Classic vinaigrette: a step-by-step recipe for the brightest salad. Cooking a classic vinaigrette according to step-by-step recipes with cabbage and cucumbers


Vinaigrette is a familiar salad that has changed a lot lately. Why not add to it! You can find the most unexpected combinations of products that will greatly surprise, for example, herring, olives or mushrooms. But still the most delicious are the old salad options. Here you will find step-by-step recipes for a classic vinaigrette with the same familiar taste.

Classic vinaigrette - general principles of cooking

The main component of vinaigrette is boiled vegetables. Traditionally used potatoes, carrots, beets. They can be prepared in advance, let cool. Then the tubers need to be peeled and crushed. All products in the vinaigrette are always diced. About the size of a pea, if vinaigrette with peas. Or chop a little larger if beans are used in the salad.

What else can be added:

• onions, green;

• sauerkraut;

• salted cucumbers.

Traditional vinaigrette is seasoned with vegetable oil. You can take the product with or without smell, mix it with mustard or black pepper. Oil is added at the very end. If you don’t want the beets to color other products and like colored vinaigrette more, you can season the beets separately in a bowl, also season the rest of the ingredients, then combine.

Classic vinaigrette: a step by step recipe with pickles

A step-by-step recipe for a classic vinaigrette without cabbage, no matter how strange it sounds. It is she who is absent in technological maps. Salad (not pickled) cucumbers give a special taste to the salad. This is a real version with boiled beans, but if desired, replace canned beans in their own juice or in a light marinade.


• two beets;

• three potatoes;

• onion;

• 80 g of beans (dry);

• four cucumbers (salted);

• two carrots;

• 40 ml of oil;

• 1 tsp mustard (optional);

• greens optional.


1. Add cold water to the beans, soak for at least five hours. Then change the water, put on the stove and boil until cooked. If there is no desire or time to do this, then you can just use canned beans, you need about a glass of beans without marinade.

2. Rinse the potatoes, do not need to peel, transfer to a pan. Wash the carrots, add to the potatoes, add water and boil until cooked, but do not overdo it. As soon as the vegetables begin to pierce normally, turn off. Drain the boiling water, fill it with cold water, hold for five minutes and also drain. We clean it.

3. Beets are always boiled separately from other vegetables, otherwise it will ruin their taste. Rinse medium-sized root vegetables, put in a saucepan, add water and boil until soft. Then pour cold water to cool. To clear.

4. All the vegetables are cut into neat cubes, the size is slightly smaller than the beans. Fold in one large bowl. So that the potatoes do not break up and the cubes are neat, it is important not to digest it. You can additionally hold the cooled tubers a little in the freezer, half an hour is enough to strengthen them.

5. Peel the onion, cut it smaller than the rest of the ingredients, pour into a bowl.

6. Pickled cucumbers are also finely chopped, like onions, so that they are evenly distributed in the vinaigrette. If the cucumbers are small or not too vigorous, then you can add a couple more things.

7. We fall asleep cooked or just canned beans. You can take red beans, white or any other to your taste.

8. We try on salt. If the taste of cucumbers is not enough, then add. It is important to salt before the oil is poured. Otherwise, the grains simply do not have time to dissolve.

9. Season the salad. Combine vegetable oil with mustard, grind and add to vegetables. Or just pour in the oil.

10. Carefully, gently stir the vinaigrette. You can use two spoons for this, so as not to stretch the boiled vegetables and not to spoil the look.

Classic vinaigrette: a step by step recipe with cabbage (sauerkraut)

This is one of the most favorite salad options in Russia. Often, in order to save time or products, only potatoes and beets were added to it, it is also sometimes called beetroot. But here is a step-by-step recipe for a classic vinaigrette, which is prepared according to all the rules and from a large number of products.


• 400 g sauerkraut;

• 350 g of beets;

• 350 g of potatoes;

• 150 g carrots;

• 100 g of onion;

• 150 g of cucumbers (pickled, pickled, pickled);

• 50 ml of oil;

• 100 g of beans (dry).


1. The day before, pour the beans with water, let the beans swell well, then pour into a pan, add clean water, boil until soft. Or just take a standard can of canned beans, open, pour into a colander. Very often, the fill is slimy. In this case, you can rinse the beans under the tap directly in the colander. Leave to drain liquid.

