Rosy appetizing baked onions - diabetes and health benefits in general. What could be the harm from baked onions?


Often onions are perceived as an additive to dishes, important, but by no means dominant in them. But baked onion, with its original piquant taste and many beneficial properties, is worthy of telling more about it.

How the composition and benefits of baked onions are interconnected

Unlike many other vegetables, onion does not lose during heat treatment, but retains most of the nutrients. The only thing that leaves him without a trace is essential oils. They are useful in their own way, but nevertheless their main role is to impart a characteristic sharp, with a bitterness hue to the taste and aroma.

The energy value of baked onions is only 36 kcal per 100 g, of course, without taking into account all kinds of additives to it. The same amount covers about 14% of the daily requirement for fiber and in general, onion is perfectly absorbed.

A number of macro- and microelements in the onion is contained in an amount sufficient not only for a specifically beneficial effect on the body, but also to cover, to a large extent, the daily rate of their consumption:

· Cobalt, for example, in 100 g of product is enough for 50% of the norm. It is involved in the synthesis of hemoglobin and thyroid hormones. It is closely interconnected with vitamin B12 - is included in its composition and is equally significant - it participates in the process of iron absorption, strengthens the cardiovascular system;

· Manganese in the same portion will be enough for only 10% of the norm, but this does not prevent it from improving calcium absorption and neutralizing free radicals as an antioxidant, as well as maintaining healthy bone tissue and protecting it from harmful UV rays;

· Copper is necessary for the full renewal of blood, it is involved in the synthesis of melanin (and it - in the production of natural hair pigments) and collagen;

· Potassium stabilizes the water-salt balance and maintains normal levels of sodium salts, the excess of which provokes, in particular, edema. Also, it is necessary for the supply of oxygen, the so-called "gray matter" - the main component of the central nervous system.

Malic acid is indicated for removing excess fluid from the body, it establishes an acid-base balance and the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Onions baked in husks are recommended to be eaten with it - its key substance, flavonoid quercetin, has an antihistamine effect, so that onion skin is useful for allergic reactions and can slow down the aging process.

What is the use of baked onions for diabetes

The effectiveness of baked onions in diabetes mellitus (I and II types) was not only verified by the time of its use in folk medicine, but also confirmed by official science.

Provided that it is consumed regularly for 3-4 weeks, moreover, it is recommended to eat onions on an empty stomach or shortly before eating, its benefits can be noticeable not only in personally felt symptoms, but also in medical terms.

In relation to this disease, substances under the names allicin and glyconin are of great importance, normalizing and lowering blood sugar levels, moreover, the effect is comparable to the work of insulin, but it is milder and has a longer effect.

Baked onions contribute to the active secretion of insulin (sulfur has the greatest effect) and improves glucose susceptibility by cells. And for the improvement of metabolism, especially carbohydrate, iodine is responsible.

It is important to note that disorders of the thyroid gland, often accompanying diabetes, are not a contraindication for eating onions.

How else are the benefits of baked onions

They knew how effectively onion strengthens the body long before the word “immunity” was widely used - its presence on the weekly menu, and no matter how it is prepared, always helps not to catch a cold, not to succumb to SARS epidemics, not to feel chronic decline in bodily strength.

In relation to some disorders and diseases, it is possible to reduce their harm with baked onions, even if you do not eat it a lot, the main thing is regularly and continuously.

These include:

· Diseases of the intervertebral discs;

· Violations in the work of the spleen, responsible, as you know, just for immunity;

· Hair loss caused by impaired metabolism due to malnutrition, stress or medication;

Diseases of the genitourinary system;

Problems in the oral cavity, including gingivitis and stomatitis.

Minimizes baked onions the harm of such a disease as atherosclerosis, because it not only lowers cholesterol, but also gently cleanses blood vessels, simultaneously strengthening their walls.

By stimulating the work of the gastrointestinal tract, onion fights the activity of pathogens in it and removes toxins, it is able to accustom the digestive system to easily absorb more heavy, fatty and spicy foods in comparison with the one to which the person is accustomed.

Experts insist that it is not so safe to treat difficultly healing wounds and boils with onions externally, but it is known for certain that it has excellent antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, regenerative and analgesic properties when used in food.

How to cook baked onions with good and tasty

For baking, not one variety of onions is suitable:

· Bulb is a classic and it is baked more often than others;

· Red - has a sweet taste and elegant look;

· Shallots - miniature and raw, not bitter, the taste is delicate and unusual.

The optimum temperature for cooking onions is 180-200 degrees.

Onions can be baked in a peel or peeled, whole or cut.

Baking without anything is not very tasty, and if the onion is not baked whole in the peel - at least it should be seasoned with vegetable oil and a pinch of salt. You can add fragrant herbs, honey, mustard, spices and spices, sprinkle it with wine. And so that it doesn’t turn out a little dry, you can pour onions from time to time with vegetable, mushroom or meat broth, or a sauce from the mold with it.

The use of baked onions will not decrease if you use it not in its pure form, but as part of salads, appetizers, pie fillings, stews, a side dish for meat, poultry or fish.

It can be stuffed with something and baked with sour cream sauce and cheese.

Just baked onions are delicious with a side dish of cereals or pasta, with homemade bread.

Can there be harm from baked onions

There are almost no contraindications to the use of baked onions, the main thing is to cook it correctly and, laying it on a plate, know the sense of proportion.

Excess onion harms the nervous system, and this, in turn, leads to impaired cardiac activity, migraines, increased blood pressure, mood swings.

Caution should be used onions for liver diseases.

Although essential oils leave the onion under the influence of high temperatures, it is still able to irritate the digestive system, in particular, increase the acidity of the gastric juice. So that there is no harm from baked onions, it is strongly recommended to reduce its portions to people suffering from acute gastrointestinal diseases, including gastritis, ulcer and hemorrhoids.


Watch the video: Food product. Wikipedia audio article (June 2024).