"Crash" in the crib. Why does children have enuresis? At what age can such a diagnosis be made?



It is not so difficult to get rid of enuresis per se. But people close to the child can provoke a neurosis, the consequences of which will already have to be fought.
Hardly anyone worries if the baby wets the diaper. A two-year-old baby may also not have time to run to the pot or wake up wet.

Up to four years, only partial control of urination is considered normal. The diagnosis of enuresis is made only after the child reaches the age of five.

Primary enuresis

This is characteristic of eighty percent of all cases. The kid is written during the day, can nighttime "accidents" occur? You should not only contact a pediatrician and neurologist, but also try to observe a friendly atmosphere at home.

Secondary enuresis

May occur amid stress. The child wakes up dry, learned to walk on the potty. Parents calm down, and suddenly - an incident.

Adults react too violently, scolding the baby, ashamed and chastising him. Do not do this ever!

In such cases, doctors say that enuresis has a psychological cause. It is possible that this is a manifestation of a disease, say, cystitis or diabetes.
Of great importance is heredity. If mom or dad in childhood suffered from enuresis themselves, the child's probability of its manifestation reaches sixty percent.

Both night and day

There are both daytime and nocturnal enuresis. In the first case, incidents occur during daytime sleep or during wakefulness. In the second - the baby cannot control urination at night, in a dream. There are mixed forms of the disease.

Also, experts distinguish neurotic and neurosis-like enuresis. With a neurotic form, everything can go away even without any treatment if the parents eliminate the traumatic, irritating or frightening factors.

In any case, such a neurosis is always a reaction to excitement, fear, stress.

The neurosis-like form of the disease is more unpleasant, since it is more difficult to treat.

The reason lies in the intrauterine lesions of the nervous system. If the baby is tired, does not feel well or is cold, the manifestations of enuresis may increase.

More about enuresis - Dr. Komarovsky

How to help?

Determine what time the "accident" occurs, and you will be a baby shortly before. In children, some signs of anxiety in a dream can be noted, as if they want to wake up, but they cannot. This is a signal for parents to wake the baby and sit on the potty.

The most effective treatment option for pediatricians is an enuresis (urinary) alarm.

The principle of operation is that a sensor is attached to the panties of the baby, reacting to the first drops of urine.

The main device turns on, a signal sounds, the child wakes up. Gradually, a conditioned reflex is developed, and the baby gets used to react to the filling of the bladder.

What is not worth doing?

- Under no circumstances do not scold or punish the baby;
- Do not sort things out among themselves, do not swear and do not quarrel with children;
- Do not tell strangers about the problem. This can only aggravate the situation;
- in the morning do not focus on the situation. It is better to quickly change the bed and change the baby.

What needs to be done?

- Consult a pediatrician. It is important to exclude any diseases that provoke enuresis;

- Do not give the baby a lot to drink at night, watch the amount of fluid consumed by him;

- Transfer any active games, watching TV, using gadgets to the daytime.

Do not forget to praise the baby every time he wakes up dry. Kind words and any positive confirmation serve as an additional incentive for children.


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