What are the berries dreaming for: ripe, tasty, black, unknown? Basic interpretations of different dream books - what are the berries for?


In a dream, you may dream of sweets, a variety of food, fruits and vegetables.

What are the berries for? How to interpret such a dream?

What berries dream of - the main interpretation

Berries in a dream can speak of a pleasant and joyful life in reality, and they can portend not very pleasant situations. They can even talk about the threat to your reputation, in order to fully understand the dream, you need to take into account its details and tips:

• Where did the berries come from in your dream;

• were they ripe;

• What they tasted like;

• Have you collected them?

• What feelings have visited you;

• Who else was present in your dream.

If in a dream you pick berries in a large basket and do it in the forest - in reality you will collect fruits from your own labors. They were quite fruitful, and now you can deservedly hear praises addressed to you, but the dream also suggests that you still have to work hard for the benefit of people.

Try to gather your thoughts, if in a dream you see how trampling berries. You do not want to accept the gifts of fate, do not want to enjoy the events that life gives you. Try not to belittle your and others' virtues, and then the situation will equalize, and you will get what you have wanted for so long.

If in a dream you crush berries in your hands - in reality you will do the same with someone else's opinion. You will not let anyone say anything. On the one hand, this will give you the opportunity to finish the job, on the other hand, it will limit you in making decisions. You cannot consult with anyone, discuss with anyone what is happening in your life. In this way, you will abandon your friends and colleagues.

The dream in which you can preserve berries means that you should leave your memory alone. Leave the events that so prevented you from living - the past and try to actively deal with the future. This will give you the opportunity to live fully.

The berries that have rotted on the bush indicate that you will soon part with your loved one, who was very dear to you recently. Now you have lost faith in him and your relationship. The reason for this could be other people's gossip and other people's machinations. You could look for opportunities to restore relations for a long time, but now it is already impossible to do.

The dream in which you see black berries indicates that your health condition may soon worsen, your life may worsen, you may lose your job, or quarrel strongly with someone. In order to learn more about the interpretation of sleep, it is important to recall the emotions that accompanied it.

If you saw black berries on a bush and did not pick them - you can still bypass the problem and remain out of trouble. If the berries that you saw on the bush - seemed to you appetizing, and you began to eat them - the negative and problems will become companions of your life.

If you began to stomp the berries, you will not reckon with the clues of fate and simply begin to neglect common sense. Try not to focus on your shortcomings and start actively working towards your own development.

If you dream that someone gave you black berries, such a dream may mean that this person is experiencing clearly negative emotions for you. Try to limit communication with this person in the near future. If this is someone from your relatives, then you have offended a person, and he expects an apology from you.

Why do white berries dream? Such a dream can indicate very favorable events in your life. You can joyfully and actively engage in it and get a lot of pleasure from work and household chores. If until recently you had difficulties in life, now they will completely disappear. If you felt fear of something, now you will completely free yourself from it and will live a calm and even life.

A dream in which you see a whole garden of berries - says that soon you will get unlimited opportunities in life, namely to expand your social circle, you will be able to more actively establish contacts and be able to quickly achieve what you want. But, among a variety of options, you should not lose yourself. Try to defend your old habits and interests. You do not have to rush headlong into the cycle of life events. It is enough just to accept new opportunities and take advantage of them.

Artificial berries on the bushes dream of as a symbol of not real promises and imaginary desires. Do not be nervous, but you also do not need to let the situation go by itself. Accept it as it is, do not try to distort reality. But strive to resolve conflicts and achieve your plan.

The berries that are in your refrigerator and you took them out to defrost - such a dream speaks of your inner need to sort out a situation that has long required your intervention. You could simply close your eyes to her and not be aware of the significance of what is happening.

Now, life will challenge you. You will have to return to the past and restore the situation. If you dream that you draw berries on canvas, you dream of a beautiful and successful life, but you cannot realize your plan, because your actions do not move beyond dreams. Try to think through all life changes in advance.

Why do I dream of berries according to Freud's dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that the berries dream of as a symbol of a happy and lasting relationship. If you dreamed it was rotten - in reality you will encounter betrayal by a loved one. Do not dramatize the situation, just be prepared for the fact that you will not be appreciated and understood. Your emotional experiences will not be divided, because your other half will decide what is more important - personal life, and not your relationship with it.

Black berries in a dream can speak of a severe rupture in reality. If you see a dream in which the hand of an unknown person is extended towards you, and in it black berries - be prepared for the fact that your enemies will present you with an unpleasant gift. You will not expect, but your enemies will negatively affect your personal life. They can slander you, or even provoke your other half to cheating.

The dream in which you see washed, juicy, ripe berries that are laid out on a dish - speaks of an approaching holiday. In your personal life everything will be smooth, everything will be clear and transparent. If until recently you experienced some discomfort in your personal life, now you can safely develop the relationships that you already have, build new ones. You can afford to chat with new men if you were not in a relationship.

For a pregnant woman, a dream in which she eats berries is a signal that she needs to take care of her health. She could miss important symptoms of the body about a slight malaise and now she will need to monitor her health even more closely.

Why dream berries on the Esoteric dream book

In the Esoteric dream book it is said that berries dream of troubles and minor problems. If you see in a dream the berries that you collect from the earth - your dreams and desires are not realized, time has already been lost for their realization.

Why blue berries dream is a symbol of wisdom and balanced decisions. You can count on outside support and can count on new opportunities in solving old problems.

Why do I dream of berries in other dream books

AT dream book Grishina it is said that the berries dream when a person is preparing for some changes. That can be both global changes and temporary changes in a different direction. If the berries are white in a dream, a favorable outcome is guaranteed. If the berries are black in a dream - it's time to prepare for the difficulties and negativity.

If in a dream you see that the berries have dried on the bush - it’s time for you to think about whether you are not denying yourself the pleasures of life, perhaps you are not watching your emotions and allow yourself much more than you could? Also, such a dream can talk about the withering of feelings - such an interpretation gives Aesop's dream book.

It is also important to pay attention to the emotions that caused you to sleep. If you woke up in a good mood and rejoice at everything that happens in your life - then everything in your life will turn out wonderful. If you woke up in repressed feelings and very nervous, then you are not ready to take the life lesson that fate has prepared for you. Accept it and everything will be fine.


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