Is dry hair treatment possible at home? Proven recipes for treating dry hair at home, tricks


The most enjoyable time of the year is summer. It’s just not good for the hair, since ultraviolet dries the hair, when bathing in the sea, the proteins are washed out, and as a result, the hair weakens and grow dull, becomes brittle, splits, falls out, due to increased solar activity, the scalp dries, due to dandruff appears, accompanied by itching and peeling.

Of course, during a summer vacation, we think primarily about ourselves, but only at the end of the vacation we will have to think about hair. The process of their restoration requires immediate action.

Factors that adversely affect our hair

Summertime is not the only cause of hair damage. Along with this, other factors should be noted:

1. Tools for styling. Trying to look beautiful every day, women regularly straighten their hair, using a huge amount of varnishes, mousses and foam. Such daily torture cannot affect the hair. As a result, we have to deal with brittle damaged hair.

2. Solarium. Such procedures adversely affect the hair. To reduce the negative impact, it is necessary to apply a spray for brittle hair before going to the solarium.

3. Cold. Not only heat, but also frosts, and in addition with a piercing wind, negatively affects the hair. Most affected are the hair of fashionistas who do not dare to wear a hat.

4. Diets. In pursuit of a slim figure, women and girls cannot imagine how much harm they do to their health in this way, including their hair. In this case, the hair does not get the proper nutrition they need.

5. Hot water, including hard water, cannot bring anything good to our hair.

6. Daily washing. There are many shampoos indicating: "suitable for daily use." In fact, such daily procedures, and even more so if a hairdryer is used, is a real torture for our hair. Not a single manufacturer has succeeded in creating shampoo, it is able to cleanse hair, while not causing them the negative effects of chemicals.

General rules to be followed when starting to treat dry hair at home

1. Choosing a shampoo that really suits your hair is a very important point. Do not forget that for a long time you can not use the same shampoo. If you liked it, you can use it for washing your hair later, but now you need to change it to another suitable one. For example, if you used shampoo to give your hair softness, then temporarily you can choose a moisturizer or the like. Improved effect is guaranteed.

2. You should not immediately after making a decision to do hair start buying everything in a row means that promise to improve hair condition. The fact is that in this case they become like spoiled children who were given everything and now they don’t know how to surprise them. So for starters you can buy a hair balm, later gradually add and alternate various means for strengthening. With the use of a new tool, the hair will be transformed and delight you.

Advice! Treating brittle and dry hair at home will be more effective if you use products with creams and oils that can moisturize your hair.

3. The next problem is split ends. Unfortunately, this is a normal phenomenon, because with a hair length of more than 30 centimeters, natural lubricant cannot be distributed over the entire length, as a result, the tips dry out, split and break.

Many are advised to cut them monthly to get rid of brittle hair. But only if the girl wants to grow her hair to a certain length, then this option is not suitable. But there is another good solution to the problem. To do this, take the scissors, sit in front of the mirror and stick the hairs in the twisted locks of hair. The length of the hair from this does not change, but the quality will even improve. Also, the duration of daily combing should be at least 30 minutes.

4. The hairdryer is temporarily abandoned. If the weather and the season allow, drying your hair will not be so painful for them on the street.

5. The only next item is the price of funds for improving the structure of hair. Of course, you can find cheap ones, but just do not expect excellent results from them. And then you should turn to the treatment of dry hair at home.

Recipes for dry hair masks at home

The use of traditional medicine recipes for treating dry hair at home can restore hair to life no worse than expensive hair products or beauty salons. That's only in the salons, experts work on your hair, and at home you will have to prepare the mask yourself, apply it. But the result is worth it.

Next, we consider examples of recipes that have been tested for centuries by our great-grandmothers. To prepare them, take the following ingredients:

· milk products;

· vegetable oils;



· Eggs and others.

If you regularly make masks using such products, they will help bring split ends to life and saturate your hair with moisture.

Recipe 1


· Horseradish root grated in gruel - 1 piece;

· Vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;

Fresh sour cream - 1 tablespoon.

Add sour cream, oil to the horseradish pulp, mix everything thoroughly. Before washing the head, the mixture must be rubbed into the scalp and hair, tied with a film, insulated with a towel or woolen scarf. Soak for at least half an hour, rinse.

Recipe 2


Banana - 1 piece;

· Egg yolk - 1 piece;

· Natural vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.

To prepare a mixture for treating dry hair at home, a banana must be thoroughly chopped with a blender. You should not try to bend with a spoon, since it is impossible to do this perfectly with such an object, the pieces that will later become tangled in your hair will remain. Add the yolk and oil to the resulting slurry, mix everything thoroughly.

Apply the mask immediately before washing your hair. To do this, distribute it to the roots and hair, wrap it up, waiting 40 minutes, rinse off with slightly warm water, while using shampoo and balm.

Recipe 3

Olive oil has long been used as an indispensable tool for the body and the treatment of dry hair. Using this mask, you can quickly achieve a good result of treating dry hair at home.

The procedure is that olive oil is rubbed into the roots an hour before shampooing.

Recipe 4

For the treatment of light, dry, brittle hair, kefir is perfect. After such procedures, the hair shines because it is saturated with vitamins and amino acids. Also in this way you can make your hair a few tones lighter. To make such a mask, a teaspoon of honey should be added to a half liter of kefir, heated to make the mixture slightly hot, rub into hair roots, warm, stand for up to an hour, rinse.

Recipe 5

It is a simple but effective remedy. Any vegetable oil, glycerin and apple cider vinegar are taken in equal proportions, adjusted to a homogeneous mass. The compress of these ingredients is applied, insulated for half an hour. The result will become noticeable after the third procedure.

Recipe 6

The next strawberry mask on our list. It provides ingredients that do not scare an unpleasant odor: ripe strawberries - 200 grams, egg yolk, 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Shake everything and apply for 20 minutes, rinse.

Recipe 7

Sour cream mask with lemon is a very effective tool.


· Yolk of one egg;

· Milk - 50 gr;

· Lemon juice - 2 teaspoons.

The components must be well mixed, applied for half an hour to the hair along the entire length. Apply this mask for a month, after which the result will be clearly visible.

Also, in order to get the maximum result from the procedures, you need to apply the mask several times a week, rinse them off with warm water using shampoo, then it is advisable to rinse your hair with a warm decoction of chamomile. The result will become more noticeable with each application.

It is quite possible to achieve a good result at home, but it will take your patience, as well as a little effort, because masks must be done regularly, but the result is worth it.