2. Wash beets and other root crops. Put the beets in a pan, fill with water, put on the stove. After boiling, the fire will need to be reduced, cook until soft for 30-50 minutes, depending on size.

3. Potatoes with carrots need to be put in another pan, they are also brought to readiness. If the carrots are small, then maybe it will boil faster, but more often the first comes to soft potatoes. In this case, you need to remove it, and boil the carrots for a few more minutes.

4. All vegetables are cooled. Warm ingredients must not be mixed. You can fill everything with cold water, root crops will cool faster, easier to clean. Remove the skins.

5. Cut carrots, potatoes, boiled beets into medium-sized cubes. Pour everything into a large bowl.

6. Immediately you can shift the previously prepared beans. So far, you don’t need to stir anything, so as not to crumple the products again.

7. Peel the onion. It is better to use salad varieties of vegetables, you can blue or red, lilac onions, vinaigrette will turn out even more beautiful. Cut into small pieces, shift.

8. Add the chopped cucumbers next. The main taste will still be given by cabbage, so you can even take not very pickled cucumbers.

9. We squeeze sauerkraut from the remnants of the brine. Be sure to try. It happens that it is too sour. In this case, soak for several minutes in cold water or just rinse, it all depends on the taste. But do not forget to squeeze out well again. There should be no water in the vinaigrette.

10. Add the cabbage and now carefully stir the salad. Add spices to your liking, you can cut a little greens into a vinaigrette, it turns out deliciously with feather onions. However, if it will not be used immediately, then it is better not to do this.

11. At the end, we season with vegetable oil and the classic vinaigrette according to the original step-by-step recipe is ready! Decorate with herbs, serve to the table.

Classic vinaigrette: a step by step recipe with fresh cabbage and peas

If there is no sauerkraut, then vinaigrette can be prepared with fresh vegetable. It is also not a problem if there is no bean, there is no desire to cook it, or simply not quite to your taste. In this step-by-step recipe for a classic vinaigrette, the main ingredients are slightly modified by equally delicious counterparts.


• 500 g of fresh cabbage;

• three potatoes;

• two carrots;

• one onion;

• two beets;

• four pickles;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 1 tsp vinegar

• 1 tsp Sahara;

• salt to taste;

• one can of canned green peas.


1. Chop the cabbage into strips. You can use a grater, just do not need to make too long pieces. If they turned out like that, then you can cut it several times with a knife.

2. Add a teaspoon of vinegar, sugar. Salt and mash slightly with your hands. Leave the cabbage to marinate while the rest of the vegetables are cooked.

3. Boil beets in one pan, and potatoes with carrots in another bowl until cooked. Cool.

4. Peel all root vegetables, cut into small cubes, pour into a bowl.

5. Peel the onions, cut them into small cubes, pour them to the remaining vegetables in a bowl.

6. We return to the cabbage, which has already been pickled. Along with this, she released the juice. We squeeze it. We put the cabbage in a bowl with vinaigrette.

7. Cut the cucumbers. If they are watery, then first we drop into a colander, let the brine drain. But you can just squeeze it with your hands, like cabbage.

8. Open the jar with green peas, drain all the liquid, pour the product into a bowl with a classic vinaigrette. Canned beans can also be used in this step-by-step recipe.

9. Stir all the vegetables until evenly distributed. Let's taste it, add salt.

10. Season with vegetable sunflower, but it is also possible with olive oil. To taste pepper, add fresh herbs.

Classic vinaigrette - useful tips and tricks

• If the onions are too sharp, the vinaigrette will be bitter, the unpleasant taste will pass to other vegetables. To prevent this, the vegetable can be cut, put in a sieve or in a colander, scalded with boiling water from a teapot. But add it to the salad only after it has cooled completely.

• Beetroot boils for a long time, but does not want to become soft? If more than minutes of cooking have already passed, you can drain the boiling water and put the beetroot under a stream of cold water, after half an hour the vegetable will be fully prepared.

• Fresh vinaigrette is not very tasty. That is why pickles and pickled vegetables are always added to the salad. But it happens that they do not give the desired acid or are themselves quite fresh. In this case, pickling onions will help to improve the taste. Vegetables need to be cut, poured with acetic acid solution, let it brew, then squeeze and add to the vinaigrette.


Watch the video: Salads: Cucumber Tomato Avocado Salad Recipe - Natasha's Kitchen (July 2024).