How to bleach hair at home: we gain knowledge, gain skills. Secrets to safe hair bleaching at home


Every woman, at least once in her life, with pleasure changes her hair style or color.

Often we turn to professionals, but there are times when, armed with purchased hair dye, we resort to the help of people close to us. And very often, we are not happy with the result - the hair becomes brittle, the color is heterogeneous, respectively, the mood is spoiled, the image is not harmonious.

How to bleach hair - is it worth trying

If you ask yourself the question “is it worth trying to change the color yourself?”, You can get an ambiguous answer, because very often, we lack the ability, courage and knowledge to change our appearance and feel quite harmonious in a new role. After you decide to add “tenderness of the sun” to your hair, pay attention to the condition of your hair, because the procedure for lightening it is quite “stressful”, despite the sparing ingredients that can lighten hair at home.

And also consider the condition of the scalp. If there are minor wounds on your head or you have some problems (seborrhea, dandruff), then it is better to abandon this procedure until the skin is completely restored.

Before dyeing your hair, it is better not to wash your hair. So you create a little protection for your hair. If the hair is very dirty, it is enough to wash it once with shampoo, without using an air conditioner. At the same time, trying not to affect the scalp, wash only the surface of the hair. If styling products are present on the hair, then use the comb and, actively combing, remove them.

If all these factors are met, and you are set to "innovation", then we can definitely say: "It is worth changing!".

Which hair bleaching to give preference

Changing (bleaching) the hair into several shades is a simple procedure. If you are the owner of tar hair or a burning brunette, then you must take into account the fact that you will succeed in making the hair lighter, but not immediately. It may be necessary to spend a lot of time (a month - three months) in order for your hair, with a lightening procedure every 2-4 weeks, to become brighter.

If you can brag of light brown hair or red hair, then the clarification procedure for you, reduces the time of manifestation of the result.

Whether you choose some “aggressive” hair lightening or pay attention to the gentle - it's up to you. In any case, with the correct use of all means and instructions, your hair will acquire the desired shade, and may please you and those around you in a new, unique way.

How to bleach hair at home with peroxide

Perhaps the most "chemical" of the ingredients for bleaching hair is hydrogen peroxide. This component has long been known to all women, their ability to make a "sunny" blonde out of a burning brunette. Let's try the “gentle” version of bleaching with hydrogen peroxide and understand how to bleach hair better, comparing with the following, natural ingredients.

It is enough to stock up with one bottle of a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, a comb and a spray. Additional helpers can be gloves, crab hair clips or hairpins, shampoo and balm.

Follow the following steps for "reincarnation":

▪ wash your hair with hair shampoo, pat it dry with a towel, comb your hair so that there are no tangles and knots;

▪ pour into the sprayer (atomizer) a solution of hydrogen peroxide mixed with water in the same proportion. Previously, you can do a test on one strand of hair to understand whether it is worth diluting peroxide with water or you can use non-diluted;

▪ divide the hair into several strands, stab with hairpins or clothespins those that will be dyed later, releasing one (release each, in stages);

▪ put on gloves to protect your skin, cover your shoulders with a special cloak or put on old clothes, since the solution can ruin the color of the fabric;

▪ spray peroxide on the hair surface from roots to ends, and immediately wipe these areas with a wet swab, as if distributing the pigment evenly;

▪ leave the result for 40-60 minutes;

▪ wash off the peroxide with warm water, then apply the hair conditioner balm that matches your type.

Such a staining procedure is not recommended often. Once a month is enough. It all depends on the condition of your hair. In any case, between the stains, you need to nourish and moisturize your hair with special masks and compounds so that they do not lose their elasticity and healthy shine.

Products that bleach hair at home

▪ Chamomile pharmacy

A very simple and effective way to discolor hair, and at the same time improve it a bit, is to use a solution or infusion of medicinal (pharmacy) chamomile. This delicate flower is known for its vitamin richness.

Two tablespoons of chamomile flowers are enough for one liter of water. Pour boiling water over the flowers and leave to infuse for several hours. It is good to do this tincture with a thermos.

Wash your hair with your favorite shampoo.

After the flowers color the water in golden color, the solution can be applied to the hair, just pour them on top of the tincture obtained.

This procedure can be applied regularly. Chamomile will not hurt your hair. The main thing is to monitor their condition, do not allow "overdrying" of hair. This method is suitable for any type of hair.

▪ Kefir mask

Which, bleaching hair at home, kefir may be suitable for this procedure, it is easy to guess - the fatter the hair, the lower the percentage of kefir is needed for use. The acid secreted by the dairy product will help lighten the hair and restore the sebaceous glands, if they are prone to oily. If kefir is quite oily, then it will serve as a natural nutrient for the hair, and even help to lighten it slightly.

The mask is applied to the hair from the roots to the ends, wrapped in a plastic hat with a terry towel. You can walk with this mask all day long.

▪ Lemon

Lightening hair with lemon juice is simple and useful. Citric acid will give your hair a shade of light and "sunny" tenderness. In combination with water (two tablespoons of juice per glass of water) or without it - your decision. It is enough to hold a slice of lemon on the surface of the hair and get the result. Or cover your hair with a solution of water and lemon. A light effect of lightening is provided to you. It is possible to recommend solar procedures after applying lemon to the hair, but this method will be more “harsh” for the hair and can dry and thin your curls.

▪ Vodka

A similar method is used by some female models. It not only brightens the hair, but also heals them.

Mix vodka with healing mineral water (can be with sparkling water) in the ratio: one portion of vodka to two portions of water. The resulting solution can be sprayed with hair using a spray bottle. If you are, at this time, in direct sunlight, then your hair will receive additional lightening.

Beer mask and laundry soap

Any beer can be used to lighten hair. It is enough to apply it on the hair and leave it, wrapping your head, for the whole day. The mask has one drawback - a specific aroma. You can wash beer from your hair at the end of the day. In addition, you can wash off the mask using laundry soap. Hair can become stiffer and require extra care with nutrition, but this method perfectly rinses hair dye and helps change your look.


Watch the video: How to section hair with precision and accuracy (June 2024).