Pearl barley pilaf: a step-by-step photo recipe. Phenomenally useful and unusual dish: fragrant and crumbly barley pilaf


How do you feel about pearl barley? No way? Then we are ready to dispel your idea that barley porridge is porridge for a hospital, army or kindergarten. For some reason, many simply do not know how to cook this wonderful porridge, but they try couscous or other overseas "cereals".

Barley porridge is very healthy and incredibly tasty, if cooked correctly. Then it turns out friable, without gluten. And with the addition of meat, it is also incredibly satisfying. Let's cook with us?


Pearl barley - 1 cup;

Pork - 300 g;

Carrots - 1 piece;

Onion - 1 piece;

Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l .;

Water - 1.5 -2 glasses;

Spices as desired - curry, rosemary, basil, paprika and others.

Salt and pepper are a must.


Before cooking, pearl barley must be soaked for 2-3 hours in water. To do this, rinse the cereal in several waters to wash off dust and debris, and then fill it with cold water and leave for 2-3 hours.

There is an express method of cooking pearl barley. We rinse the cereal in several waters, fill it with cold water and bring to a boil. Cook for 3-4 minutes. We drain the water and fill it with cold water again. Now cook for 40-50 minutes. This option is convenient to apply for pilaf from pearl barley. The first time you boil the cereals, add water, add vegetables and meat and cook for 40 minutes until cooked.

We soaked barley in cold water, so the porridge seemed to us tastier.

We clean the vegetables. Dice the onion, three carrots on a coarse grater. Cut the meat into fairly large pieces.

Over high heat, heat the vegetable oil and fry the meat to a crust.

Add vegetables to the meat and fry together for 7-8 minutes over medium heat.

In the pan, spread the meat with vegetables and add pearl barley. Season with salt and pepper. Put the bay leaf and add other spices to your taste.

Fill it with warm water, it should be 2 cm above the cereal level. Cover the pan with a lid and cook until it boils over high heat, then reduce it to a minimum and cook for 30 minutes. Be sure to check the pilaf for readiness and stir so that it does not burn.

Ready pearl barley porridge with meat (pilaf) can immediately be served to the table. And for a better taste, wrap the porridge with a towel and leave for a couple of hours. After this porridge will be even tastier.

Servings Per Container - 3

Cooking time - 50 minutes

Per 100g:

Squirrels - 6.62

Fats - 9.55

Carbohydrates - 14.71

Kcal - 167.32


Watch the video: Mushroom Barley Pilaf Recipe (July 2024).