Pharyngitis in adults: what is it and how dangerous is it? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment of Pharyngitis in Adults


Pharyngitis is an acute or chronic lesion of the pharynx, mainly of an infectious nature. The mucous membrane and regional lymph nodes are involved in the pathological process.

According to statistics, almost every living person has met with this disease (the incidence of the disease in the population is 65-70%). Many simply do not understand that they are sick: the clinical picture is either blurry or completely absent.

Although the disease described does not pose a life threat, it also gives little joy: pharyngitis is accompanied by a mass of unpleasant symptoms and has a tendency to chronicity and frequent recurrence. What you should know about this disease?

Causes of pharyngitis in adults

A number of factors play an important role in the occurrence of pharyngitis:

Infectious lesion. The influence of infectious agents plays almost the most prominent role in the formation of the disease. In the vast majority of cases, we are talking about viruses (influenza, adenoviruses, etc.). Somewhat less often we have to talk about pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria), fungi.

Immune response. In some cases, pharyngitis can be allergic in nature. In this situation, it is not difficult to compare and identify a causal relationship between the effect of the allergen on the oropharynx and the onset of the pathological process. The duration of such pharyngitis is relatively small, sometimes we can talk about a paroxysmal course with frequent relapses and complete remission while eliminating the effect of antigen on the body.

Pharyngeal injury. A mechanical effect on the mucosa can cause traumatic inflammation of the tissues of the pharynx.

Exposure to harmful chemical factors:

o Ethanol for alcohol abuse.

o Nicotine and tobacco smoke. Hot tobacco smoke burns the mucous membrane and overdries it, creating moreover favorable conditions for the development of infection.

o Drinking excessively hot drinks (tea, coffee). Causes thermal burns of the mucous membrane.

o With severe reflux esophagitis, we can talk about stomach acid.

o Acid-containing vegetables and fruits: onions, garlic, lemon, tomatoes.

• Exposure to adverse environmental factors (excessively hot or cold air).

Long talk, scream. Causes traumatic irritation of the pharyngeal mucosa.

As a rule, we are talking about the impact of several factors at once. Because pharyngitis can be called a multifactorial disease. Only a doctor can determine the source of the lesion. It is necessary to prescribe the right treatment.

Symptoms of Pharyngitis

Typical symptoms of pharyngitis include:

Pain syndrome. Its intensity varies from a clinical case to a clinical case. Usually the pain syndrome is acute, bruising, burning. It is localized in the throat (sometimes the patient himself cannot determine the source of discomfort). The intensity of the syndrome is also different. In the acute phase of the disease, the strength of the pain is higher.

Discomfort when swallowed.. It feels like a lump in the throat. May be observed in the absence of swallowing.

Unpleasant sore throat. It feels like burning, tickling.

Dry cough. An agonizing unproductive cough is the hallmark of pharyngitis. By nature, it resembles the same symptom with laryngitis with only one difference: the duration of the manifestation is somewhat less. In exceptional cases, a small amount of viscous, clear or purulent sputum may be released.

Foreign body sensation in the throat. Celebrated most of the time.

Loss of voicebut. The voice becomes weak, hoarse, hoarse or completely disappears.

These are symptoms of classic pharyngitis. In complicated cases, other manifestations “overlap”.

Dull, aching earaches. It is observed with complications in the form of otitis media (inflammation of the eardrum).

Congestion in ears, sharp hearing loss.

Nasal congestion, runny nose, flow of mucus from the nose. Symptoms are provoked by the development of sinusitis.

Formations of purulent plugs in the throat, sore throat. It is formed as a result of the development of purulent tonsillitis or tonsillitis.

Regional lymph node pain.

In the acute phase, symptoms of general intoxication of the body are noted


• weakness.

• Overweight.

• Feeling of "body" of the body.

• Hyperthermia (the temperature rises to subfebrile-febrile marks).

These symptoms do not appear immediately. They occur as the disease develops.

Diagnostic measures

A doctor-otolaryngologist (ENT doctor) is involved in the diagnosis of pharyngitis. It is to him that you need to contact at the first sign of a disease. At the initial consultation, the doctor interviews the patient, clarifies the nature and limitation of complaints. In addition, an anamnesis is collected (determined by what diseases the patient suffered and suffers).

Then a visual assessment of the mucous membrane of the pharynx is performed. For this, a special device is used - a pharyngoscope. The study is carried out in good light.

With a complicated process, an additional study of the nasopharynx and ears is shown in order to exclude the inflammatory process. Perhaps the appointment of MRI and CT diagnostics. Since these studies are inaccessible to residents of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries, they rarely resort to them.

A major role is played by laboratory research:

1) General blood test. It gives a classic picture of general inflammation with an increase in the number of leukocytes, a high erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and a low concentration of monocytes. An allergic reaction involves an increase in the level of eosinophils (this is not axiomatic).

2) Examination of a smear from the throat. Bacterial culture is performed to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. This study is crucial for prescribing the right treatment.

3) PCR diagnostics.

In the complex of these studies, it is enough to make the correct diagnosis. An experienced doctor needs only one look at the affected pharynx of the patient to make an accurate diagnosis. All other studies are conducted to verify and clarify the nature of the process.

Treatment of pharyngitis in adults

Treatment of pharyngitis in adults is designed to solve two problems at once:

• First, eliminate local symptoms, relieving the manifestations of the disease.

• Secondly, to identify and eliminate the root cause of the pathology.

The essence of therapy is to take medications:

• Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal origin. This includes Ibuprofen, Ketorol and others. They allow you to remove local inflammation.

• Painkillers (analgesics). They allow you to relieve pain.

• Antiseptic pharmaceuticals. Usually local action. They are used to destroy the pathogenic microflora of the pharynx.

• Antibacterial drugs. Necessary for the complex treatment of acute and chronic pharyngitis. Before starting therapy, you need to determine the type of pathogen and its sensitivity to antibiotics. Uncontrolled intake of antibacterial agents will lead to increased pathogenic microflora. Is it dangerous.

• Antihistamines. They are prescribed for allergic etiology of the disease.

These methods are enough to treat both acute and chronic forms of pharyngitis in adults. In the absence of allergies give a good effect alternative treatment methods:

• Inhalation with salt and soda.

• Inhalation with simple water vapor.

Prevention of acute pharyngitis

Preventive measures are simple and include:

• Abandonment of alcohol abuse.

• To give up smoking.

• Revision of the diet. It is important to "eat" raw onions, garlic and other foods rich in acids.

• It is necessary to undergo preventive examinations in a timely manner.

• It is important to maintain optimal indoor humidity.

• Never breathe excessively dry air.

• Contact allergens as little as possible if the immune nature of pharyngitis is established.

Pharyngitis is not a dangerous disease, but it can cause a lot of discomfort to the patient. It is necessary to consult a doctor in a timely manner and conduct treatment. So you can forget about the problem once and for all. Otherwise, there is a high risk of the transition of the disease to the chronic phase with frequent exacerbations.


Watch the video: Strep throat streptococcal pharyngitis- pathophysciology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment (July 2024).