Children's potato casserole with minced meat in the oven - diversifies the diet! The best recipes for baby potato casseroles


Children's diet should be useful, but not boring. From the same products you can cook a variety of dishes. A simple potato will easily turn into a wonderful casserole, and the meat will be a hearty and tasty filling. Here you can find a variety of recipes for potato casseroles for children of different ages.

Children's potato casserole with minced meat in the oven - general principles of preparation

Children's casseroles are usually made from mashed potatoes, raw vegetables are rarely used. It is undesirable to use a previously made dish for lunch. This puree usually has a liquid consistency, you can only spoil everything. But it’s convenient to immediately cook potatoes for lunch and dinner, set aside a part and mash without liquid.

Stuffing is necessary for stuffing children's potato casseroles from the oven. And you can use twisted raw or already cooked meat. In baby food, low-fat varieties are used. Usually it is beef, but at home it can add rabbit, chicken, turkey.

What else could be in the casserole:

· Fresh or frozen vegetables;


· Milk;

· butter;


These ingredients can be added to the filling or to the potato. It all depends on the recipe. Spices are rarely added, just add salt to the products, but you can introduce a little greens, sweet ground paprika, garlic. Since boiled foods are usually used, in the oven the dish is not baked for very long, on average half an hour.

In kindergartens, a sauce based on tomato paste and sour cream is prepared for casserole, and a dish cut into pieces is poured over it. The recipe can be found below. But not all children like watering, this must be taken into account.

Baby Potato Casserole with Stuffing in the Oven for Toddlers

Such a casserole can be given to young children from one year old. The dish is quite satisfying, just cooked, beef is used for the filling. Additionally, you need some crackers. It is better not to use the usual breading purchased, but to grind and dry several pieces of white bread yourself.


900 g of potatoes;

500 g of meat (beef);

· 2 eggs;

50 g of onion;

40 g of butter;

· 2 tbsp. l crackers.

Cooking method

1. We wash the beef, put it in water and cook until soft. You can just cook more meat in the soup broth. We take out, cut into slices, pass through a meat grinder to learn the stuffing. You can scroll in the combine. If the child is not small, it is allowed to cut with a knife, but finely.

2. Peel, cut and cook the potatoes. Drain the water, carefully mash the potatoes, then cool a little and introduce two beaten eggs. Stir well. We introduce salt to taste.

3. Onions will be used for the filling. We spread one small chopped head in melted butter and stew dumb on low heat. As soon as it becomes transparent, transfer to beef. Stir the minced meat.

4. Lubricate the mold, sprinkle the bottom with breadcrumbs. We spread the potatoes, level and cover with a layer of ground beef. Cover with potatoes, level.

5. Top the casserole lightly sprinkled with crackers. Cook in the oven for half an hour.

Children's potato casserole with minced meat in the oven (with gravy)

This casserole is cooked in kindergartens. It should immediately be clarified that the gravy is quite liquid and not very saturated. It can be used for any other dishes. The basis is beef broth, which will remain after cooking the stuffing for the filling. Older children can add garlic, sauteed onions, carrots to the sauce.


100 g of milk;


1 kg of potatoes;

500 g of meat;

500 ml of broth;

2 tsp tomato paste;

· 2 tbsp. l sour cream;

· 2 tablespoons of flour.

Cooking method

1. Peel the potatoes, put them in a pan and put in a boil. It is undesirable to cut them into small pieces. Better to cook whole or halves. As soon as the vegetable is boiled, pour out all the water and grind it. Heat milk, mix. If it is cold, the potato will darken. Salt mass.

2. Cook the meat, grind it. If desired, add the twisted onion to the filling, you can fry it a little to improve the taste.

3. Once the dumb potatoes have cooled, add one egg to it. Stir thoroughly. It is undesirable to introduce it into hot mashed potatoes, otherwise the protein will curl up, flakes will appear.

4. We collect in the form of an ordinary casserole. We put in the oven and cook until a light crust appears.

5. You can start cooking light sauce. To do this, pour flour into a frying pan and fry, no need to add oil. Dilute with broth, salt and add tomato with sour cream. Let the sauce boil and thicken.

6. Remove the casserole from the oven, cool slightly, then divide with a spatula into portions. We spread it on a plate, pour over the cooked sauce.

Children's potato casserole with minced meat in the oven (with carrot)

A recipe for a very healthy and vibrant baby potato casserole with minced meat from the oven. Additionally, for the filling you will need a couple of carrots. It is advisable to cook the ingredients in butter.


