Conspiracies to love a man


Love is a beautiful and inspiring feeling that elevates man above all that exists. However, unrequited love causes incomparable pain. It is hardly possible to find a person who has never experienced it at least once in his life. Especially negatively unfortunate love affects the energy field of women. Without reciprocity on the part of the beloved, the woman begins to languish and literally fade before our eyes.

However, for women who are fond of esoteric practices, there is a simple solution to this problem - the spell plot. But how to bewitch a beloved man without consequences? What are the features of each ritual? What if the love spell did not work?
The answers to each of the questions presented are in this article.

How can you bewitch a man?

You can bewitch a man with the help of plots of white and black magic. Black magic includes conspiracies that act instantly on a man’s love, spells on passion, and a painful peg. If the sorcerer does not wish to harm her lover and herself, she should not give preference to black rituals. As soon as such magic begins to act, the bewitched man will start to hurt, a significant breakdown will occur in his life, and it will not bring much happiness.

The rituals of white magic are, on the contrary, aimed solely for good. You should not expect an instant result from them - the higher forces act gently and gradually. At first he would be fascinated by fascinated interest, then become her close friend, and then love would come. The action of the white conspiracy begins the next day after reading it, and the development of relations from interest to love will take from 1 month to a year. But it is the white love spell that allows you to create a strong family in the future without negative energy consequences for the witch and the man she chooses.

Light love spells are of three types:

  • Prayer. The basis is the Christian Orthodox morality and prayer melody;
  • Pagan. These are ancient rituals, the heritage of ancestors, which have no analogues in the modern world;
  • Modern. These spells are magical texts composed by experienced adepts of white love magic.

Any conspiracy should be read clearly, confident and strong voice.

Preparing for the love spell

Any action - especially magic - requires proper preparation. First of all, the witch needs to prepare spiritually. The pure forces of nature will not become more attentive if its energy field is weakened by its own bad deeds or the negative impact of extraneous magic. Therefore, within 7 days before the realization of the planned sacrament for the love spell of a beloved man, a woman should:

  • Daily pray in the Orthodox church;
  • If possible, visit the exorcist;
  • Put candles in the temple for the health of friends and enemies;
  • Do not eat animal products;
  • Stay in a good mood, relax, meditate. Also, yoga exercises have a positive effect on the release of female energy;
  • More often to be in nature, especially in flowing waters.

The text of the conspiracy can be read from the sheet, but it is better to learn it by heart. The main condition for the success of the love spell is a clear and confident reading of the spell. Therefore, before the rites themselves, it is recommended to rehearse the reading of the text.

Finally, it is necessary to determine the place of the rite. If the love spell will be made indoors, it should be a quiet, ventilated and dark room. If the sacrament will take place in nature, it is recommended to give preference to the left bank of the river or lake or forest edge. The presence of strangers during the ceremony of love spell is excluded.

The strongest conspiracy to love a man in the distance

A strong conspiracy to love a man, which cannot be removed, can be made at a great distance from the object of the love spell. One of the strongest rituals is performed as follows:

  • Before you go to sleep, a woman puts a photograph of a man under her pillow, who she intends to bewitch;
  • At dawn, she wakes up, washes herself with cold water, strips naked and stands in front of a full-length mirror;
  • For three minutes, he peers into his own reflection, admires them, notes more and more new delights;
  • Then, looking into the eyes of his own reflection, reads the following text:

"At dawn, I rose - like the sun is red.
The eyes opened - as the sky is clear.
Fluttered in the upper room - like a breeze blew.
So young, so beautiful, so gentle and affable,
As the mirror all my beauty will not show.
And I will only give it to the good fellow, the light- [Name],
Yes, as he sees - my age will be! "

Then the fortuneteller picks up a photograph of the beloved, kisses the image of a man in the eye three times, saying:

"What is seen is obvious.
What is said is done.
Amen! Amen! Amen!".

The man will begin to show interest in the expensive after three days after the ritual.

Plots in the new moon on the love of a man

A strong conspiracy on the love of a man is read both on the day of the new moon, and on the next 3 days. In the phase of the new moon, it is recommended to read the love spells for the beloved, with whom he already had close relations, but for one reason or another went wrong. The new moon is favorable for the renewal of relations and the reunion of the lovers who have parted.

