Female opinion: 38% of Russians give breakfast to the enemy?


As the Roman soldiers said: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy." This phrase contains the deep wisdom of proper nutrition: a compulsory breakfast in order to be energized for a day, a reasonably satisfying lunch - to maintain strength, lack of dinner (or a light dinner) - so that a person sleeps and gets up.

Perhaps there is no meal more permeated with traditions among residents of different countries than breakfast. Coffee and croissants are always present on the French table, the British are known for their love of oatmeal, in Turkey they can’t imagine breakfast without scrambled eggs and olives. As for the traditional Russian breakfast, it usually consisted of porridge or fried eggs and sandwiches with tea or cocoa.

The Women's Opinion portal conducted a survey to find out whether Russian women prefer traditional porridge or prefer something else.

As it turned out, 38.4% of women do not eat breakfast at all or drink tea / coffee. They do not feel like hungry Roman soldiers, so early in the morning to stock up energy for the upcoming battles. And someone, instead of a hearty breakfast, is ready to roll the extra half an hour in bed, and then immediately go to work.

23.6% supplement a hot drink with a sandwich or toast. A little more than the respondents, 24.1% fully eat breakfast cereal or granola and 10.2% prefer scrambled eggs or omelettes. If in the refrigerator there is ready-made food suitable for breakfast, they warm it up.

Fruits or vegetables - the choice of raw foodists and fans of healthy lifestyle. Among women - 3.7%.

As the results of the survey showed, women do not attach much importance to the morning meal, having a bite “what God sent” or completely dispensing with food before dinner. It should be noted that the diminution of the importance of breakfast these days is the result of a little activity during the day: to plow a field or milk a herd of cows, one coffee would not be enough. In addition, if a person has dinner late, he is more likely to wake up without a feeling of hunger. It is worth dinner at a maximum of seven hours at night - and in the morning you will enjoy oatmeal, like a real Englishwoman. However, due to the peculiar work schedule, most women do not even have time to get home by this time. This leads to a late dinner, from which the ancient Romans warned.

The survey involved 4110 people. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 109 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: Do All Women Think the Same? (July 2024).