Soft waffles amaze with their tenderness! Homemade recipes for soft waffles in a waffle iron with milk, sour cream, butter with different fillings


Soft waffles are almost cookies! But not quite simple, but very delicate and fragrant. It can be supplemented with condensed milk, jam, creams and

even souffle. Soft waffles are usually thick, baked in a special square, rectangular, round waffle iron, can be in the form


Soft Waffles - General Cooking Principles

The dough for soft waffles is always mixed with the addition of liquid. Usually this is milk, kefir, sour cream or cream can be used. If a

only eggs and fats are present in the recipe, then the structure will be crumbly, crispy, wafers will look like shortbread cookies. amount

sugar in recipes can be very different. Sometimes they make very sweet waffles, but there are more fresh versions, it all depends

from the presence or absence of the filling.

For baking, deep waffle irons are used, into which dough is poured on the very sides, it needs to be covered on top. If the waffle iron

electric, the temperature and mode are selected taking into account the data in the instructions of the device.

What are wafers served with:

• condensed milk;

• jam;

• various creams;

• chocolate, honey;

• souffle, jelly.

You can lubricate two wafers with the filling and glue them together. Sometimes the cream is simply squeezed on top, sprinkled with chocolate or

coconut flakes, colored sweets, lay berries or pieces of fruit. You can simply pour soft waffles with melted chocolate

or cooked icing. Very often, several types of sweet toppings are served in a separate bowl.

Soft waffles in a waffle iron with condensed milk (dough on milk)

A simple batter for a great treat. You can knead it in advance, a few hours before baking soft waffles in a waffle iron, and at the right

moment to please the household or guests. But it is better to store the dough in the refrigerator.


• two eggs;

• 30 grams of sugar;

• 20 grams of sl. oils;

• 240 grams of flour;

• 250 ml of milk;

• salt, soda, vanilla;

• condensed milk for gluing.


1. Separate the proteins, add a pinch of salt to them, and beat in a strong white foam.

2. Add sugar and vanilla to the yolks. Beat or grind well until white.

3. Add the melted butter to the yolks and immediately pour the milk at room temperature, stir.

4. Add flour, mix.

5. Gently inject the whipped egg whites into the foam.

6. Take 0.4 tsp. baking soda, extinguish with vinegar, pour into the finished dough. Stir gently with a spatula. Try not to upset

the foam.

7. You can bake waffles right away. We put the dough on the heated surface of the waffle iron, cover, wait for the golden crust.

8. Remove the waffles, cut into sectors or cubes, depending on the shape. Lubricate with boiled condensed milk. Glue the pieces together

2 pieces each.

Soft waffles on sour cream

For the test, you can use sour cream of any fat content, but it is better not to take too liquid or acidic product.


• three eggs;

• 150 grams of sugar;

• vanilla, salt;

• some lemon juice;

• 250 grams of sour cream;

• 220 grams of flour;

• 1 tsp soda (without tubercle).


1. Combine the eggs and granulated sugar in a large mixing bowl. Beat the duet with a mixer until a good foam appears. About five minutes.

2. Add sour cream, mixed with a pinch of salt, stir.

3. Introduce vanillin or vanilla sugar. But any essence will also work, choose a fragrance to your taste.

4. Add flour and add slaked soda with lemon juice. Juice needs about a tablespoon. You can replace all this with a bag of finished

baking powder

5. Stir the dough until smooth, set aside for about five minutes.

6. While you can prepare the waffle iron, warm it up.

7. Pour the dough so that the cells are filled. Cooking thick and soft waffles for several minutes until they are completely

golden. Do not overdo it.

Soft Chocolate Waffles in a Waffle Maker

Recipe for soft waffles in a waffle iron with the taste and color of chocolate. In fact, the dough for them is kneaded on cocoa. But choose a good one and

quality baking powder.


• 100 grams of sugar;

• 28 grams of cocoa;

• 130 grams of flour;

• 125 grams of butter (take cream);

• vanilla;

• 2 eggs;

• 0.4 tsp cultivator;

• 6 tablespoons of milk.

In addition, you need one bar of chocolate and 6-7 tablespoons of milk. You can use cream of arbitrary fat content.


1. Melt the butter. For soft chocolate waffles, you can take margarine. Add cocoa powder, stir. Then pour prescription


2. Combine fresh eggs with granulated sugar. Beat until lush foam with a mixer or whisk. In the first case, all this will be fast.

