13th week of pregnancy. Fetal development and sensation at 13 weeks gestation.


The thirteenth week of pregnancy is a key point in the formation of future relationships between mother and baby. At this time, the placenta is already fully developed and progesterone is produced to support pregnancy.

Its thickness is sixteen millimeters and, passing through itself fats, proteins and carbohydrates, it becomes a reliable barrier to various toxic substances to a growing body. In addition, the placenta protects the baby from the influence of the maternal immune system and does not allow the Rh conflict to develop. During this period, it becomes possible to use many drugs to treat various diseases.

Child development at 13th pregnancy

The baby's brain is also developing rapidly. He already knows how to clench his fists, grimace, put his fingers in his mouth and startle. The child spends a sufficient amount of time in an active state, but most of the day he still sleeps. In baby bones, calcium is already beginning to be deposited, a fully formed thyroid gland plays the main role in this process. The child’s head is no longer pressed to the chest, on the face you can determine the superciliary arches, chin, nose bridge. The eyes are still covered by dense, fused eyelids, and the ears are in a normal position.

The baby’s skin is still very thin and transparent with many superficial capillary vessels, there is practically no fat subcutaneous layer. The child is already breathing, but the glottis remains closed. At the same time, a small amount of amniotic fluid can still enter the child's body, especially if he feels a lack of oxygen. With this liquid, an infection can penetrate the baby, so it is very important to take any inflammatory processes that occur in a woman during pregnancy. At the thirteenth week, the baby’s body length is almost nine millimeters, and the diameter of its head reaches three centimeters.

Fears and feelings accompanying pregnant women at the end of the first trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy ends and the woman possesses mixed feelings. On the one hand, full awareness of this period of life already comes, on the other, a new feeling of anxiety and responsibility for the future person arises. Almost all women at this time are constantly worried about the trials that await them ahead. Often pregnant women are tormented by thoughts about whether they have the strength to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Sometimes these constant thoughts lead women to nervous breakdowns. Therefore, it is at this stage that the support and understanding of loved ones and of course the positive attitude of the future mother are very important.

Complications arising from 13 baby expectations

Often in the thirteenth week, women complain of a decrease in blood pressure. Often hypotension is tolerated quite easily, but with a significant decrease in pressure, it is necessary to resort to medical care. But the increase in blood pressure may indicate a serious kidney disease. With hypertension, a headache appears, heart palpitations, sensation of heat in the upper body and face. If any of the described symptoms appears, you should definitely undergo a medical examination in order to establish the true cause of the disease and choose the right therapy.

At this time, women are often worried about constipation, which occurs due to the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestine and due to a decreased tone of the muscles of the digestive tract. At the thirteenth week of pregnancy, the nature of the vaginal discharge should not change. They should still be moderate, uniform, light milk, with a slightly sour smell. Due to the general decrease in immunity, women often develop thrush during this period, which is accompanied by white curdled discharge from the genital tract, as well as burning and itching in the genital area. Particular attention should be paid to spotting, they can indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy, and only timely medical assistance provided will help save the fetus.

Nutrition of the future mother

Thirteenth week of pregnancy, however, like everyone else, requires a proper and balanced diet, with the required number of calories. However, it should be remembered that women who are prone to obesity begin to gain weight very quickly at this time. And the accumulation of fats in the body not only helps to reduce physical activity, but also causes an additional burden on the work of the internal organs of the future mother.

Tests and examinations at week 13

At this time, pregnant women will need to undergo a consultation with a therapist, pass a general blood test and urinalysis. If an ultrasound examination of the fetus for measuring the cervical fold was not performed at twelve weeks, then it is imperative to do it now in order to determine the probability of having a baby with chromosomal abnormalities and Down syndrome.

Weekly Pregnancy Calendar:


Regina 09/21/2016
but I forget everything, distracted, cry for periods, then normally, enjoy life, there is practically no toxicosis, but smells (this is the first pregnancy, it’s very scary, it’s become hard to walk, hairiness has increased, and I want to hug or care someone)) happens yes?)

Lina 03/30/2016
Why do you want strawberries ?? !!! There is simply no strength to endure! Ultrasound scan went, everything is fine. It bothers me too that it would be necessary to gain weight already, but as I dropped it, it still stands in one place! And, however, the pressure began to sometimes decrease, an unpleasant sensation ...

Milan 03/30/2016
And I was at the doctor, and it turned out that I gained only 150g in weight. Not much at all. but I don’t want to eat at all, only fruits, and so little broth, through force. The doctor scolded me, of course. I will try to cram more into myself.

Dina 03/30/2016
I didn’t have an ultrasound at 12 weeks, now I have to go through it ... I feel great, it doesn’t bother anything, only distraction. I don’t even get nervous and don’t cry. It is very interesting how the baby feels there.

Karina 03/30/2016
Well, everything would be fine ... Yes, I cry only out of the blue. Today, once, it burst into tears, although there was absolutely no reason at all, I just wanted to cry)))) The husband is in shock, he is already an adult uncle, and does not know how to deal with a crying woman.


Watch the video: Your Changing Body, Weeks 13 to 16. Kaiser Permanente (July 2024).