The strongest prayer to Spiridon of Trimifunta


Trimifuntsky the Wonderworker Saint Spyridon during his life was a model of righteousness, kindness, meekness and philanthropy. He worked wonders for the benefit of everyone who asks, donated to the needy, and he lived in modesty, not striving for wealth or fame. The saint is credited with miraculous healings, both physical and mental. They turn to him for stability, and what it is, we will tell more in this article.

What can you ask Spiridon Trimifuntsky?

Even during his lifetime, Spiridon Trimifuntsky was elected Bishop of Trimitusa, but he was not arrogant, but continued a righteous life, like everyone, earning himself a living and food. For his good temper, help from his relatives and his marvel, he was nicknamed the Miracle Maker. After the death of Spiridon, they were elevated to the rank of saints and now seek help in various matters:

  • for material well-being;
  • for support in business and commerce;
  • for healing;
  • for help in the work;
  • to solve housing problems.

Prayers to Saint Spyridon are lifted from the icon with his face in the church or at home with faith in God's power and grace.

3 strong prayers to Spiridon of Trimifunts

3 most powerful prayers to Spyridon Trimifuntsky are known today:

  • with a request for help in all affairs and undertakings, about assistance in work;
  • praying for monetary well-being and successful trading;
  • request for spiritual and physical healing.

Each of the prayers listed should be pronounced from the heart, with no purpose to harm someone with their blessing and need. As in life, Saint Spyridon will help everyone who has come, will grant peace and reward by mercy.

Prayer first: for help

The saint is considered the protector of Orthodoxy, because he protects and helps all believers in every corner of the earth. To ask him for help in affairs and undertakings useduniversal prayer of sv. Spiridon:

“O, blessed to Saint Spyridon, the great pleasurable of Christ and glorious, miraculous! The Throne of God shall stand in heaven with the faces of angels, look upon the merciful eye of the people who are here to come (asking for your name) and asking for your help. Praise the mercy of the God-Lover of God, that he may not condemn us because of our iniquity, but that He will do with us by His mercy! Ask us from Christ and our God a peaceful and serene living, mental and physical health, decency of the earth and all abundance and prosperity in everything, and let us not turn to the good in evil, but to the glory of Him and to glorify your intercession. ! Deliver all those who come to God, undoubtedly to God, from all misfortunes of the soul and the body, from all yearning and devilish slanders! Be a sad comforter, an unwilling doctor, a nasty assistant, a naked patron, a widow's intercessor, a syrym protector, a baby feeder, an old fortifier, a wandering guide, a floating helmsman, and proceed to everyone who needs your help, all you need is good for salvation! Yako, by your prayers, we will be instructed and observed, we will attain everlasting peace and we will glorify God with you, in the Trinity, Slavimago, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever and ever. Amen".

This prayer service is also called the Spiridon Trimifuntsky prayer for commerce, as it helps to improve the working conditions associated with trading activities. However, he calls for the protection of their own homes, land, work or works from envious, enemies and detractors.

Prayer Two: about well-being

A prayer for financial well-being to the Prelate will enable to achieve monetary success, return the fortune, and provide the means for life. The prayer about the work of Spiridon Trimifuntsky, contributing to the search for a new job, according to the text, coincides with the prayer of Spiridon Trimifuntski about assistance in matters at work that already exists. The holy text is as follows:

“O great and supreme saint to the Hierarch of Christ and miraculous Spiridon, Kerkir praise, all of the universe is lit up with a glorious prayer-book warm to God and everyone who comes to you and with faith prays a quick intercessor! You Orthodox faith in Nikeystem Cathedral among the fathers gloriously explained to you, you showed the unity of the Holy Trinity with miraculous power, showed you and heretics completely disgraced you. Hearing us, sinners, to the Holy Hierarch of Christ, praying to you, and by your strong intercession with the Lord, deliver us from all the evil of the circumstances: from iron, flood, fire, and deadly ulcers. You in your temporary life saved your people from all these calamities: you saved the country from the invasion of the agrians and the kingdom, the king saved you from the incurable disease, and many sinners returned to repentance for your sake, for the saintly life of your Angels invisibly in the church singing and co-serving you have hast. Sitsu ubo glorify you, His true slave, Lord Christ, supposedly all the secret human deeds are given to you and understand the unjustly living. You diligently helped the many in poverty and inadequacy of the living, thou hast sated the people of misery during the worm and thou hast created many things with the power of the living Spirit of God in you. Sitz and did not forsake us, saint of Christ, commemorate us, our children, at the Throne of the Almighty and beg the Lord, may forgive many of our sins forgiveness, a comfortable and peaceful life and grant us, the death of the abdomen of unspoiled and peaceful and blissful eternal future in the future let us send the glory and thanks to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. Amen".

This prayer for money and good luck to Spiridon contributes to the speediest enrichment, improvement of financial status and success in any work. The petition will relieve from poverty, monetary instability and protect from failures. Reading prayer will help in cases of:

  • purchase and sale of real estate, cars or other benefits;
  • looking for a new job or keeping an old one;
  • in moving up the career ladder;
  • in legal matters and in the courts;
  • to increase income and prosperity of their own business.

Prayer Three: Healing

The miracles performed by St. Spyridon are still known today. There are many stories that tell how the Wonderworker, with the power of words, convinced even the most unbelievers in the existence of the Lord and his mercy. At the same time, much is said about the healing of the suffering, both spiritually and physically. To seek the health of the Holy should with a prayer for the welfare:

“On the holy day to Saint Spyridon! Plead the mercy of the God-loving God, that he may not condemn us because of our iniquity, but do it with us by His mercy. Ask us, the servants of God (names), with Christ and our God, to have a peaceful and serene living, mental and physical health. Deliver us from all misfortunes of soul and body, from all yearning and devilish slanders. Remember us at the throne of the Almighty and plead with the Lord, may forgive many of our sins forgiveness, a comfortable and peaceful life, grant us, after the death of the belly, indecent and peaceful and blissful in the future, the vet will reward us, and incessantly send glory and thanks to the Father and the Son and To the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever. ”

This prayer service allows not only to be healed, but also helps to remove demons from a person.

How to pray?

Before you begin to pray to Spiridon the Wonderworker, you should consider a number of rules that must be followed:

  1. The time for prayer is chosen according to the possibilities: in the early morning or in the late evening. The main condition - to read the prayer should be alone, so that no one can distract or interfere with action. It is recommended to choose the evening before bedtime.
  2. Thoughts in prayer must be pure and sincere, and intentions must exclude the thirst for easy money or the desire to deceive other people.
  3. It is necessary to focus on the desired, without clogging the mind with third-party thoughts, fears or fears. It is important to pronounce the text in peace.
  4. In order for the petition to be heard, the sacred texts should be pronounced before the icon of the Holy One and by the light of church candles.
  5. The room should be quiet, and all electrical appliances must be turned off.

Prayers are read to St. Spyridon daily, until the desired is granted. Once a week, preferably on a Sunday, it is recommended to attend church in order to raise the moleben in the walls of the temple.


Watch the video: Самая сильная молитва Святителю Спиридону о богатстве, благополучии и здравии. (July 2024).