Chlamydia in men - causes, symptoms and treatment. Simple ways to prevent chlamydia in men


Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection, the disease is invisible, because the symptoms are practically absent. It is caused by chlamydia, which in its properties is something between bacteria and viruses and not related to either one or the other. In this regard, their vital activity in the human body proceeds intracellularly, which complicates the identification and timely diagnosis. A characteristic of chlamydia in men is its asymptomatic behavior.

Chlamydia in men - some statistics

Chlamydia refers to sexually transmitted diseases, because the main route of transmission is sexual. Among sexually transmitted infections, chlamydia takes first place in the world precisely because of the characteristics of the pathogen, which causes asymptomatic carriage and an erased clinical picture of the disease. Therefore, the statistics are impressive:

- currently in the world from chlamydia affects 8% of the population - approximately 600 million people;

- every year about 100 million people become infected in the world - this is almost three times more than the incidence of gonorrhea and 8 times more often than syphilis;

- Every year in Russia, chlamydia is diagnosed in 1.5 million people;

- in the CIS countries, chlamydia is present in half of the adult population from 16 to 45 years old;

- often found in adolescents 13-17 years old;

- most common in the age group of 20 - 40 years;

- Chlamydia is asymptomatic in 50% of men and 70% of women.

In men, the statistics are more than sad, although chlamydia is detected more often in women than in men (men with sexually active age have 40% infection with chlamydia, 60% with women). Every second urethritis and 30% of cases of sexual weakness and infertility in men are caused by chlamydial infection.

The actual level of infection is much higher than official data due to the asymptomatic nature of the disease and the complexity of its diagnosis. The number of infected people is constantly increasing, the spread is increasing. The disease is becoming epidemic.

Chlamydia in men - causes

Chlamydia trachomatis is the causative agent and cause of chlamydia in men. There are about 20 types of Chlamydia strains, but this one affects the urogenital system, under certain circumstances - the rectum, pharynx, eyes, joints may be involved.

There are two ways to transmit chlamydia:

- contact - sexually;

- vertical - in utero (from mother to fetus).

There is another contact way of transmission of the infection - household through the objects used by a sick or infected person. But, due to the characteristics of chlamydia's vital functions (microorganisms are very sensitive to environmental factors and die quickly outside the body), it is rare, and infection is transmitted through intimate "toys" of the carrier of chlamydia or a sick person.

Chlamydia trachomatis is a motionless cocci (spherical microorganism like bacteria), which, striking a person, penetrates into the cells of the cylindrical epithelium of the genital organs, rectum, mouth (depending on the path of infection) and becomes almost invulnerable, being intracellular (like a virus) . The process of intracellular reproduction occurs until the cell where the chlamydia has "settled" is destroyed. After that, with the flow of blood and lymph, chlamydia spread throughout the body, settling and multiplying in the epithelium of other organs, with excretions fall on the hands and household items of an infected or sick person. The cycle repeats.

Since the process is asymptomatic for a long time, the cause of chlamydia in men can be any:

- reduced immunity;

- regular intake of alcohol and other bad habits;

- constant stress;

- poor nutrition;

- lack of sleep;

- exhaustion of the body.

The cause of chlamydia in men is also

- the presence of other diseases of the genital area;

- sexual intercourse with many partners without the use of preservatives (both heterosexual and homosexual);

- early onset of sexual activity.

If a man is healthy, and his immune system is not weakened by concomitant diseases or an improper lifestyle, infection may not occur when chlamydia enters the body: they will be absorbed by phagocytes, and the disease will not develop. With a single unprotected intercourse with a partner - the carrier or a patient with chlamydia infection occurs in 50% of cases.

Chlamydia in men - symptoms

Chlamydia in men, as in women, proceeds in two stages:

- infectious - the pathogen is outside the epithelial cell;

- reticular - chlamydia multiply inside the cells of the cylindrical epithelium.