· 700 g of potatoes;

· 30 g sour cream;

350 g of boiled meat;

· 2 eggs;

50 g of oil;

2 carrots;

1 onion;

· crackers.

Cooking method

1. Potatoes with meat need to be cooked. You can even do this together, add peeled tubers to boiling meat, bring to readiness, remove and chop. Since meat is usually scrolled through a meat grinder, you can also skip potatoes, and in the end add eggs to it. Everything needs to be added.

2. Oil rub the mold. All that remains is sent to the pan. First add the onion to the oil, and then the grated carrot. Cover, simmer until tender over low heat.

3. Spread the potato layer, and spread the beef on it. Then comes a layer of carrots with onions. But you can mix these vegetables with minced meat as you like more. We hide everything under a layer of potatoes. Leveling.

4. Lubricate the top of the casserole with a thin layer of sour cream, you can sprinkle with crackers. Cook in the oven for half an hour, temperature 180.

Oven baby potato casserole with minced meat (raw)

Cooking beef takes a lot of time, it is not always there. In this case, this recipe will help out. The meat used is raw, but it requires a different processing.


8 potatoes

350 g of ground beef;


· bow;

· butter.

Cooking method

1. It is better to cook the meat yourself, just twist the beef. We spread it in a frying pan with oil, immediately throw the chopped onion and simmer for ten minutes under the lid. In the end, open, evaporate the accumulated moisture.

2. Potatoes just cook, as was done in the recipes above. Grind, mix with egg and salt. We spread about half into the mold, pour the cooked minced meat with onion onto it, and finish with a layer of mashed potatoes.

3. Cook the casserole for 20-25 minutes. If desired, it can be poured on top with melted butter.

Children's potato casserole with minced meat in the oven (with broccoli)

Broccoli cabbage is very useful for children; it is not in vain that it is introduced almost the first in complementary foods. But for some reason, they gradually forget about this vegetable. Here is a recipe for a very tasty and tender casserole with it in the composition. Cauliflower can also be used, fresh or frozen inflorescences are suitable. In the second option, we take more than indicated by the recipe.


800 g of potatoes;

300 g broccoli

500 g of meat;

· 2 eggs;

· 2 tablespoons sour cream;

· 2 tablespoons of flour;

30 g of oil.

Cooking method

1. We either twist the meat and simmer the minced meat in a frying pan, or first cook it and then grind it. We put the potatoes to boil, pre-peel the tubers.

2. Broccoli can be frozen or fresh. In any case, the inflorescences need to be boiled. A frozen vegetable is enough to boil for a minute. Boil raw cabbage for 2-3 minutes.

3. Grind the potatoes and mix them with salt, eggs. Just pour the broccoli into a colander. Season the meat with spices.

4. Lubricate the form, sprinkle with flour. We spread a thin layer of mashed potatoes. We apply minced meat on it, it is necessarily lubricated with sour cream. We scatter broccoli inflorescences.

5. Put the rest of the potatoes on top, filling in the voids and leveling the top.

6. Cook the casserole for 20 minutes. Then let’s stand for a while. We throw a flat dish and turn it over. Children can serve this dish with sour cream or pour cream.

Children's potato casserole with minced meat in the oven (with peas)

This dish is not for kids, it can be introduced into the diet for children from three years old. It is very important to use frozen peas. Canned counterpart will not work. For the filling, boiled meat or poultry is used, several products can be mixed.


300 g of meat;

150 g peas

8 potatoes

· 2 tablespoons of oil;

1 onion;

· 2 eggs.

Cooking method

1. Throw the peas in boiling water, boil for a minute, drain the water. We mix the product with boiled meat chopped into minced meat, add spices.

2. Just boil the potatoes. We lightly pass the onions in oil, mix with mashed potatoes, put an egg in them. All spices are added to taste. You can add a little dill to the potato mass, just mix thoroughly.

3. We collect the casserole layers in the mold, in the middle we lay the filling. Immediately put in the oven, cook for 15-20 minutes.

Children's Potato Casserole with Minced Meat in the Oven - Useful Tips and Tricks

· In any casserole, you can increase or decrease the number of toppings or the potatoes themselves. Just do not forget to add or remove eggs, flour and other auxiliary ingredients that affect the strength of the layers.

· Any casserole will become tastier if you cover it with cheese. But for a children's dish, it’s important not to fry it. Therefore, sprinkle the dish at the very end, let it melt and take out. You can add cheese to the filling or to the potatoes. In the second option, it will completely replace the eggs.
