Sausage cheese: the benefits and harms of a mixed product. Is it possible to use processed cheese on a diet, how to use it correctly


Sausage cheese is a type of processed product that is made from rennet cheese. The basis of the product is cream, butter or cottage cheese, some herbs and spices that add a special taste are used as additional ingredients.

The product attracts consumers with a spicy aroma of smoked meats and affordable prices, but it is important to understand what benefits and harm sausage cheese brings to a person.

Nutrition value and calories of sausage cheese

Each product contains a certain amount of active substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The nutritional value of 100 g of cheese is:

Proteins - 21.2 g;

Fats - 19.4 g;

Carbohydrates - 3.7 g.

The following vitamins are present in a product made from natural ingredients:

1. Vitamin A. Strengthens the immune system, increases the elasticity of the skin, has a beneficial effect on visual acuity.

2. Vitamin B1. Improves brain activity, protects against infection by infectious diseases.

3. Vitamin B2. Promotes restoration of nerve cells, necessary for tissue renewal.

These elements are the most significant, in addition to them, the product contains vitamins: C, PP, H, D, E and B vitamins.

The benefits of sausage cheese are also in the presence of various minerals:

1. Calcium. Strengthens the skeletal system, protects against brittleness.

2. Sulfur. Needed for the attractiveness of skin, hair and nail plates.

3. Potassium. Beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

4. Phosphorus. Stimulates protein production, normalizes metabolic processes.

5. Copper. Increases the hemoglobin content in the body.

6. Iron. Protects immune cells.

7. Zinc. It is important for metabolic processes, contributes to the normal formation of the skeleton.

Adequate intake of these minerals improves a person’s health and well-being. The product contains a variety of elements useful for internal organs and systems.

100 g of sausage cheese contains 357.2 calories.

The benefits of sausage cheese

Vitamins, minerals and proteins are in bioavailable form in the product, therefore they are perfectly absorbed by the digestive system. With regular use, the beneficial properties of the product are revealed:

· Strengthening bone tissue;

· Normalization of blood vessels and heart;

· Restoration of intestinal microflora;

· Improvement of hair, nails and skin;

· Activation of mental activity;

· Improving the quality of vision;

· Regulation of metabolic processes;

· Inhibition of aging;

· Restoration of hematopoiesis function.

The benefits of sausage cheese are organic acids and enzymes that positively affect digestion and carefully remove toxins and toxic substances from the body. Products prepared in accordance with the correct technology, serve as a good prophylactic against stroke and heart attack, restore acid-base balance. Positive properties are manifested only when using a moderate amount of the product. The optimal daily intake is 50 - 70 g. Exceeding the recommended portion can negatively affect health.

Not every cheese that is sold in stores or in markets has a beneficial effect on the human body. Minerals and vitamins are found only in a product made from natural ingredients in accordance with the recommended technologies. Such a delicacy can rarely be found today. Often on the shelves are placed products with a high content of artificial additives: flavor enhancers, preservatives, dyes. A quality product is made only from animal fats.

Harm of sausage cheese

Products with chemical ingredients and cheap vegetable oils that can replace milk fats can have a negative effect on the body:

1. Harmful sausage cheese causes a person when palm oil is included in its composition. It clogs blood vessels with cholesterol. If the product crumbles during cutting, dries quickly and becomes cracked, this is a clear sign of poor quality.

2. An excessive amount of sodium provokes the accumulation of excess fluid, increased pressure and the appearance of swelling. The product contains a lot of salt, so they should not be abused by people with arterial hypertension and kidney disease.

3. Dyes and flavor enhancers can cause an allergic reaction. Quality goods have a white or creamy tint. The presence of yellowness indicates the presence of dyes and the dangers of sausage cheese.

Some manufacturers are replacing smoking technology with special additives that add flavor to the smoke. Chemical processing is subjected not only to the shell, but also to the whole cheese. "Liquid smoke" refers to dangerous carcinogens that irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Such products only bring harm to humans.

Who is contraindicated in sausage cheese?

The cost of the product is not too high, so it is very popular among consumers. The product can be consumed in its pure form, as well as added to a variety of dishes: pastries, pizza, salads, side dishes. Many people do not even suspect that in some cases sausage cheese is unhealthy. Doctors do not recommend eating it in the presence of the following pathologies:

Atherosclerosis and arterial hypertension;

Violation of the kidneys;

Stomach diseases: ulcer or gastritis;

· Diseases of the cardiovascular system;

· Predisposition to excess weight;

Manifestation of puffiness.

If the listed problems do not bother, this does not mean that you can buy any cheese and eat it in unlimited quantities. It is important to follow the advice of nutritionists and be careful about the quality of the product when buying in a store.

Recommendations for the selection of sausage cheese

It is worth giving preference to proven manufacturers who have positively established themselves in the food industry market. The composition is of great importance, since tasty and healthy products do not contain artificial components. Tips from experts will help you decide:

· All the benefits of sausage cheese are preserved at temperature values ​​not exceeding + 9C;

· Goods packed in cellophane remain fresh longer, but the paraffin shell indicates high quality;

· The label should contain a note about the natural smoking method;

· The list of components should not contain flavors, colorants, preservatives and other artificial ingredients;

· Dry crust with cracks in the cut - an indicator of poor quality, a good product has an elastic, slightly moist cut;

· A glossy surface is another property of a healthy treat.

Sausage cheese is actively used in cooking, suitable for the preparation of gourmet dishes and delicious sandwiches in haste. After purchase, the product must be stored in the refrigerator. It is enough to comply with contraindications and eat no more than 70 grams of cheese per day to get the most benefit, eat and fill the body with energy.


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