Female names - how to choose a beautiful one? The most beautiful female names of the peoples of the world: from antiquity to the present


In every country there are many beautiful female names, and they are all beautiful in their own way. They can be harmonious or have an amazing meaning and story. To be ancient or modern, but at the same time unforgettable.

The most beautiful female names from ancient languages

Some names not only sound pleasant, but also have a romantic translation from Latin or Greek, so many girls bear the names of goddesses and muses. Latin gave the world such beautiful names as August (majestic) Beata (happy) Gloria (glory) and Laura (crowned with a laurel wreath, that is, the winner). The names familiar to us have ancient Greek roots: Margarita means "pearl" Vasilisa means “queen”, and Sofia it is "wisdom."

Some names of Latin origin:

Beatrice - blessed or traveler;

Valentine - strong, healthy;

Diana - by the name of the goddess of the hunt (in Persian means “messenger of beneficence”);

Sylvia - forest;

Felicity - happy, lucky;

Francesca - free.

The Hebrew language is also rich in beautiful names with inspiring meanings, many of which can be found in the Bible. For example, Eve literally means "giving life" Ada means "decoration", and Tamara - "fig tree", a tree that served as a standard of beauty in antiquity in the Middle East. Russian empresses bore such vivid names as Elizabeth, which means "God is my oath," or Anna - "graceful." These names also came to us from Hebrew.

From ancient Germany there were many beautiful names. So Alice means noble Irma “Fair”, and Elvira it is "the one that protects everyone." Name Matilda can be interpreted in two ways - "dangerous beauty" or "strong in battle."

The most beautiful female names in Russia

In our time, it has become fashionable to give children Old Russian names, they not only sound beautiful, but also carry an important meaning. Some of them came from the Orthodox tradition, others are rooted in the pre-Christian era. Even the simplest and most familiar names can be fraught with something surprising. For example, Lada is the name of the Slavic goddess of love and beauty, and Aurora - the goddess of the morning dawn.

The Slavs were widely distributed dibasic names:

Blagoslav - glorifying kindness;

All - beloved by all;

Dragomira - more expensive than the world;

Svetozara - illuminating with light.

After the advent of Christianity in Russia, girls began to be called in accordance with the church calendar, so many borrowed names appeared, which had Byzantine and Greek roots.

Akulina - eaglet;

Alevtina - alien to the evil;

Alexandra - protector of people;

Anastasia - resurrected;

Anfisa - blooming;

Veronica - bearing victory;

Galina - calm;

Gella - radiant;

Dominica - belonging to God;

Eugene - noble;

Catherine - immaculate;

Helena - chosen;

Ilaria - funny;

Marina - sea;

Neonila - principal;

Nina - ruler;

Rogneda - Counselor in battle, admitted to the equal council / council of men;

Ruslana - lioness;

Stepanida / Stefanida - a wreath;

Taisiya - God-pleaser and lover of children.

The most beautiful female names of the East

The names that came to us from the east - from Persian, Turkic and Arabic, are consonant with European, but have their own meaning and interpretation. So the name Amalia in the Arabic version sounds like Kamalia and means "perfect." Turkic peoples deified nature, therefore many names describe the beauty of the world and natural phenomena. The moon was considered the main luminary, therefore, many female names contain the root "ay", that is, "lunar":

Isles - moon-faced;

Ayjanar - native moon;

Aigul - Lunar flower;

Run around - my mistress or the moon queen (in modern interpretation - an unearthly beauty);

Tansylu - beautiful, like a morning dawn;

Ulmas - immortal;

Akmaral - white doe;

Tansu - similar to morning dew;

Umai - the goddess of fertility.

In the East, they believe that names have a great influence on the fate of a person, therefore, most often they glorify female beauty and virtue, and at the same time they are very poetic:

Adil - fair;

Ayishah - prosperous;

Aisha - live;

Bahizh - happy;

Jalila - important, exalted;

And for us - rewarding;

Lujin - silver;

Leila - night;

Mazin - rain cloud;

Ramil - wonderful, magical;

Saffana - a pearl;

Sadaf - sea shell;

Tulle - charm, seductress;

Farikh - happy;

Husni - beauty, perfection;

Hafsa - a young lioness;

Halya - fragrant;

Yassira - meek;

Laysan - spring rain, generous;

Haadia - indicating the righteous path;

Anahita - impeccable;

Zulfia - beautiful, charming, curly;

Horwathat - perfection, health.

Japan has a rich history and amazing centuries-old culture. Names for girls in Japan are chosen in tune with the surname and beautiful in sound. Most often they are simple and denote abstract concepts (for example, Ay - love), or relate to the natural world.

Ayame - iris flower;

Amaya - night rain;

Izumi - fountain;

Kame - turtle (symbol of longevity);

Kotown - harp sound;

Kokheku - amber;

Momo - peach;

Momoe - one hundred blessings;

Ren - water lily;

Ruri - emerald;

Haruki - spring tree;

Harumi - spring beauty;

Hinata - sun, sunflower;

Hoshi - star;

Hotaru - Glowworm;

Tsuyu - dew at dawn;

Chow - butterfly;

Yuki - happiness, snow;

Yuri - lily;

Yuriko - baby lily.

African female names - exotic beauty

African peoples are numerous and diverse. Their beliefs in magical powers determine how the name of the child will be called. Often the names are not divided into male and female and have an additive in the form of the name of the animal, which determines the nature of the person. The name may change throughout life, depending on the status of the carrier.

Abangu - came from the thicket;

Agwang - she-wolf;

Marjani - coral;

Advar - hunter;

Boipelo - proud

Maikna - happy;

They - born in a sacred place;

Eyira - the chosen one.

The most beautiful female names in children of stars

Russian stars sometimes choose very unusual names for their daughters. So the leading Victoria Bonya called her daughter Angelina Letiziaand Olga Shelest called her daughters Muse, which is translated from Greek means "thinking", and Iris, named after the goddess of the rainbow. Director Valeria Gai-Germanika called daughters Octavia and Severina, both of these names come from Latin. Ksenia Borodina also did not choose an ordinary name, so her daughter’s name is Thea, which means "divine." The daughter of Tina Kandelaki is also called the wife of the current president of the United States - Melaniaand Natalia Vodianova gave her name Nevalike the famous river.

Beautiful and unusual names give their children foreign stars. So, Beyoncé's daughter's name is Blue ivy, translated as "blue ivy", and Gwyneth Paltrow named her Apple, that is, an apple. Tom Cruise's daughter bears a Persian name Suriwhich means "red rose". Jessica Alba's daughters are called Onor (honor) and Haven (sky or quiet haven). The famous British chef Jamie Oliver gave his daughters gentle and romantic names. Their names are Poppy hani (i.e. Poppy Honey) Daisy boo (Daisy Boo) and Petal Blossom Rainbow, which means "Rainbow, which has dismissed the petals."


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