Holiday salads without mayonnaise - they will not hurt the figure! Recipes of meat, vegetable, mushroom salads without mayonnaise on the festive table


Mayonnaise is a very harmful and high-calorie, but everyone’s favorite product. Holiday tables are usually bursting with an abundance of fatty salads. It's time to change it! There are many interesting and delicious dishes that are prepared without mayonnaise. They also turn out delicious, nutritious, excite appetite, but not so much harm the figure and health.

Holiday salads without mayonnaise - general principles of preparation

Mostly salads consist of meat products, mushrooms and vegetables. They are combined in a variety of ways. Products can be boiled, fried, grilled or used fresh. Very often, preservation is involved in recipes. Pickled cucumbers, corn, peas are among the most popular ingredients.

What is used instead of mayonnaise for dressing:

• vegetable oil (sunflower, olive);

• lemon juice, vinegar (regular, apple, wine, balsamic);

• mustard (ordinary spicy, Dijon);

• sour cream, yogurt (natural);

• soy sauce.

Often several ingredients are mixed, spices, nuts or sesame, garlic are added to them. In all salads, fresh greens are welcome. You can use it for decoration. Holiday salads can be collected in layers in deep bowls or on flat plates, but more often all the ingredients are simply mixed in a certain proportion. In any case, it is advisable to do this shortly before serving. Not every appetizer requires pickling, and fresh vegetables can also release juice and lose their appearance.

Salad without mayonnaise on the festive table "Under the Vodka"

The recipe for insanely tasty and very fragrant salad without mayonnaise on the holiday table. Its name speaks for itself.


• 400 g of boiled beef;

• 200 g of onion;

• 1 tbsp. l mustard;

• 1 small jar of honey mushrooms;

• 1 jar of pickled gherkins;

• 3 tbsp. l oils;

• 2 tbsp. l vinegar.


1. Beef needs to be boiled, cooled, put in a container and put in the refrigerator for several hours. The meat will get stronger, it will be easier to cut. Cut into strips.

2. Onion cut into very thin strips. If the heads are small, then you can make half rings. We dilute vinegar essence in 200 ml of water, pour onion, let it marinate for 20-30 minutes.

3. Cut the pickled gherkins into strips. Small cucumbers are best suited for this salad, they do not have large seeds and the skin is thin.

4. We open the mushrooms, pour the marinade from the mushrooms, placing them in a colander. Rinse the mushrooms to remove the mucus.

5. Combine the mushrooms with beef, cucumbers, squeeze the onion and add to the total mass.

6. Mix mustard and oil. You can use mustard with seeds for salad, but then it will not be spicy.

7. Dress the salad, stir, put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, preferably all night.

Celebratory salad without Caesar mayonnaise

Considering salad recipes on the festive table without mayonnaise, it is difficult not to pay attention to Caesar. It is not only very tasty, but also low-calorie, healthy, bright. Here is one of the famous options.


• 150 g of chicken;

• 2 slices of white bread;

• 2 eggs;

• one tomato;

• 5 lettuce leaves;

• lemon juice, mustard, sesame and oil.


1. Cut the chicken into small pieces, fry in oil in a pan or grill, as it turns out, in this salad fillets can be cooked in different ways.

2. Dice white bread or loaf, dry in the oven or in the microwave, but you can also cook crackers in a dry skillet, as many people do.

3. Boil the eggs, cut lengthwise into four parts to make elongated pieces.

4. Cut the tomato into pieces.

5. The washed lettuce leaves are laid on the bottom of a flat plate.

6. We lay out the pieces of tomato, then the eggs, crackers, pieces of chicken, all this should look out.

7. Mix the oil with an incomplete teaspoon of mustard, salt, add lemon juice. Pour it to taste, but the salad should not be very sour.

8. Water the salad dressing, sprinkle with sesame seeds and immediately serve to the festive table.

Salad without mayonnaise on the festive table "Heart"

Beef hearts will be required to make this salad. The dish is incredibly satisfying and delicious.


• a heart;

• two carrots;

• two onions;

• 3 eggs;

• 3 pickles;

• vinegar, oil, mustard.


1. Cut the onions, on a Korean grater, rub the carrots, sprinkle with vinegar, sprinkle with salt and pepper, rub everything well with your hand, leave to marinate for half an hour. You can lightly fry vegetables in oil for this salad, and add spices with vinegar.

2. Boil until ready one beef heart, cool. Cut into thin strips, transfer to a salad bowl.

3. We also cut pickles. It turns out especially tasty with barrel vegetables. We shift afterwards to the heart.

4. Add onions with carrots.

5. Mix a few tablespoons of oil with mustard, add to the salad. Stir, salt to taste, remove for two hours in the refrigerator.

