What are the benefits of radon baths for women, their effect on the body. What is the minimum harm for women from radon baths?


Radon baths can help cure a number of diseases. The radon baths used are based on radon gas.

It does not have color and smell and is included in the list of radioactive substances that can harm health. But at the same time, he is actively fighting many diseases. Take medical baths should only be prescribed by a doctor.

What are the benefits of radon baths for women?

The benefits of radon baths for women are extremely high. Getting through the lungs and skin, a chemical is capable of the following:

1. Radon baths normalize the immune system, the patient relaxes. As a result, pain is reduced and sleep is established.

2. Similar procedures treat joints and lungs. Therefore, baths are very often prescribed to patients suffering from respiratory failure. Also, the procedures are indicated for the elderly having problems with the musculoskeletal system.

3. Therapy with the help of radon baths helps to reduce body weight. This can be done completely painlessly. There is no need to go on diets and torment yourself with starvation or excessive physical exertion.

4. With the help of radon baths, it is possible to solve menopause problems. They are useful in the treatment of various gynecological pathologies. When undergoing a cure with radon baths, you can get rid of adhesive uterine processes, infertility, ailments in the ovary.

5. The substance may help in normalizing blood pressure. Immunity improves.

6. Baths promote the rapid healing of wounds, injuries and various eczema. All skin ailments can be cured.

7. It is possible to reduce pain during cerebral palsy.

It is very important to conduct therapy only under the supervision of a qualified specialist. To obtain a stable high result, you must complete a whole course. It can consist of 10, 15, 20 sessions.

If there is a myoma, it is forbidden to carry out physiotherapeutic procedures. But radon therapy in this case comes to the rescue.

The benefits of radon baths for women in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Healing baths are often used to cure a lot of gynecological diseases. This is an effective way to eliminate pathologies in the pelvic organs. The effectiveness of the treatment is noted:

Uterine fibroids;

Female infertility


· Premenopausal and menopausal disorders.

With myoma, baths can be both artificial and natural. In natural sources there is radon, which has a natural character. The use of waters that have a small concentration of a chemical element is envisaged.

Other baths are obtained by diluting a concentrated aqueous solution of this element. It is important to adhere to all safety rules and dilute the solution according to a special method, since it is characterized by high radioactivity. When treating fibroids, the bath should be no more than 35 degrees.

Such baths are prescribed for this diagnosis strictly individually. Place are the size, growth rate, age of the patient, the location of the nodules and the severity of all symptoms. The session at the same time lasts about 10 minutes.

The treatment of fibroids should be carried out once a year. Maximum performance is observed during the first half of the year. After the effect begins to decline slightly.

The benefits of radon baths for other diagnoses

With menopause, radon baths are characterized by a sedative effect on the central nervous system. They are able to deepen sleep, eliminate pain and anxiety.

With endometriosis, the baths have an anti-inflammatory, desensitizing and analgesic effect. Coagulation system normalizes. Due to this, blood loss is reduced. The blood composition is also restored.

The benefits of radon baths are also seen in infertility. They have a good effect on the reproductive system. This is due to degradation products.

Infertility treatment is possible in the case of endocrine pathologies. It can be:



Ovarian cysts and others.

Also treatable are diseases that are inflammatory in nature. These include:


Chronic salpingoophoritis;


The harm of radon baths for women

By themselves, the procedures for taking radon baths for women are not harmful. If the patient initially has some problems, then in this case undesirable consequences may arise. The harm from treatment can be colossal. The negative consequences are as follows:

1. Provoking seizures in epileptics. This ailment is the main contraindication to bathing.

2. If there is damage to the dermis, the skin will be even more irritated. It is forbidden to refer to the procedure with open injuries.

3. From such therapy, the growth of malignant neoplasms may begin. If there is a small formation, bathing is prohibited. Initially, you need to contact a specialist.

4. Possible harm when the patient suffers from leukemia or angina pectoris. These diseases are a contraindication to bathing.

Before conducting sessions, it is important to consult with a specialist.

Also contraindications are:


· Some gynecological diseases;

· A period of less than a year after a heart attack;

· All stages of radiation sickness;

Reduced thyroid function.

The healing effect depends on the correct bath. Only in this case, you can not harm the radon bath for a woman. The rules are as follows:

1. The procedure should not be carried out on an empty stomach or immediately after eating. It is recommended to withstand about half an hour after eating.

2. The procedure can last from 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the disease and its severity. Only the attending physician can determine the duration. You should start with just 5 minutes and only gradually increase the time of admission.

3. Immerse yourself in the bath to the chest, at the level of the nipples. If cardiac disorders are observed, then the bath is taken sedentary. The water level should only reach the navel.

4. It is forbidden to wipe with a towel after taking a bath. You just need to gently soak yourself with a napkin. After the session, do not wash for about 2 hours. It is important not to wash away healing ions.

5. Usually cure courses consist of 10-15 procedures. Each session should be done every other day or two. Since the therapeutic effect is observed for about six months, it is necessary to repeat the course after six months or a year.

Subject to all the rules of admission and contraindications, there will be no harm to women from radon baths. It is recommended to take such baths in specialized sanatoriums under the supervision of specialists. But you need to remember that radon is still a radioactive element, so you should not get carried away with such procedures.

Radon baths are a new effective way to deal with many diseases. But do not self-medicate and prescribe courses of therapy yourself.


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