What is the use of fried eggs? And why do opponents of this dish claim that the damage to the eggs is obvious?


What to cook for breakfast quickly, without special cooking skills? Of course, fried eggs. However, in addition to simplicity in preparation, this dish is also able to saturate the body with all the necessary components that help to maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time and not overeat during the day. It turns out that scrambled eggs are a real find for people who control their weight!

At the same time, improperly prepared scrambled eggs can play an evil role in human nutrition. Let’s try to figure out what kind of benefit and harm an egg can bring to a person.

Arguments against or how much harm the eggs are real!

Opponents of this dish have been on their own for decades: scrambled eggs are harmful! And the main argument is the presence of cholesterol in it. This organic compound does not dissolve in the human body and clogs blood vessels, resulting in problems with blood circulation. As a result - heart attacks and strokes, atherosclerosis and other heart diseases. The first to talk about the effects of cholesterol on human health, American doctors. In the United States, eggs have been taboo for decades since cardiologists classify them as potentially dangerous.

The second con is that eggs can cause a severe allergic reaction. This happens to those who abuse eggs. Indeed, a day you can eat 2 - a maximum of 3 eggs, and even then not every day. Otherwise, you can "earn" yourself problems with the liver and kidneys, as well as the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, egg allergy occurs in children. And if it does not pass with age, then it remains for life. Such an allergy can manifest itself in the form of asthmatic attacks and breathing problems, stool disorders and even anaphylactic shock.

The next cons relates to frying eggs. Under the influence of high temperature, the fried egg absorbs carcinogens and trans fats from oil. This, in turn, increases cholesterol and forms blood clots, and can also cause cancer. In addition, fasting fried foods are in no way beneficial to the stomach. They may cause nausea, heartburn, and dizziness. And after that there’s no need to talk about a high level of working ability during the day. The harm of fried eggs in fried form is also relevant for people watching the figure. After all, a fried product is extra centimeters at the waist. In one egg - about 85 kcal. If the egg is fried in oil, then it will already have 215 kcal. And if you add something else like ham or cheese to the fried eggs, then the calorie content will increase exponentially.

And one more minus. Chicken eggs may be infected with salmonella. In order to neutralize it, it is necessary not to leave the yolk “alive”, but fry it to a solid state. If you want to have fried eggs, then it is recommended to opt for quail eggs - they never have salmonellosis. In chicken eggs, it is recommended to wash the shell before use. And do not eat eggs with damaged shells.

The damage to the eggs is especially great for people who have a history of diseases such as pancreatitis, cholecystitis, and bile and liver problems.

Arguments for - the benefits of fried eggs are undeniable!

• There are a lot of fat-soluble vitamins in the eggs: A, E, K and D. There are many of the latter in the yolk. Vitamin A is especially important for vision and is a prophylactic in the fight against cataracts, and also has a positive effect on the retina. The eggs also contain zinc, iron, iodine and calcium, folic acid. Minerals, even after heat treatment of the product, are useful for teeth, hair, eyes and nails;

• the composition contains lecithin and choline. It is they who fight the harmful cholesterol, which is scared by the opponents of the eggs there.

• 1 chicken egg contains about 14% of animal protein. For this reason, athletes often eat eggs. Amino acids are also present. All this helps to perfectly restore strength after heavy mental and physical exertion;

• egg is a low-calorie product. And so it suits slenders who are on a diet;

• It also has a lot of protein, which helps to achieve a quick feeling of fullness.

• one egg contains about 8 g of fat, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Fatty acids are involved in metabolism and interferes with weight gain.

The lowest caloric scrambled eggs are obtained when it is cooked without oil or with vegetables. In addition to the benefits, such a product is able to save a person from the action of carcinogens secreted by oil during frying. To protect yourself, it is better to cook fried eggs in the oven using silicone molds that do not require the use of oil. Or in a double boiler or slow cooker. The benefits of scrambled eggs will be higher if cooked without oil with the addition of tomatoes, peppers, onions, herbs or asparagus.

People who want to consume as much protein as possible can add vegetables to their eggs, but do not use yolk. By the way, cholesterol is in it. The nutritional value of such eggs is, of course, reduced. But this can be fixed by adding a piece of boiled chicken or red fish to it.

Medicine and science - for

Scientists at the University of Florida have found that eggs in the daily diet of a person absolutely do not harm his health and do not affect the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases. And epidemiologists say that men who eat about six eggs a week have a lower risk of mortality. And women are less likely to get a stroke.

Therapists are also in favor. The explanation for this is the presence in the scrambled eggs of beneficial substances, vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants and high-quality protein.

Interesting facts about scrambled eggs that you may not have known:

There are a lot of recipes for making tasty and healthy fried eggs. And in them, culinary experts all over the world use eggs of not only birds, but also reptiles.

Residents of Taiwan and Malaysia use crocodile eggs for food. Dishes from tortoise eggs are prepared by local aborigines of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. In southeast Asia, they use snake eggs. And the inhabitants of Central America make fried eggs from iguana eggs.

European nations are experimenting with culinary recipes from eggs of geese, ducks, quails and ostriches. The most useful scrambled eggs are obtained from quail eggs. However, to prepare a meal for two people, about 25 such eggs are needed.

The French use pigeon eggs. But taking into account the fact that a female dove lays only 1-2 eggs per year, it can be argued that such an egg is worth a lot.

Duck eggs have a pungent smell, so they are rarely used. Their yolks are added to the dough for baking - they give it a beautiful and rich yellow tint.

Guinea fowl eggs - similar to pears and have a brown color. The scrambled eggs of them are especially tender. In addition, the shelf life of such eggs is very long - a year. And their shell is so strong that it can maintain its integrity even when the egg falls on the floor.

Ostrich eggs are big. Fried eggs from one egg can satisfy the hunger of 10 people. Ostrich eggs are the same as chicken eggs.

But no one has ever tried fried eggs from hummingbirds. After all, they are the smallest - less than 1 centimeter!


Watch the video: Are Raw Eggs Bad For Dogs (June 2024).