Carrot face masks at home


Maintain the natural beauty and youth of the skin of the face easily and simply with the help of natural masks. The effectiveness and benefits of home-made cosmetics are much higher than store creams. They do not contain preservatives, harmful additives, and adverse reactions after the procedures are minimal. A vegetable such as carrots, normalizes the sebaceous glands, relieves acne, and nourishes the epidermis with active substances.

Carrot use for facial use

Vegetable found wide application in home cosmetology. In the composition of the masks use its juice, pulp or oil. Carrots are called a real treasury of vitamins and other nutrients.


  • Vitamins: carotene, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, H, K, PP;
  • Minerals: calcium, phosphorus, iron, boron, copper, iodine;
  • Amino acids.

Carrot masks will suit owners of dry skin type. They perfectly moisturize the epidermis and eliminate desquamation and a feeling of tightness. Also vegetable mixes are shown for use by women of mature age. They smooth mimic wrinkles, regenerate cells, give the skin elasticity and elasticity.

Ascorbic acid in the composition of the vegetable allows you to make masks and girls with oily skin. Vitamin C contributes to the removal of inflammation and early healing of wounds. As a result, over time, acne becomes less.

Carrot masks are absolutely suitable for all skin types.

Making carrot mixes is especially recommended in the summer season. Cosmetic protects the face from the harmful effects of sunlight and wind. Home remedies tone and soothe the epidermis, relieve swelling, irritation. In this regard, are well suited for thin and sensitive skin.

Get the maximum effect from the use of carrot masks can be added to the composition of other ingredients. Also, special attention is paid to the proper preparation of the mixture. If you do not comply with the recommendations in full, the risk of adverse reactions.

Rules for the use of carrot masks

Masks of carrots can lead to a deterioration of the skin of the face if used improperly. To prevent such a result will help compliance with instructions for use.

Rules for the use of carrot masks:

  • Be sure to check the procedure before the skin reaction to carrots. The allergy test can be done at home, with a bit of damage on the wrist;
  • Ingredients should be mixed in ceramic or pottery. Metal containers will lead to oxidation of the products and release of toxins;
  • The skin should be prepared for the upcoming cosmetic procedure. The face is cleaned of dirt and dust and is well dried with a towel;
  • The carrot mask is applied to the epidermis, excluding the area around the eyes and lips. Do it better with a brush or fingertips. In the latter case, you need to move along the massage lines;
  • The root crop is capable of dyeing the skin orange, so it is not recommended to overexpose the mask on the face. The optimal holding time is 15-30 minutes;
  • Rinse carrot mixture can be warm water, without using other means. It is better to use herbal decoctions for removing residues;
  • In conclusion, a nourishing cream is applied to the skin of the face, which will fix the result.

It is enough to make masks from carrots 1-2 times a week for a month.

Regular cosmetic procedures will have a beneficial effect on the color and tone of the skin. The fair sex has a positive effect on the second week of carrot masks.

The best carrot masks recipes

Natural cosmetics, prepared on the basis of the orange root, are highly effective. Compared with store creams, they do not contain harmful impurities. Consequently, side reactions will be minimal, and the result is more pronounced.

The best carrot mask recognized lemon-carrot. It nourishes, moisturizes and has a light whitening effect. You will need to mix 1 tbsp. l carrot and lemon juice. In the mixture add 1 tbsp. l kefir and rice flour. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin for 25 minutes. Then, after the set time has elapsed, the remains are washed off with warm water.

Carrot mix with cream more suitable for dry skin. Measure out 2 tbsp. l chopped grated vegetables and mixed with 1 tsp. heavy cream. When receiving too liquid consistency, a pinch of starch is added to the mixture. In 20 minutes. face wash with warm water.

Vitaminized garlic-carrot maskwell removes skin inflammation and is suitable for all skin types. Prepare it according to the recipe:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l grated raw carrots with 1 tbsp. l chopped garlic. Because of garlic, the skin can tweak a little;
  • Additionally, add 1 tsp. honey and 1.5 tbsp. l sour cream. The last ingredient can be replaced with calendula or grape oil;
  • The mixture is applied to the epidermis;
  • After a quarter of an hour, the product is washed off.