The most effective conspiracies in the new moon on the love of men include the following:

  • Looking at the month, exactly at midnight, the fortuneteller should say the following: "The world is waking up, the moon is renewing, love is returning! The servant of God [His name] is as pure as water, as fresh as the wind, beautiful as the moon. The servant of God [Name of the beloved] is as powerful as stone, as strong as fire like the sun! Water wears away a stone, extinguishes a wind of fire, the moon replaces the sun. As everything cannot exist without water, wind and the moon, so the Slave of God [Name] without the Slave of God [the Name] cannot now and in the world forever and ever, Amen! ";
  • A woman should go to the mirror barefoot, dismiss her hair. The spell on the spell will be as follows: "The moon-sister! Let the spirit [of the name of the beloved man] strive for me! As my heart strives for him - even so he will not be able to live without me! I have said, I have been told, the moon is sealed! Amen!";
  • Plot on rose oil. Prepare a container with cool water for washing, drip 12 drops of rose oil into the water, saying: “The rose bloomed under the moon, it smelled fragrant - so I stand and smell the fragrance under the moon. As they broke the rose in the morning - let the groom declare to me in the morning”. After this you should wash yourself with conspiracy and go to bed. The next morning, bewitched man will be felt.

It is important to consider! For the most successful ceremony, the witch must be vigorous and in high spirits. The fresher and happier a woman will be at the time she reads the love spell, the brighter her mental image will be, which will be imprinted on her beloved's energy biofield.

To holy water

Love spell on church plate and holy water is very strong. When using holy water, preliminary fasting and visiting the church are not just recommended, but are imperative. You can start reading a conspiracy only with a pure soul and a loving heart. If the love of a man is mixed with hurt feelings or hatred, it is better not to use holy water.

For this love spell will need:

  • Holy water, recruited on the third day of the seven-day preparation for the ritual;
  • 3 church candles;
  • White fabric;
  • Incense;
  • Photo of the beloved man.

The ritual of love spell in holy water is as follows:

  • A prayer for the health of the beloved is read. It is recommended to pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Candles are lit, incense is smoked;
  • A photo of the beloved is placed on the white cloth before the caster;
  • Read the plot: "The soul will find the soul, he will open the heart, love will return - the bridegroom will come. Help, Lord, your servant [the name of the man] and your servant [the name of the witch] forever to unite in your glory, Amen!";
  • Vorozheya should sign a cross with herself, a photo and each candle in turn;
  • Until the candles go out, the girl should offer prayers to her Guardian Angel;
  • Cinder bits are tied with a red ribbon and placed under the threshold of the beloved;
  • After this, it is necessary to go to church, pray and give generous alms to the poor.

Attention! To use holy water in any white rituals of the fortuneteller can only if she was baptized in the Orthodox faith.

You must leave the church silently, without turning around. A photograph of a loved one, used in the spell process, is recommended to be hidden in a safe cache.

On love husband

The spell on the love of a husband is read in the event that there is a clear threat to marriage or a man has noticeably lost interest in his wife. Such conspiracies and love spells for the love of a man are strong, but relate exclusively to white magic, if in conjunction with a conspiracy against a husband or his mistress there is no curse. One of the most effective plots for returning a husband to a family is the following:

It is necessary to prepare a small gift for the husband. This can be any necessary thing in the household (except knives and scissors), or a pleasant trifle in the form of a jewel or amulet;
When the moon grows, read the following spell:

"My dear husband! Accept my gift useful! Accept the gift - you will lose peace. Rest will return - love will wake up! Amen!"

If the wife convicts her husband of treason, but wants to return his love, she can hold a ceremony that will cool the male heat of the spouse away from home forever. To do this, you need to exchange 400 rubles for metal money (coins), distribute this money to the poor on 4 sides of the world from your home. After returning home, the fortune-teller should turn her husband’s unwashed shirt into place and hang it on a nail. In this form, the shirt should hang 4 days in secret from her husband.
On the fourth day, at midnight, the following plot is read:

"Do not go, hubby,
Neither west nor east
Neither north nor south -
I am a wife, and you are a spouse.
You will only sleep there,
Where is your bed.
For we are bound before the Lord God by the holy oath,
Yes, under the white veil,

After the ceremony, the husband becomes cold to his mistress and will never change his wife again.

