples with a firm flesh. Using a special knife, cut the core without cutting the fruit into pieces. Insert the dried figs into the apple cylinders. Pour apple juice into a saucepan (200-250 ml), put stuffed fruits in the same place, cover and blanch for 5-7 minutes. Remove the apples and place them tightly in a prepared jar. Add sugar, cinnamon to the pan, and boil the syrup. Fill a jar of apples with boiling syrup. Pasteurize in a water bath for 10 minutes and roll up.

In the same way, you can cook apples in your own juice for the winter with pumpkin, pear, cherries, walnuts, currants.

Apples in your own juice for the winter - useful tips and tricks

  • If, according to the recipe, it is necessary to cut the peel from apples, then do not discard it. The skin of apples contains natural pectin, which can be used for cooking jam. For example, apple jam thickens much faster if you add crushed apple peel to it. The peel also contains many essential oils, especially in sweet, garden varieties. Prepare a tincture from it, which is always useful in cooking recipes.

  • A sliced ​​apple cannot be left in the open air even for a short time - the flesh oxidizes almost instantly, which spoils not only the taste, but also the appearance of the fruits and prepared dishes from them. When slicing apples, immediately dip them in acidified water.

  • To preserve apples, use stainless or enameled dishes.

  • To diversify the assortment of apple blanks, use spices: saffron, cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom. Apples have a neutral taste and aroma, therefore, combined with many berries and fruits. Use this property of fruits to make assorted apples.


Watch the video: PRESERVE YOUR HERBS IN SALT: with Melissa K Norris: Homesteading Family (July 2024).