From the variety of carrot masks, you can choose the right one for you. You should think in advance about the composition of the funds and the duration of the procedure. It is better to base on your own feelings and the results obtained.

For oily and problem skin

The chemical composition of carrots allows the use of vegetables in the preparation of masks to eliminate excessive oily skin. The representatives of the fair sex, prone to various rashes, also fit this miracle cure.

Carrot-Egg Mix cleans pores, reduces sebum secretion and removes oily sheen. Medium-sized carrots are steamed and minced with a blender. In 2 tbsp. l the resulting vegetable puree add egg white and 1 tsp. flour. The ingredients are mixed and applied to a clean face. Residues are removed from the skin with cool water after half an hour.

Carrot-potato Cosmetic product will bring problem skin to the face. To prepare the mask will need to mix 2 tbsp. l carrot and 1 tbsp. l mashed potatoes. Egg white is added to the mixture. Thoroughly mixed, the ingredients are applied to the epidermis for 20 minutes. The result of the regular use of this tool will strike a positive effect.

Fight against the oily skin of the face with integrated mask. Mix 2 tbsp. l mashed carrots, egg white, 1 tbsp. l starch and 1 tsp. lemon juice. After preparation of the mixture is applied to the skin for 30 minutes. After the allotted time, everything is washed off with plain water.

Carrot masks in combination with certain ingredients have a drying effect. Due to this, the oily shine and acne eruptions are eliminated in record time.

Carrot Mask for Dry Skin

Owners of dry skin need daily and high-quality moisturizing, especially in the winter. Dehydration of the epidermis of the face leads to peeling, irritation, premature aging. To prevent excessive dryness of the skin will help carrot masks with the addition of vegetable oils and other ingredients with a high percentage of fat.

The best recipes of cosmetics for dry skin of the face:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l carrot puree, 2 tsp. virgin olive oil and egg yolk. Mix thoroughly with a spoon or in a blender. Apply the mixture to cleansed skin. After 20 minutes face wiped with wet wipes and washed with water. Finally, a moisturizer is applied to the skin.
  • Beat in a blender 2 tbsp. l mashed carrots, 1 tbsp. l cottage cheese (4-9% fat) and 1 tsp. heavy cream. The result should be a homogeneous mass without lumps. The mixture is distributed over the entire surface of the skin of the face without residue. Carrot mask is washed off with warm water after 20 minutes.
  • Grate the carrots of medium size on a coarse grater and mix with 2 tbsp. l honey The last component should be heated in a water bath to obtain a liquid and viscous consistency. Two ingredients are mixed and applied to the problem, flaky areas of the face. After 10-15 minutes the remains of honey-carrot mixture are washed off with warm water.

Carrot masks help to gently moisturize the skin of the face. To the result was tangible, do the procedure should be regularly.

Acne and black spots

The tendency to acne and black spots on the face is observed in girls with oily skin. This is due, primarily, with increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the pores are clogged, which leads to an inflammatory process. To prevent the appearance of acne lesions will help regular cleansing of the epidermis.

Effective carrot mask for acne:

  • Whisk whipped egg white mixed with 1 tbsp. l grated on a fine grater vegetable. In the mixture add the last ingredient - 1 tsp. flour. All is well mixed, the tool is applied to clean skin in a dense layer. After half an hour face wash with water.
  • For the preparation of therapeutic mixture will need to mix in equal proportions of carrot juice, aloe juice and chamomile decoction. A cloth mask is made of gauze, which is wetted in a liquid and applied to clean skin. After 30 minutes the gauze is removed, and the face is wiped with a paper napkin. Means well soothes the epidermis and relieves irritation.
  • In the vegetable puree, prepared from 1 carrot, add 2-4 tablespoons. l sour cream or kefir. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed and the mixture is applied to the face. After 10 min. residues are washed away with water.

Carrot juice has many healing properties. It has a drying and antiseptic effect. You can get healing juice in two ways: using a juicer or gauze. In the latter case, the vegetable is rubbed on a fine grater, and the juice is squeezed out of the resulting chips.