In the first stage, which lasts from one to four weeks (incubation period), symptoms of chlamydia in men do not appear. The patient may not suspect that he has become infected with chlamydia, because his general condition is not disturbed. During this period, chlamydia is very sensitive to drugs, but since there are no symptoms of chlamydia in men, unfortunately, no treatment is prescribed at this stage.

Subsequently, in half the cases, chlamydia in men is asymptomatic, in the rest - with erased unexpressed symptoms. Only in the presence of concomitant infections or with simultaneous infection with chlamydia and other infections, the disease can manifest itself in a vivid clinical picture.

Without symptoms, chlamydia in men can occur for months, acquiring a chronic course, and appear years later in the form of infertility. Often accidentally detected during treatment and examination for any other reason.

Usually, chlamydia in men is manifested by standard symptoms:

- itching and burning during urination and ejaculation;

- dysuric phenomena;

- discharge from the urethra, usually in the morning;

- dull pain in the groin and lower back;

- swelling and redness around the urethra;

- fever and signs of intoxication are possible: weakness, weakness, fatigue, headaches, general malaise;

- with lesion of the anus, scanty discharge and pain in the rectum are observed.

If chlamydia in men acquires a chronic nature, the symptoms may disappear, and eventually arise again in the form of complications:

- orchitis (inflammation of the testicle);

- epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis);

- prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland);

- vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles);

- infertility.

Chlamydia in men - treatment

The treatment of chlamydia in men at the initial stage is quite effective. But, as a rule, it is during this period that men do not go to the doctor due to the lack of symptoms. Treatment occurs when the disease has a chronic course, and chlamydia is difficult to respond to drugs.

Treatment for chlamydia in men should be comprehensive and includes the mandatory use of the following groups of drugs:

- antibiotics;

- immunomodulators;

- vitamins;

- symptomatic treatment of side effects of drugs.

1. The main group of drugs for the treatment of chlamydia in men and women are antibiotics. They are prescribed only by a doctor, according to a certain scheme, self-medication is unacceptable due to the transition of the infection into a latent form and the development of chlamydia resistance to drugs. Considering that the reproduction and part of the life cycle of chlamydia proceeds intracellularly, fluoroquinolones, macrolides, and tetracyclines are used. Doxycycline, Azithromycin, Ofloxacin, Erythromycin and others are used. There are European recommendations for the treatment of chlamydia in men (and women), where drugs, dosages, and schedules that doctors follow are prescribed.

2. In addition to antibacterial drugs, the appointment of immunomodulators is mandatory: preparations of interferon, Methyluracil, Amixil, etc.

3. In addition to these two groups, they are assigned individually in each case: - antioxidants, which include vitamins A, E, C, glutamic acid (they inhibit oxidative processes in the body);

- eubiotics (with the development of dysbiosis after a course of antibiotic therapy);

- hepatoprotectors;

- enzyme preparations.

Treatment of chlamydia in men should be carried out simultaneously with the sexual partner (or partners) according to an individual scheme taking into account the nature of the course of the disease, the age of the patient, and any concomitant diseases.

During treatment, it is necessary to exclude alcohol, abandon excessive physical exertion and, most importantly, from an intimate life to exclude reinfection.

Chlamydia in men - prevention

Chlamydia, due to the characteristics of the pathogen, refers to those diseases that are easier to avoid than cure. Therefore, the main measures for the prevention of chlamydia in men are simple and elementary rules of life, which should always be remembered:

- Avoid accidental sexual intercourse;

- always use condoms (it should be borne in mind that condoms do not protect 100% from sexually transmitted infections);

- have a permanent sexual partner who has been checked for chlamydia;

- in case of the slightest suspicion of infection, immediately contact a urologist for examination and timely treatment.


Watch the video: Straight Talk about Sexually Transmitted Diseases - Leena Nathan, MD. #UCLAMDChat Webinar (June 2024).