Well-known neurosurgeon claims - there is life after death


In the United States, a neurosurgeon presented his best-selling book, "The Kingdom of Heaven Exists," for general discussion. The book "On Life After Death" struck the masses and came as a surprise to many. And all thanks to the personality of the author. It was surprising that a neurosurgeon, who knows perfectly the capabilities of the human brain and constantly scientifically explains to his colleagues and students the reasons why people return after clinical death with unusual strange stories, in his masterpiece spoke about his personal experience of the afterlife wanderings.

Dr. Eben Alexander told Newsweek readers that he previously did not believe in the strange stories that people who survived clinical death tell. Having worked in neurosurgery for many years, he was sure that traveling in the afterlife of a dying person has a simple scientific explanation: oxygen starvation leads to impaired brain function, which explains the origin of such unusual fantasies. But, after he himself lay for two weeks in a coma, he was able to verify the opposite. According to the doctor, in an unconscious state, part of his brain did not work, but at the same time he experienced something significant, which gave him reason to believe in the existence of life after death.

Such an unusual turn that made Alexander change his mind happened in 2008. He fell ill with a rare form of meningitis and fell into a deep coma. For one week, the cortex of his brain did not work. According to the doctor, it was during this period of time that his soul and consciousness wandered in another dimension, the existence of which he simply did not believe in before. Now the author probably knows that death is the end of life, but not consciousness.

The author’s experience is quite important: he was tested at a time when the cerebral cortex did not fully function. But, modern medicine, nevertheless, does not give the right to life to such a statement, assuring that consciousness and perception in this state are in principle impossible.

For those who firmly believe in the existence of the other world, the book of a doctor-neurosurgeon has become a real gift, adherents of a scientific approach explain such flights of Alexander with a usual severe brain injury after a deep coma.


Watch the video: Dr. Heather Ross and her near-death experience (July 2024).