Carrot wrinkle mask

With age, the skin becomes less elastic and elastic. As a result, grooves appear on the face, called wrinkles. To look younger, the fair sex is turning to expensive cosmetic procedures. However, you can visually get rid of a couple of years at home with the help of carrot masks.

Recipes for carrots from wrinkles on the skin of the face:

  • Dissolve 1 tbsp. l potato starch in 125 ml. boiled warm water and put to boil on slow fire. Cooking is done for 15 minutes. to achieve a jelly consistency. In the resulting mixture, add 5 Art. l carrot juice and 1 tbsp. l sour cream. The mixed ingredients are distributed by brush on the skin with a thin layer in 3 stages. Each layer is applied alternately, after the previous one dries. Half an hour later, the mask is washed off with warm water.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l carrot juice and oatmeal, 1 tbsp. l first cold pressed olive oil and sour cream, egg yolk. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the epidermis in a dense layer. Wash off the mixture after 25 minutes.
  • Mix 2 tbsp. l carrot and applesauce. Before the procedure, clean the face from dirt and dust. A mixture of vegetable and fruit puree is applied to the epidermis with finger pads with massage movements. After half an hour the product can be washed off with warm water.

Carrot masks smooth fine wrinkles near the eyes, lips, etc. It is possible to avoid premature aging of the skin of the face, if the procedures are performed once a week.

Nourishing carrot mask

Facial skin at any age needs regular nourishment with vitamins and minerals. In an orange vegetable, the content of nutrients is very high. In this regard, cosmetic mixtures of carrots are highly valued by the female sex. Good results will be achieved by adding other ingredients to your home remedies.

Recover damaged epidermis will help carrot and honey masks. For the preparation of therapeutic mixture will need to mix 4 tbsp. l carrot and cranberry juice. In the juice add 1 tsp. liquid honey. The tool is applied to the epidermis with a brush and washed off after a quarter of an hour.

Relieve irritation, tone up and enrich the skin with useful substances will help carrot mix with egg. One carrot of medium size is peeled and rubbed on a grater. In the capacity add 1 tsp. starch, 5 drops of cranberry juice and egg yolk. Ingredients are mixed and applied to the epidermis with light patting movements. After a quarter of an hour, the remains are washed off with warm water. At the end of the procedure, the surface of the face is treated with a nourishing cream.

A mixture of carrots and dairy products refreshes color and nourishes the skin. The following ingredients are mixed: 1 tsp. cottage cheese and fatty yogurt, 2 tsp. fresh carrot juice. Apply the mask gently along the massage lines and leave for a quarter of an hour. At the end of the procedure it is necessary to wash with warm water.

Carrots - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Quickly restore the epidermis and saturate the skin with useful substances will help mask based on this vegetable.


Carrots are very useful both for consumption and for external use in the composition of the masks. Vegetable juice or mashed potatoes have anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating and regenerating properties. In most cases, it has no contraindications to use; you can use carrots as a part of masks for all skin types.

It is not recommended to make carrot masks in cases of:

  • Individual intolerance vegetable. This is manifested in the form of a rash on the face, itchy red spots, swelling. Such an adverse reaction can cause severe health complications;
  • Allergic reaction. Symptoms that appear in response to an interaction with an allergen are similar to the reaction to a vegetable with individual intolerance. If negative consequences are noted, then it is necessary to stop using carrot masks;
  • Mechanical damage to the epidermis. The use of carrot masks in the presence of wounds and abrasions on the skin will lead to an inflammatory process;
  • Skin diseases. Cosmetic procedures with the use of vegetable mixtures can lead to exacerbation of dermatological diseases.

If there are contraindications to the use of carrots masks should be postponed for a while or abandon them altogether. Replacing the ingredient will be easy, because there are many other fruit, vegetable and berry masks.

Carrots - a useful vegetable that can be used for cosmetic purposes. It has a rich chemical composition and helps to get rid of wrinkles and acne. Vegetable based masks tone up and normalize sebum production, which makes them indispensable in the process of rejuvenation and healing of the skin.
