Appendicitis in men: causes, symptoms, possible complications. Methods of treating appendicitis in men


Appendicitis is a condition in which the vermiform appendix of the intestine, called the appendix, is highly inflamed.

Consider in more detail the symptoms of appendicitis in men and methods of treating this disease.

Appendicitis in men: causes

Today, appendicitis is the most common cause of emergency surgery. The exact cause of the development of appendicitis has not been established, however, the following factors can contribute to inflammation of this part of the intestine:

1. Infection. In this case, pathogenic bacteria together with a blood flow will enter the area of ​​the appendix, and cause its inflammation.

2. The defeat of the body by helminths and other parasites can cause inflammation of the appendix and the development of infection.

3. Constant constipation. In this case, a person has a violation of the excretion of feces, because of which they become very dense, and clog the site of the appendix. This, in turn, provokes inflammation of the appendix.

4. Defects in the anatomical structure of the appendix. It may have irregular bends, making it more susceptible to stagnation of fecal stones.

5. Improper human nutrition. Studies have shown that patients who often eat a lot of meat suffer from inflammation of the appendix several times more often than those who prefer fiber in their menu.

6. The hereditary predisposition of a person to appendicitis is justified by the carriage of certain antigens transmitted from parents to children.

7. Frequent drinking and smoking at times increases the risk of appendicitis at a young age.

8. Trobing an artery that feeds the vermiform appendix of the intestine. This can happen in people suffering from atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

9. Various oncological pathologies that are localized in the intestine, mainly in the area of ​​the appendix.

10. Clogging of the intestinal process with a small food particle or foreign object (fish bone, husk of their seeds, fruit bone, etc.).

11. Narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels.

12. The lowered human immune system, because of which it becomes more susceptible to inflammatory processes.

Appendicitis in men: symptoms and signs

Features of the course of appendicitis largely depend on the stage and form of the disease.

Allocate the following stages of inflammation in the appendix:

1. Acute appendicitis at the very initial stage is accompanied by a thickening of the process of the intestine and the onset of the inflammatory process. As a rule, the first signs of the disease appear late at night or in the early morning, when a person is still sleeping.

In this condition, the patient may be bothered by tingling pain in the abdomen, which will have a pulling character.

2. After this, a purulent form of inflammation develops. It is accompanied by the formation of purulent foci on the walls of the inflamed intestine. In this condition, the patient will feel a sharp pain, localized in the right side and aggravated by walking.

3. The third degree of damage is called phlegmous appendicitis. In such a period, the inflamed appendix greatly increases and begins to accumulate pus. At the same time, the general condition of the patient also worsens sharply: he may experience diarrhea, diarrhea, fever and chills.

4. The last stage of appendicitis is its rupture. This form of the disease is considered the most dangerous, since the entire contents of the intestine will enter the patient’s abdominal cavity. If in this condition the patient does not undergo emergency surgery, then the person may die from intoxication.

In addition, there are the following features of the course of appendicitis:

1. The first clear signs of intestinal inflammation will be nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain.

2. If a rupture of the intestine has already occurred, then the man may subside a little pain, but this is not a reason to refuse to see a doctor. Moreover, the rupture of the appendix threatens peritonitis - a life-threatening condition.

3. With a clear progression of inflammation, the patient may experience fever, constipation, vomiting with blood, and bouts of pain. Also, a person's appetite will decrease and there will be increased sweating.

4. Over time, a person becomes stiff stomach during palpation. If untreated, the patient may lose consciousness, suffer from pain in the abdomen and heart palpitations.

5. Often there will be bloating, yellowing of the skin and dizziness.

These signs are characteristic of acute appendicitis in men. At the same time, chronic inflammation of the process of the intestine is also isolated. Its symptoms are less pronounced - the patient is only occasionally disturbed by abdominal pain.

Appendicitis in men: treatment features

When the first signs of appendicitis appear, a man needs to see a doctor. In this case, it is best to call an ambulance to minimize the patient’s active load.

Before the arrival of doctors, a person should not eat or drink anything, since the patient may require surgical treatment. It is also important not to give a person any analgesics, because such drugs can veil the obvious symptoms of the disease and interfere with diagnosis.

Moreover, some sources advise applying a compress or a heating pad to the sore spot on the stomach, but in fact the heat will intensify the inflammation even more, so such procedures should be discarded.

After hospitalization, a man is prescribed an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, clinical blood and urine tests. These studies will help identify inflammation and provide information on further necessary therapeutic actions.

Traditionally, acute appendicitis is treated surgically. This operation is called appendectomy. It is carried out under general anesthesia by means of a classic incision in the right abdominal cavity. During such an operation, the inflamed process of the intestine is removed. Also, if the appendix has already broken, then the procedure is much more complicated, because surgeons will have to literally clear the intestines of pus.

In the first two days after the appendectomy, the patient needs to observe bed rest and refuse to eat. At such a time, you can drink only water and a decoction of dried fruits without sugar. On the third day, the introduction of fat-free kefir, biscuit cookies and green tea into the diet is allowed.

By the fifth day after surgery, a person can already eat boiled chicken, soups, steam cutlets and cereals. At the same time, portions should be small, but meals are frequent. After removing the stitches (on day 8), the menu is no longer so strict and the patient can eat all wholesome food.

During the rehabilitation period (1-3 months), the patient is advised to go swimming and often go outdoors. Active physical activity should be abandoned for six months, so that the wound is finally healed.

Appendicitis in men: treatment, complications, prevention

Despite the seemingly, at first glance, the simplicity of appendicitis, this is a very serious disease, which can lead to such complications:

1. An abscess of the patient’s abdominal cavity is a condition in which a person develops abscesses near the inflamed process of the intestine.

2. Peritonitis is a serious inflammation of the abdominal cavity that can lead to death of the patient.

3. The appendicular form of infiltrate is a condition in which the body tries to fence off the inflamed intestine from the abdominal cavity. At the same time, the patient forms a certain growth, which, as it were, closes the appendix. It is difficult to remove and has a hard surface.

4. Inflammation of the portal vein in the liver occurs due to the ingress of inflammatory particles from the appendix veins. This condition is considered the most serious complication, which is extremely difficult to cure.

Prevention of appendicitis in men is as follows:

1. Refusal of bad habits (smoking, drinking).

2. Proper balanced nutrition.

3. Consulting a doctor when the first signs of appendicitis appear.

4. Timely treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

5. Prevention of parasitic lesions.

6. Timely treatment of constipation and stool disorders.


Watch the video: Laparoscopic Appendectomy Surgery. Nucleus Health (June 2024).