Recognize your zodiac Shadow. The karmic tasks of each zodiac sign


From early childhood, each of us listened to fairy tales based on a clear separation of "good" and "evil." The formation of the worldview of the world around the child takes place under the pressure of moral family principles, schools, societies, where he develops and grows.
In the adult period of life comes the realization that the world is not so simple, and there are too many dual phenomena in it, combining both positive and negative sides. And people in this case are far from exceptions. Since there is “good”, then “evil” is always visible somewhere nearby.

We will call this "evil" - the Shadow that hides deep inside in each of us.

Two faces of the same coin

So, in each phenomenon two polar qualifications are traced.
Here is a simple example where religion plays a leading role:
"Christians are good, and Muslims are all bad people."
But this opposition is already a kind of condemnation, dividing people into conditional categories of “bad” and “good” on the basis of religion.

The same thing happens in our subconscious with self-identification. But just as we can’t get away from the shadow cast by our body, we are confronted with the inner, created by us personally.

Not always a person is able to recognize his own "shadow", which is reflected in the people around him.

It is not in vain in psychology that there is a statement: “in our enemies we hate what is present in ourselves”, i.e. like a reflection in a mirror, from which we always turn away.

What do the zodiac Shadows carry in themselves?

In addition to the "evil" and the dark sides embodied in our souls, the Shadows carry certain karmic tasks for each individual zodiac sign.

Knowing your Solar sign - the day and month under which they arrived in this world - you can calculate the most important task, consisting in the manifestation of the inner "Sun", hidden talents granted from birth.

Karmic tasks for every zodiac

• The Aries sun is endurance and patience, he is a pioneer with a vivid charisma of war. Shade of Aries it is expressed in restlessness, depression and family despotism in the intervals from "good" to "bad" mood.

Shadow of Taurus lies in total laziness and disinterest in nothing but a "meadow", where Taurus graze all his life. The solar task of Taurus is to become powerful "Bulls" that pull on themselves important things that are impossible for anyone else.

The shadow side of Gemini expressed in the impossibility of making trusting and long-term contacts, replacing quality with quantity, and in the absence of a permanent position. Solar Gemini sees the real essence of people, and is able to distinguish false from true in any information.

The Shadow Side of Cancer lies in doubt in the near future, emotional tantrums and extreme conservatism. Sunny Cancer becomes a true sage, protecting native people, preserving and passing on traditions to subsequent generations.

Shadow side of a lion expressed by vanity, pretentious exclusivity of units and rejection of those who think in a different direction. Sunny Lion becomes a "lighter", a source of inspiration for people around him, and not a consumer of love.

The shady side of the Virgin It is expressed in a twofold manner: either the mystical prejudices gathered together fit in, then the exact opposite - dry skepticism and rejection of other points of view are combined. Often - like a burning mixture of both. The solar task of Virgo lies in the "golden mean" between the spiritual and the physical, in creating a personal system of judgments, bringing order in thoughts, and an endless pursuit of perfection.

Shadow of Libra - extreme in all its manifestations: from love to hate, from tears to laughter, and invariably they are in a cyclical circle, repeating every day. The sun of Libra calls for finding that precarious balance within itself, in order to subsequently instruct the rest on the true path.

The shadow side of Scorpio it is expressed in suffering from experiences - from jealousy and excessively exaggerated problems, also in gullibility and inconstancy. Sunny Scorpio is the one who will pass the most difficult trials, discarding personal motives to achieve a great goal.

Shadow Capricorn tormented in self-flagellation and complexes, cherishing self-pity with the lion's share of selfishness and emotional insensibility. Sunny Capricorn overcame the complexes, achieves its goals and rationally evaluates opportunities.

The shady side of Aquarius personified by an irresistible desire to be in the center of universal attention, achieving this with excessively eccentric acts. The sun of Aquarius is the personification of the exclusive freedom of the spirit from its own egoism.

Shadow of Pisces expressed by prolonged depression, weakness and fatalism. They are tormented by chaos in all spheres of life. The sun predicts Pisces to become those who stubbornly swim to their dream, perhaps distant and not clear to everyone, but ideal for the Pisces themselves.


Watch the video: Astrology for Witches SERIES Episode 2 The Signs (June 2024).