How to get rid of dandelions on the site forever: mechanical, chemical and folk methods. How to bring dandelions: control measures


Dandelion is a well-known medicinal plant, used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology.

However, it is also a weed, causing great inconvenience to gardeners and gardeners, because getting rid of this perennial plant is quite difficult.

This material will be devoted to the question of how to get rid of dandelions on the site forever.

How to get rid of dandelions on a site forever: general information

Most summer residents often encountered at their sites such a problem as dandelion. In fact, this apparently pleasant plant can cause a lot of trouble. The thing is that dandelion - a perennial plant, spreads quite quickly and easily, because just a small breeze is enough - and the seeds are already spreading to other parts of the earth. And for it to sprout, just slightly moist soil is enough.

However, this the plant is quite tenacious, and it’s almost impossible to get rid of it with an ordinary hoe, because if at least a small piece of the root is left in the ground, next year there will be much more yellow “guests” in your garden.

Also dandelions are pretty easily adapt to any weather conditions. For example, they are absolutely not afraid of frost, because they are able to sprout even in a compost heap, if they are not very deep buried.

Therefore, most of the gardeners have long come to terms with this yellow "invasion" in their area, and no longer even try to somehow prevent this. The only thing is that some occasionally break through the bushes that have arisen, trying to destroy them before flowering. However, in most cases, part of the root, as usual, remains in the ground, and next year new flowers sprout around this place.

It is in the root and lies "invulnerability" of this harmless externally flower, it is quite fragile and long, so it’s almost impossible to get it all out or break it. How to be and what to do with this misfortune to summer residents? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

How to remove dandelions, how to deal with dandelions: methods for resolving the problem

Today, there are three ways to deal with dandelions:

• mechanical;

• chemical;

• folk.

Mechanical methods

Let's start with the simplest - the mechanical effect on the weed. If you decide to act without "chemistry" or other folk methods, then you will need a shovel and a lot of patience. Do not forget, the root of the dandelion is long, but it is very fragile, so you should be careful. Therefore, you need to dig up the weed completely and carefully so that there is no trace of it in the ground, otherwise all your work will be in vain.

Often, these flowers sprout at the seams of tiles or small asphalt cracks. In this case, you just need to cut the plant lower and fill the slice with table salt, this will help not only stop its growth, but also destroy the dandelion completely.

In addition to the shovel, you can also use a special tool to combat dandelions, which is similar in shape to the English letter V from the blades. This device is very effective in combating these plants. The principle of its operation is as follows: we place the tool in the ground in the place where the weed grows, press on the handle and the plant is already on the surface.

Another option how to bring dandelions, how to deal with dandelions - cutting them on the lawn. However, this method does not help you completely get rid of the weed, but only stops its spread.

You can also limit the access of this plant to sunlight. To do this, you will need to cover the flowers with pieces of cardboard or plastic bags, and due to lack of sun, dandelions will begin to die in a few days.

Chemical methods

If mechanical methods have not had the desired effect, the plant can be controlled chemically, in particular, to use herbicides. And here even opponents of "chemistry" are forced to admit that they often use them, because often after mechanical action on the weed, its root breaks, which leads to the appearance of a new shoot.

In this case, both drugs purchased in special stores and food vinegar can serve as herbicides. The latter contains acid, which is a herbicide. However, for maximum effect, it is still recommended to use acid with a higher concentration level.

An important point: to increase the effectiveness of the fight against dandelions, try to get rid of them in the autumn.

The thing is that it is in the fall that this weed accumulates various nutrients in its roots, while the leaves die off before the winter period. So, if the herbicides are applied to the leaves in the fall, the product will get to the roots much faster, killing them. In addition, it is not recommended to mow the lawn before processing, so that the maximum number of leaves falls under the influence of herbicides.

Folk methods

Many summer residents do not accept the use of chemistry on the site and prefer folk methods that have been tested by more than one generation. Moreover, each of the options listed below, with the right approach, can give a result no worse than after a "chemical attack".

So, the list of proven folk remedies for the fight against dandelions is as follows:

• Boiling water. To eliminate the weed from the site, you need to systematically water it 2-3 times a day with boiling water, this will quickly lead to its death;

• Alcohol. This method is not so popular, but is no less effective than the previous one. You need to dilute vodka in a ratio of 1 to 10 and pointwise water each dandelion. The solution will burn out the root system of the plant, and it will quickly die;

• Salt. We will need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt with which we will sprinkle yellow weeds. But be careful, do not allow salt to fall on plants growing nearby, otherwise they will also begin to die;

• Blowtorch. This option sounds very strange, but many summer residents use it quite productively. Each dandelion should be heated by a lamp for several seconds;

• Mulching. A very safe and effective way. Vegetables are grown on a dark film, and since there is no light, weeds and other crops do not grow;

• Gluten free cornmeal. You can sprinkle it on the site, but until the dandelions appear, for 5-6 weeks. Since this method is productive only during the period of sprinkling with flour, a repeated procedure should be done several times during the growing season;

• Table vinegar. It is necessary to systematically lubricate each weed with vinegar, which will soon lead to its death;

• Hydrochloric acid. You can buy it at any hardware store. For these purposes, one liter will be enough, it costs, by the way, very inexpensively. Always wear latex gloves before starting treatment. For application, use a kitchen syringe. Try not to inhale acid fumes, they are harmful to the body. Some time after treatment, the weeds acquire a brown color and die.

Dandelion control, preventive measures

Preventive measures should be carried out regularly, otherwise dandelions will spread very quickly throughout the site, and getting rid of them will be much more difficult. The best prevention is regular monitoring of the territory and proper care of it.

To avoid clogging the area with dandelions it is recommended adhere to simple preventive rules:

1) try to remove grass from the area after mowing to prevent the spread of weeds;

2) track the presence of "bald spots" on the earth, because emptiness is the best place for the germination of these flowers. If empty spaces appear, it is recommended that they be re-sown with grass in the fall;

3) the height of the cut grass should be approximately 8 cm. This will allow it to give the soil the necessary protection.

That's all the ways and recommendations that will help you get rid of such a problem on the site as dandelions. Remember that this plant, despite the external beauty and harmlessness, is a malicious weed, and you need to take all measures to eliminate it from the site in time to avoid aggravating the situation in the future.


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