For food

A short plot to love a man for food does not require extensive magical practice. In fact, such a ritual can be done by any woman who can cook. It is necessary to cook dinner for a man from three different dishes. In the process of cooking, each dish speaks 7 times. The text of the plot is presented below:

"The food is delicious, the food is nourishing. There will be a favorite to be saturated - and more and more to fall in love with me! As I said, it will be so! Amen!"

This rite will attract the attention of the man, endear him and eventually build a strong and harmonious relationship.

The plot on the photo on a man

The majority of love spells on the love of a man produced by his photos. One of the most effective conspiracies on the photo on the love of a man is read in the full moon. For the ceremony, you will need a photo of your beloved man, a red cloth (preferably velvet), a red thread and a coin. The ritual of love spell is as follows:

  • A coin is placed in the center of the photo;
  • The photo is rolled up and wrapped in a cloth;
  • The resulting scroll is tightly tied with red thread.

In the process described above, the following plot is read:

"I don’t put a coin - I conjure a full moon.
I do not wrap it with a cloth - I envelop it with love.
I am not knitting with a thread - with the heartfelt bonds of a servant of God [the name] I attach to myself.
All that is done will be buried
All that is said will come true.
Amen! Amen! Amen!"

If the ceremony is performed correctly, the man will begin to show interest in the value after 7 days.

It is important to consider that the photo for the ceremony should be portrait, without the presence of other people and animals in the picture. The picture itself should be clear and bright.

How to read the love spell on the water on the love of men?

Speak to the love of a man can not only holy, but ordinary drinking water. For this you need:

  • Prepare a bottle of water;
  • Put the container with liquid on the table;
  • Light a candle and take it in hand;
  • Spell spell: "As the whole ocean is not possible to drink, my conspiracy cannot be removed. As the water feeds life on life, so the feeling will be revived in the servant of God [The man's name]. As he drinks everything to the last drop, he will love me. For ever eternal, Amen! ";
  • Fall on the bottle with the sign of the cross and beg the Higher Forces for help;
  • Give a man to drink this water to start the love spell. Water can be added to drink or food, or simply invite your lover to drink from a bottle.

As soon as the bewitched person drinks the conspired water, the mechanism of the magical influence on the biofield will start. It should be noted that the effect of this love spell affects not only its object, but also its value. After some time, she will begin to have very vivid dreams, the contents of which will answer the following questions:

  • When will a man take the initiative ?;
  • Will she marry ?;
  • Will marriage be happy?
  • How long and fascinated will they be together ?.

For this reason, the dreams that will occur every day, starting from the third day after reading the plot, must be remembered and, if possible, recorded.

Should consider that this spell is not a guarantee of long-term binding. He contributes to the emergence of interest in a man, and how further relations develop is completely dependent on himself and the woman who has bewitched him.

Why does not conspiracy on a man work?

A conspiracy to love a man may not work for the following reasons:

  • During the ritual, the fortuneteller was ill, was in a bad mood;
  • In the room where the ritual was held, there is a hotbed of negative energy. For example, there are often scandals, attempted suicide, or the room was not consecrated after the death of the previous tenant;
  • A woman is given a celibate wreath, or another strong curse by a stronger black sorcerer;
  • The sorceress used holy water and church plate, not being baptized in the Orthodox faith;
  • The text of the conspiracy was read confusedly, uncertainly and indistinctly;
  • A man has already been given a stronger spell.

If a woman surely knows that a strong spell is entrusted to her or her beloved, which she cannot cope with, she should turn to a stronger sorcerer for help. If the conspiracy did not work through the fault of the witch herself, she can try to repeat the sacrament exactly one month after her unsuccessful attempt.


Since white magic is not aimed at harming anyone, the witch at the level of subtle matters does not threaten. If the spell is read incorrectly - it simply will have no effect, but in no way harm either the woman or the man whose love the plot was read upon. The same applies to holy water plots performed by an unbaptized spellcaster. Even if the sorcerer did everything technically correctly, but is not baptized in Christ, such a magically powerful artifact as holy water will not help her.

However, if a woman did everything according to the instructions, guided by all the rules and principles of various esoteric practices, the white love spell will allow her to build her own happiness. Relationship with the beloved will develop naturally and harmoniously. It is precisely this that distinguishes white love plots from black rituals, firmly tying a man to the enchantress who has bewitched him and provoking his painful, animal passion.


Watch the video: Family Guy Facts, Conspiracy + More! - Family Guy Week! ChannelFrederator (June 2024).