Something new: herring under a fur coat in pita bread


If the traditional serving of Herring under a fur coat salad is already a bit boring for you, then it's time to do something new, but with your favorite taste. Today we cook herring under a fur coat in pita bread - incredibly beautiful, insanely delicious and festive! You can easily serve such pita bread on the festive table, rest assured, guests will appreciate your creativity.

For cooking, you will need a traditional set of salad ingredients, plus a thin Armenian pita, you also need to stock up with cling film immediately. If you let the finished roll stand for about a couple of hours, you can easily cut it into medium or even thin slices. So let's get started!

Prig time - 120 min

Servings Per Container - 5


  • Thin pita - 4 sheets
  • Potato - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Herring s / s - 350 g
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Vinegar - 50 ml
  • Water - 50 ml

Cooking process

Prepare all the necessary products. Boil carrots, potatoes, beets in advance - cool the vegetables, peel them, grate everything on a medium grater. Do the same with eggs - cook for 10 minutes, cool and clean, also grate. Milled herring, remove bones, cut into cubes. Now you can begin to form a salad. So, spread the first sheet of pita bread on a work surface covered with cling film. Grease pita bread with mayonnaise, lay a layer of beets, after a layer of carrots. Pre-squeeze vegetables if they are too juicy.

Cover the vegetables with a second sheet of pita bread, also grease it with mayonnaise, lay the eggs, grated with medium chips. Salt and pepper are added exclusively to taste.

Cover the eggs with a third sheet of pita bread, grease with mayonnaise, spread the potatoes.

Peel and chop the onion in a cube, marinate in the same proportion of water and vinegar. Lay onions on top of potatoes. Already put the chopped herring on the onion. Close all remaining pita bread.

Carefully roll up the roll, wrap it with cling film, leave it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 2-3 hours, then unfold and cut.

Serve to the table and take well-deserved compliments!


Watch the video: РУЛЕТ СЕЛЬДЬ ПОД ШУБОЙ В ЛАВАШЕ (July 2024).