Japanese diet for 13 days: how much you can lose weight and whether it is dangerous. The rules of the Japanese diet 13 days, menu and exit from the regime


The eastern miracle of the 13-day Japanese diet is not called by chance.

That’s how much time it will take to get rid of at least five, or even eight kilograms of excess weight and fit into jeans or a dress one size smaller.

The 13-day meal plan is popular among the most stubborn girls who aim to get results quickly and at any cost.

General principles of the Japanese diet 13 days

Another name for this diet option is salt-free "Japanese". Indeed, salt restriction in this diet is one of the most important principles. Due to this, rapid weight loss is achieved, since excess fluid from the body is eliminated during the first day.

That is why the danger of the Japanese diet for 13 days is that the body is very dehydrated. This means that you will have to drink water in liters, not figuratively, but in the most literal sense. At least two liters of water is a necessity, due to which at the end of the scheme the hair will remain shiny and the skin is supple and pink. Water should be exclusively potable, without flavors, colorants, sugar and sweeteners. You can drink mineral water, but not the entire volume and only without gas.

The meaning of abundant water intake is not only to prevent dehydration, but also to not kill the kidneys. The emphasis in the diet is on protein food, and protein breakdown products must be removed from the body - including through the urinary system.

Nutritional restrictions are significant. Before deciding on a Japanese diet for 13 days, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Of course, you can stop the diet at any time, if only it will be good for the body? Any diet is stress, and improperly completed is doubly stress.

Among the basic principles of the Japanese diet, 13 days are as follows:

1. rejection of salt;

2. the complete exclusion of alcohol;

3. refusal of sugar;

4. the exclusion of food containing white flour.

For almost two weeks, you need to abandon the usual diet and do everything to switch the body to burning fat depots. It is believed that thanks to the "Japanese" fat will begin to leave from the sides, waist, hips, calves, face and neck. Metabolic processes will be rearranged, carbohydrate dependence will decrease, that is, carbohydrate metabolism will be restored, without which it is impossible to lose weight.

What is possible and what cannot be on the Japanese diet 13 days

The proposed nutritional scheme is a tough low-carb diet with a strong calorie restriction. It is believed that this is quite safe as a short-term nutritional adjustment, as proteins, a little fat and (in a limited amount) carbohydrates will enter the body. In addition, separate power provides high efficiency. It unloads the gastrointestinal tract, helps the body remove toxins and cleanse the intestines, and has a good effect on metabolic processes.

What you can eat on a Japanese diet:

• protein foods of animal origin, primarily fish and seafood;

• lean meat cooked without frying in oil;

• dairy and dairy products;

• eggs;

• vegetables on special days, and frying in vegetable oil is allowed;

• Vegetable oil for use in raw form is interchangeable. It is important that you can’t fry anything with linseed oil;

• On certain days, you can treat yourself to a rye cracker;

• From drinks both tea (any), and coffee are admissible.

Important: on the Japanese diet, you cannot replace the products indicated in the recipe with any other (with the exception of vegetable oils, which are used in limited quantities). However, if you can’t do anything without salt, you can slightly add salt to the food.

Eating more than three times a day is impossible. No snacks or liberties, otherwise the promised effect will not be obtained. It is especially important not to eat anything that contains hidden sugar. That’s why you can’t add purchased sauces or take alcohol to your food. In addition, alcohol contributes to the fact that the calories that enter the body are stored in fats. That is, the effectiveness of hard food restrictions is reduced.

You can not change the order of the menu: you need exactly that and in such a sequence, as the authors of the Japanese diet recommend 13 days. It is important to prepare for the start for at least three days: eat less, remove bread and sugar from the diet, make smaller portions (if possible, focus on 200 g).

13 Day Japanese Diet Menu Allowed

On the last day before starting the diet, you need to eat less, and for dinner, prepare yourself a cup of boiled rice and as many raw vegetables. Salt can not be removed, just salt less.

For 13 days, it is important not to overeat, focusing on the following volumes of food: solid food - 200 g per serving, drinks - 230 ml (you can take a regular cup or standard glass). You can eat almost all fruits except sweet sugary bananas and grapes. It is best to cook meat, fish, eggs, but if indicated in the menu of the day, then you can fry.

1 day

• For breakfast, only a cup of grain coffee. If there are no beans, you can drink quality freeze-dried coffee. Milk, cream, sugar can not be added.

• For lunch, prepare a portion of boiled cabbage without salt, into which it is allowed to add a little oil (a little is a dessert or a teaspoon). For cabbage - two boiled eggs and a cup of tomato juice or diluted tomato paste (without sugar).

• For dinner, cook a piece of sea or river fish. If boiled fish seems tasteless, you can fry it on a spoonful of oil.

