What makeup can be used in the gym


The gym is a place where they get beauty, so the use of cosmetics there is not necessary. However, there are women who simply do not think of themselves without lipstick and rouge.

It is worth recalling that sports training provokes profuse sweating, ordinary makeup often turns into an unattractive mass, by which pores can become clogged and cosmetics just become the substance that pollutes the face, after such acne appear, and irritation, and even allergic reactions .

Naturally, not every woman can go to the gym without a marathon. We offer several recommendations and tips on how to use cosmetics to a minimum, allow your skin to breathe and be attractive even after exhausting physical training.

  • It is advisable to choose waterproof cosmetics, which, in which case, will not drain from the face. In addition, it should be light, lately, silicone cosmetics, which do not clog pores and are light enough, have become increasingly popular.
  • If you do not leave the house without applying a masking agent (designed to hide the flaws of the face), cosmetologists recommend using your moisturizer mixed with a matting agent. It is applied to problem areas, it is invisible in any light and will allow you to feel comfortable and confident in any place.
  • You should not use eyeliner or pencil for going to the gym, it is usually enough waterproof mascara of black or brown color. If necessary, the resulting drip can be removed with a damp cloth to remove makeup, a small pack of cosmetic wipes should always be in the gym bag.
  • To make cosmetics look natural after class and do not roll down, do not use a heavy base, let it be a light moisturizer that has a primer applied.
  • For sports, it is preferable to use colorless hygienic lipstick or vaseline, but you can take a moisturizing sheen of natural shades.

As for the end of classes, it is recommended to take a shower. If there is no such possibility, it is enough to wash, regardless of whether the face has cosmetics on it or not. This will clean the pores and prevent irritation.

Text: Ksenia Alexandrovna


Watch the video: MY 10 MINUTE MAKEUP! GYM FRIENDLY (July 2024).