Can women treat osteoporosis at home? Treatment of osteoporosis in women at home with folk remedies


Osteoporosis is a disease in which bone density and mass are reduced, therefore, the risk of bone fracture increases. This ailment is considered dangerous, since it leads to a decrease in performance. With osteoporosis in women at home, treatment with folk remedies is not only possible, but also necessary.

Osteoporosis in women: causes of pathology

Osteoporosis is a lesion of a person’s bone tissue. As a result of this, bones lose calcium, become very brittle and brittle. The causes of this pathology are:

· Age and hormonal changes;

· sedentary lifestyle;

· Prolonged use of certain medications;

Violation of the functions of the pancreas or thyroid gland;

Excessive consumption of various diets;

Digestive disorders.

There is a metabolic disorder, especially vitamin D. Very often, this disease occurs in women after the cessation of menstruation. This is due to a decrease in the release of sex hormones.

Senile osteoporosis is associated with the fact that the absorption of calcium in the intestine is impaired. This is facilitated by a lack of vitamin D. This is due to a decrease in its intake with food. Its formation in the skin also slows down.

The disease is found not only in the elderly, but also in young people. At risk include:

1. Women who are in a period of a menstrual pause. Also, those women who have pathological diseases in gynecology.

2. People who have asthenic constitution, low body weight, and undeveloped muscles are exposed to this ailment.

3. Improper nutrition.

4. This disease affects those people who have a number of chronic diseases of the urinary system.

After fifty years, you must be extremely careful, as there is a risk of complications.

Treatment of osteoporosis in women at home: nutritional adjustment

The first and most important task of treatment is the normalization of metabolism, that is, nutrition correction. Most patients are precisely the female gender during menopause. At this point, the woman’s body stops producing estrogen. The lack of this hormone provokes the destruction of bone tissue. Such a gap can be filled with food. There are some foods and herbs that incorporate phytoestrogen. This is a natural analogue of the female hormone. Their intake will help to establish the absorption of calcium in the body. products containing this hormone:

Legumes, soy, beans;

Oats, barley, wheat, rice;

· Apples, pomegranates, red grapes;

· Beer and red wine.

Plants that contain this hormone:



· Red clover;

· linen.

In the diet of sick women, these products and herbs must be present. Especially useful are those dishes that contain soy and sprouted cereals. It is worth listening to the recommendations for those who suffer from lactose intolerance and hormonal disorders.

In addition, it is necessary to eat as many foods rich in calcium as possible:

· Green vegetables;



· cottage cheese;

· dairy products.

Coffee and tea are recommended to be replaced with herbal infusions. You need to eat food in small portions, but 5-6 times a day. In all dishes, you need to add a little fat. This will improve the absorption of calcium in the intestines.

Treatment of osteoporosis in women at home: a natural pharmacy

Nature provides many health recipes that are accessible to everyone and at the same time do not harm health. There are many effective recipes against the disease:

1. Egg shell. It should be taken in a milled form. Lightly quench with lemon juice. Take a quarter teaspoon every day. After this method, there will be an improvement in the patient's condition.

2. Chicken eggs. 5 raw eggs must be washed well and pour 10 lemons with juice. Acid in a week will corrode a product. After this period of time add 2 tablespoons of honey and 150 ml of brandy. The resulting product should be taken in a teaspoon immediately after a meal.

3. White clay. Dilute a teaspoon of powder with a glass of liquid and drink a third of a glass three times a day.

4. The walnut shell. It must be insisted on vodka or make a water decoction. Tincture taken in a tablespoon per day. Drink a decoction of 50 g before each meal.

5. The mummy. A small ball must be dissolved in 75 ml of warm liquid. Drink twice a day in the morning and at night for three weeks. Then take a break for a week and repeat the course again.

6. Honey. This bee product must be added to all decoctions and infusions.

7. Young nettle. It will help to fill the lack of vitamins. Take fresh juice every day.

8. Infusion of geranium. A glass of boiling water will need a tablespoon of dried geranium. Such a tool stimulates bone growth well. Take both inside and apply the product to sore spots in the form of compresses.

9. 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil mixed with onion, carrot peel, potatoes, garlic, beets, 500 ml of liquid. Fry everything until a golden blush appears, after cooking. Filter the finished drink. Drink daily.

10. 200 g of freshly washed dill must be finely chopped. Take the same amount of parsley. Add 1 liter of boiling water. Leave the whole mass for 3 hours, and then filter. For a day, use 300 g of the drug for 6 months. The daily dose is divided into three doses.

11. Heat a liter of milk and add a liter of kefir and sour cream to it. Mix the entire mass thoroughly and add 20 g of calcium carbonate to it. Do not bring the mass to a boil. To use three times a day. The total volume is 100 ml. Store the product only in the refrigerator. Continue treatment for two months.

12. Nasturtium leaves must be dried in the shade. After taking 50 g of the product and brew 0.6 l of boiling water. Put for 3 hours and then filter. Add 50 g of honey to the resulting mass. Drink the infusion while eating one glass at a time. A good result is observed when using the product in the winter.

13. Grind dry field horsetail and pour a liter of milk. Bring the mass to a boil. Cover the container warmly and wait 3 hours. After filtering and drinking a glass of funds three times a day for 12 weeks.

14. A glass of birch buds must be filled with half a liter of vodka. Put the mixture for a week. After applying compresses to the affected areas daily at night. Such treatment is advisable to carry out along with medication.

15. Leaves of a nut. At the time of the menstrual pause, it is necessary to take a product based on walnut leaves. 50 g of dry chopped leaves pour a liter of boiling water and let it brew. After filtering and drinking 3 glasses a day. Thanks to this recipe, you can cope not only with osteoporosis, but also strengthen the immune system.

Herbal collection such as hops, clover and licorice will help women with treatment. Fresh pomegranate and a decoction of its peel are extremely useful.

Lifestyle in the treatment of osteoporosis in women at home

No cure of the disease at home will give the necessary result without observing some lifestyle requirements:

1. Bed rest and stillness will not bring any benefit. Hiking daily walks in the fresh air are a must. Do not pay time to a sedentary lifestyle in front of the TV. There should be as much sunlight as possible.

2. The presence of the simplest physical exercises. They should be included in the daily routine. Classes should be given at least 20 minutes. Bones should be stimulated to grow. If possible, it is recommended to visit the pool or ride a bike.

3. It is important to avoid injuries, weight lifting and sudden movements.

4. Give the body a good rest. Sleep must be at least 8 hours. Meals should be only on time.

5. It is important to abandon all addictions - this is smoking and alcohol.

These recommendations must be heeded by all people over 50 years old. If there is such a disease and it has made itself felt, then following a diet and using traditional medicine recipes will help to cope with it. At the very least, these recommendations will only be beneficial.


Watch the video: 10 Best Home Remedies For Osteoporosis (July 2024).