2 day

• For breakfast, brew a cup of coffee, add to it a cracker without sugar, raisins and other additives weighing up to 17 g.

• For lunch, cook a piece of fish and eat boiled cabbage seasoned with butter as a side dish.

• For dinner, cook beef meat, cool, cut into thin slices and eat. The weight of beef is not more than 100 g. Drink everything with a glass of kefir.

3 day

• Dry a piece of black bread (the weight of the finished cracker is not more than 20 g), eat it with coffee for breakfast.

• For lunch, take fresh zucchini or eggplant, cut them into thin slices and fry in oil in a skillet or grill. The amount of fried vegetables is not limited - you can eat as much as you want.

• For dinner, prepare a cut of 200 g of boiled lean meat (beef), boil two eggs and make a light salad of fresh cabbage. You can fill the salad with a spoon of linseed or aromatic sunflower oil.

4 day

• Grate fresh carrots on a fine grater, season with a dessert spoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and eat for breakfast. You can drink coffee or tea of ​​your choice.

• For lunch, boil fish or fry it in oil. Drink a glass of tomato juice (without sugar) or dilute a thick natural tomato paste and make the juice yourself.

• For dinner, eat 200 g of any permitted fruits: apples, pears, peaches, quinces, oranges, suites, pomelo, pineapple. You can not mix different fruits.

5 day

• Repeat the sequence and ration of the Thursday menu without changing anything (with the exception of fruits - you can eat another fruit).

6 day

• Start the day with a cup of black coffee without sugar, cream, milk and crackers.

• For lunch, eat ½ kg of boiled chicken without skin. As a side dish, take half the grated carrots and 150 g of fresh cabbage. Salad can be seasoned with oil.

• For dinner, grate carrots and cook two chicken eggs.

7 day

• Instead of coffee, drink green tea for breakfast. If you want flavored, it is possible, but sugar is in any case prohibited.

• For lunch, eat the allowed portion of boiled beef.

• For dinner, the choice is: boiled beef with spices, but without salt; two eggs and a fresh salad of grated carrots, boiled fish (also with spices), fruits in the allowed quantity. You need to drink dinner with kefir.

8 day

• Black cereal and freeze-dried coffee for breakfast - a cup.

• For lunch, boiled chicken (half a kilo), carrot and cabbage salad with oil dressing.

• For dinner, grated carrots and two boiled eggs. You can add oil to carrots.

9 day

• For breakfast, a salad of finely grated carrots, sprinkled with lemon juice. Tea or coffee as desired.

• For lunch, a portion of boiled or pan-fried fish plus a glass of fresh tomato juice without salt.

• For dinner, fruits are allowed.

10 day

• Traditional empty cup of coffee for breakfast.

• For lunch, a large salad of three finely grated carrots, seasoned with oil to taste, a 50-gram slice of light semi-hard cheese and one chicken egg.

• For dinner, fruit to your taste (do not exceed the amount of the allowed portion).

11 day

• A slice of black bread with a cup of unsweetened espresso for breakfast.

• For lunch, unlimited zucchini or eggplant fried in oil.

• For dinner, a salad of two chopped eggs, raw finely chopped cabbage and oil dressing, a piece of boiled beef meat.

12 day

• A cup of traditional espresso with a slice of brown bread (25 grams) or rye bread crackers.

• For lunch, cook or fry a portion of any fish, prepare fresh cabbage salad, pour oil on it.

• For dinner, eat boiled beef (100 g) and drink 250 ml of kefir.

13 day

• A cup of unsweetened black coffee for breakfast.

• For lunch, two boiled eggs, a cabbage salad with oil dressing, a glass of juice from tomato paste.

• For dinner, fry or cook fish - no more than 200 grams. Drink black or green tea.

In the morning of the 14th day the diet is completed. But this does not mean that you can pounce on white rolls with sausage and fried eggs on bacon. It is important to get out of the diet correctly. That's right - this is with the maximum, and most importantly, long-term consolidation of the result and without harm to the stomach.

Important details

At the exit from any diet, it is important to remember the main rule: how long the diet lasted, the period of exit from it should last the same. This means that for at least 13 days you will have to follow some rules in eating behavior:

• Do not immediately include all prohibited foods in the diet. The scheme is this: one day - one product;

• eat fractionally, that is, 5-6 times a day, in small portions of not more than 300 g;

• continue to drink water;

• do not eat sugar. Instead, you can have a little dried fruit or a slice of dark dark chocolate.

You can repeat the diet no earlier than six months later, so that the body forgot about stress. Otherwise, a metabolic disturbance may develop, and losing weight will become problematic. You can save the result for at least a year and a half, especially if you play sports or at least give yourself regular physical activity.


Watch the video: I TRIED THE IU 아이유 KPOP IDOL DIET AND THIS HAPPENED (June 2024).