Hair Loss Masks


Hair loss is shocking - after all, this is our beauty. Immediately I want to apply conceivable and inconceivable means to myself. The best way is masks for hair loss. Immediately, we note that such procedures are indicated not only for treatment at different stages, but also for prevention. If the number of hairs dropped per day has become more than 40-60, there is cause for concern and urgent action. But before starting treatment, it is worthwhile to consider the reasons why our beautiful hair has so far "suffered losses."

Why is hair falling out?

Five main reasons can be identified. The first reason is iron deficiency. According to statistics, this "famously" accompanies 8 out of 10 women. Heavy menstruation, low meat consumption, a sedentary lifestyle. The lack of a balanced nutrition fully affects the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, while the hair shaft and its hair shaft also suffer. If hemoglobin has a low rate by the results of a blood test - before using the masks for hair loss, start taking medications with iron - of course, the doctor should prescribe them.

The second reason is hormonal imbalance. Immediately after the birth of a child or even during pregnancy, the natural balance of hormones in the woman’s body is disturbed. The hair follicles react very sensitively. Sometimes a woman simultaneously becomes depressed, and a hair fall only enhances this condition. If the situation has not recovered within two to three months, sound the alarm. Be sure to take blood sugar tests and consult an endocrinologist. Elevated blood sugar disrupts the blood circulation in small capillaries, which also affects the hair root.

Other reasons:
- lazy intestines (constipation);
- stress and nervous tension;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in the cervical spine.
In all these cases, the condition of the hair follicles is far from ideal, the roots are destroyed, the hair does not receive enough nutrition along the entire length, and begin to crumble.
You need to monitor your body in order to eliminate the real cause, and, of course, make a lot of effort to care for your hair.

Masks against hair loss - how to carry out the procedure correctly

Home remedies improve the condition of the scalp, prevent the loss of new hair and strengthen already damaged roots. The prepared mixture should be rubbed into the skin, cover your head with a towel. Hair is not washed before the procedure, but rinsed after 30-40 minutes of applying the mask.

Masks for hair loss - recipes

1. Egg mask from falling out.

Ingredients: vegetable oil (unrefined, 1 spoon), yolk (1 egg). Mix foods, apply to hair roots, wrap with a towel. Hold for about an hour. Wash off without shampoo, or with egg shampoo. Rinse with a solution of infusion of chamomile with water (1: 3 ratio). Perform 3 months 2 times a week.

2. Egg mask with castor oil

Ingredients: lemon juice (1 middle fruit), castor oil (1 spoon), egg yolk (1 pc.).
First mix the castor oil and yolk, then add the juice from one lemon to it. The mixture is applied to wet hair for 50-60 minutes. Rinse with shampoo, then rinse with a light broth of chamomile.

3. Red pepper - mask against hair loss

Ingredients: hot pepper (1 pod), egg (1 pc). Squeeze juice from pepper, mix with 1 yolk and 50 grams of water. Rub into the roots, insulate. Keep carefully listening to the sensations for 20-30 minutes.

4. Herbal hair loss mask

Ingredients: calamus (rhizome), marigolds, burdock root, and hop cones, all 2 tablespoons each. Brew 1 liter of boiling water, insist, strain. Apply as a normal mask, in addition, moisten hair at night. Apply once a week. It helps especially if the hair began to fall out recently.

5. Mask for hair loss treatment with aloe

This mask helps after the first use, it is even called "Emergency".
Ingredients: base - aloe liniment (1 teaspoon), chalk (1 tablespoon), garlic juice (1 teaspoon) egg yolk (half 1 time). Mix all the components of the mask well. The composition can be used several times, only egg yolk is preferably added before use. A thick towel and bag create a greenhouse effect. Rinse your head with warm water (but not hot). Apply every 2-3 days for three weeks. Aloe ointment is sold in a pharmacy.
Garlic is also treated with baldness - grind in a meat grinder or grate in a small slurry, and then apply to the lesions for 2 hours. Apply 7-10 days, periodically repeat the course of procedures.

6. Avocado mask for different types of hair

- For dry hair, if it is also damaged and brittle. Composition: soften the fresh avocado in the form of a cream, add a few drops of olive oil (a little, since the avocado already contains fats). Apply to hair for 25 minutes, then rinse with shampoo with warm water.
- For oily hair - do not add oil.

7. Nettle and sea salt mask

Ingredients: nettle leaves (1 cup), small sea salt (1 tsp). finely chop the grass, mix with salt, beat with a mixer for several minutes. A homogeneous green mass should be obtained. Rub the pulp into the scalp, insulate with a film and a handkerchief, leave for 20-25 minutes.

8. Mask against hair loss from rye bread

Ingredients: pulp of rye bread (100-150 grams), fine salt (1 teaspoon), water (to soften bread). Stir everything until a slurry with dissolved salt is obtained, apply for 1.5-2 hours. Wash off with plain water.

9. Yeast for strengthening hair

Ingredients: baker's yeast (40-50 grams), fine salt (sea, 1. teaspoon). Dilute the yeast with lukewarm water (half a cup), add salt, mix and insist so that the yeast comes to life. Apply to hair, rub into skin, apply a "greenhouse" effect. Wash with warm water after 40 minutes.

Home remedies nourish hair roots well, stimulate intensive growth and improve blood circulation. All of these components can not be harmful to health - these are natural home healers. Pamper your hair with masks, and they will grow very well, stop falling out, will please you with shine and softness.


Watch the video: OMG, MY HAIR GREW BACK! DIY Hair Mask for Growth, Strength and Moisture (July 2024).