Festive salad without Lady mayonnaise

The recipe is very simple to prepare, but tasty and low-calorie salad for the festive table and not only. Sour cream is used for dressing, you can replace yogurt.


• 400 g of chicken;

• 2-3 cucumbers;

• 300 g of green peas;

• 150 g sour cream;

• garlic, salt and pepper, herbs to taste.


1. Boil chicken fillet for 20-25 minutes in boiling water, cool, cut into cubes.

2. Add green peas.

3. Cut the cucumbers into cubes, and send them to the salad bowl.

4. Squeeze the garlic, combine with sour cream, salt, stir with the rest of the salad ingredients.

5. Garnish with herbs, immediately send to the table.

Korean carrot holiday mayonnaise-free salad

Korean carrots in itself is a wonderful salad. But on the festive table, she looks very boring. It can be fixed! The option is quick to prepare, but very tasty salad. Beans are used in their juice, you can take white or red.


• 200 g of Korean carrots;

• a can of canned beans;

• two sweet peppers;

• 200 g of ham or sausage;

• a bunch of dill;

• 1 tbsp. l oils.


1. Thinly chop the ham or any cooked, smoked sausage. It is advisable that it does not have a lot of fat.

2. Cut the sweet pepper into thin strips. Immediately put everything in one big salad bowl.

3. Open a jar of canned beans. Very often the marinade is slimy, so put the beans in a colander, rinse with clean water.

4. Combine the beans with the rest of the ingredients, add Korean carrots to the salad. If it is very long, then you can first put it on a cutting board, cut it several times with a knife.

5. Add chopped dill, butter, stir and festive, bright salad is ready!

Holiday salad without mayonnaise with mushrooms and beans

Fresh mushrooms are ideal for this salad. But you can also take other mushrooms.


• 400 g of champignons;

• a can of beans;

• onion;

• carrot;

• 1 clove of garlic;

• 1 tsp mustard;

• salt, pepper, oil.


1. Cut mushrooms or other mushrooms with plates, fry in vegetable oil until absolutely ready. Cooling down.

2. Onions and carrots cut into strips and also fry until cooked. We do not add a lot of oil so that the vegetables do not turn out to be greasy.

3. Open a can of beans, remove the liquid.

4. Combine vegetables and mushrooms with beans, add mustard and minced garlic, salt, stir, put pepper to taste. Before serving, cool the salad.

Liver salad without mayonnaise on the festive table

For this salad, it is best to take beef liver, as it is easily cut into strips.


• 250 g of the liver;

• 2 carrots;

• 2 onions;

• 170 g sour cream;

• garlic, dill, pepper;

• 3 eggs.


1. Boil beef liver until cooked, cool, cut into strips.

2. Onion with carrots shred straws, spread in a skillet. Fry over medium heat until soft. Cool, shift to the liver.

3. Beat one egg with a fork, pour the pancake on a greased frying pan, and bake. Repeat all the same with the rest of the eggs. Finished pancakes cut into strips.

4. Mix sour cream with garlic, put spices, you can add a little mustard. Dress the salad. Decorate with herbs.

Festive salad without East mayonnaise with nuts

Walnuts will be used for dressing. Instead of turkey, you can take chicken.


• 350 g of turkey;

• 2 carrots;

• 2 peppers;

• 2 eggplants;

• 3 tbsp. l nuts

• 1 tsp chopped ginger;

• 2 tbsp. l soy sauce;

• 2 cloves of garlic;

• 3 tbsp. l refueling oils;

• cooking oil, greens.


1. Grate the carrots with straws, sprinkle with vinegar, salt and mash well, let it marinate a little.

2. Cut the eggplant into small strips. Fry in a skillet until cooked.

3. Boil the turkey, cool, cut into strips, add to the eggplant.

4. Add the chopped pepper, put the carrots.

5. Chop the garlic. Combine it with fresh ginger, add soy sauce and vegetable oil. You can introduce a little mustard. Stir the dressing well, pour into the salad.

6. Stir everything with a spatula, sprinkle chopped walnuts on top.

Holiday salads without mayonnaise - useful tips and tricks

• To gently cut boiled meat or poultry, you need to keep them in the refrigerator for several hours.

• Do not mix warm foods with other salad ingredients. All components must be cooled.

• To prevent vegetable salads from flowing ahead of time, add salt and dressings just before serving.

• Portion salads laid out on plates through a ring look very nice. If there is no such device, you can use a cropped piece of a plastic bottle or wall from a can.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with David. March 31, 2019 (July 2024).