3. Combine both masses.

4. Add vanillin to the dough.

5. Combine flour with baking powder, pour into chocolate mass.

6. Stir the dough well, bake thick and soft waffles. Since the dough is dark, we closely monitor the readiness, do not


7. Break the chocolate bar into arbitrary pieces, send to a steam bath. We warm, pour in the milk, stir the cream.

8. Pour the baked wafers with chocolate. You can use this mass for bonding pairs.

Soft waffles in a pan

Making soft waffles in a waffle iron is straightforward. But if she is not? This is not a reason to refuse a wonderful dessert! there is

perfect recipe for the most ordinary frying pan.


• three eggs;

• a glass of flour;

• 50 grams of oil;

• a glass of sugar;

• 0.3 tsp cultivator.


1. Melt, cool the butter.

2. Beat eggs with prescription sand until fluffy. Introduce the prepared oil, stir.

3. Fill the dough with flour and a baking cultivator. If it is not, then add soda. About half the norm, but be sure to extinguish

lemon juice or table vinegar.

4. Grease a frying pan. You can do this with a brush or a cloth dampened with oil. We warm almost to a haze.

5. Spread the waffle with a spoon. Bake for 15-20 seconds on each side. Turn over carefully so as not to break.

6. Grease a frying pan before each new portion of the dough so that a beautiful crust appears on the waffles. Serve with any sweet


Soft waffles in a cornmeal waffle iron (with butter cream)

A recipe for wonderful soft waffles in a waffle iron. For cream, use fatty natural cream above 30%, otherwise it will be impossible to produce



• a glass of corn flour;

• 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 0.5 tsp soda;

• three large eggs;

• a glass of millet flour .;

• 3 tablespoons of oil;

• a glass of whey.


• a glass of cream;

• 100 g of mascarpone;

• 4 tablespoons of sugar (as much as possible).


1. The dough is best prepared an hour before baking. Corn flour needs to be given a little time to swell. Mix eggs and sugar

beat for a minute. Add serum, then softened butter. Beat a couple more minutes.

2. Mix two types of flour, put vanilla on request, send it all to the dough. During the batch we add slaked in acid soda.

Stir the dough, leave for a while.

3. Bake wafers in a greased form in the usual way. It is important not to overdo it. Cooling down. Can be put in the refrigerator. It is necessary,

so that the cream does not melt.

4. Beat the cream with sugar or powder until lush foam, combine with mascarpone cheese. If desired, put liquor, vanilla or

a drop of brandy.

5. We add wafers with cream: you can glue, squeeze flowers from a pastry bag on them, grease and garnish with chocolate chips,

coconut flakes.

Soft waffles with cocoa in milk

Another recipe for soft chocolate waffles. The dough is prepared mainly from milk and flour.


• 140 grams of flour;

• 60 grams of sugar;

• 40 grams of cocoa;

• 0.3 tsp soda;

• 275 ml of milk;

• 2 eggs;

• a pinch of salt;

• 60 grams of oil;

• chocolate paste or cream


1. Mix in a single bowl all the dry ingredients according to the recipe.

2. In another bowl, shake the eggs and milk, add melted, but by no means hot oil.

3. Combine both mixtures, put slaked soda, stir for several minutes until the dough is uniform and smooth.

4. Pour a ladle into a heated waffle iron, bake until cooked.

5. Lubricate with chocolate paste or any cream.

Soft waffles in a sour milk waffle iron

Is the milk sour or sour milk stagnant? Fine! They make an excellent dough for soft waffles. Additionally need



• 400 ml of sour milk;

• a pair of eggs;

• 120 grams of sugar;

• 4 grams of cultivator;

• orange;

• 350 g flour;

• 4 tablespoons of oil.


1. Rinse the orange thoroughly. Remove thin orange peel - zest. Chop it with a knife or immediately remove with a fine grater. Then

cut the citrus, squeeze the juice. We filter.

2. Beat eggs and sugar, add sour milk, orange juice and zest, pour in four tablespoons of any small. But best to use

olive oil. Fill the dough with flour and a cultivator. Stir.

3. Bake thick cakes in an electric or plain waffle iron.

Soft Waffles - Useful Tips and Tricks

• No whisk or mixer? For shaking eggs and kneading dough, you can use forks, you need to insert the cloves into each other so that

there was an oval between them. Work exactly like a whisk.

• If you do not plan to immediately use wafers or lubricate, then put them in a bag. Otherwise, they will dry out, they will not be soft.

• No milk for dough? Waffles can be cooked on the water. You can mix it with cream or sour cream. You can make perfect dough

from diluted condensed milk, but in this case it will be necessary to reduce the amount of sugar.

• If the waffle iron is new, grease it with plenty of oil, warm it well, then wipe it with paper.


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