Is it true that dairy products cause skin problems?


The truth about the effect of fermented milk products on skin condition and the practice of cosmetology.

Dairy products are an integral part of a healthy person’s diet. Nutritionists indicate the positive effect of milk, cottage cheese and other products on the digestion, in addition, they have great nutritional value, contain a lot of nutrients. There are fermented milk products for those who do not tolerate lactose. But is milk always the only good? Definitely not.

Many skin diseases are aggravated by the use of dairy products, this is true.

But not always. Where does such selectivity come from? The question is more complicated than it seems. To avoid skin problems, to receive only one benefit without harm, you need to understand what to eat, drink, in what quantities and when.

What dairy products provoke skin problems, and in what cases?

The main diseases in which dairy products are considered harmful are acne (acne), excessive secretion of sebum, and inflammatory processes. Those conditions that everybody encounters from time to time, especially women, adolescents due to the characteristics of the hormonal background. Recommendations on the rejection of dairy products are presented on the network in periodicals. Some doctors hold the same position. However, such a tough approach does not make sense.

Absolute "withdrawal" from milk is necessary only in one case: a person is intolerant of the components that make up it. And that is not always the case. Against the background of intolerance, dermatitis, an allergic reaction develops. The skin is covered with a rash. Spots and papules (pimples) filled with serous contents.

When combed, they ulcerate and roughly scar, leaving unaesthetic bluish spots after healing.

Such pigmentation will require costly correction and will certainly not add skin health. With the systematic use of milk, without intolerance, the rash will not go anywhere. It will only get worse.

In all other cases, you just need to carefully choose what and in what quantities to use.

  • Patients with acne are not recommended to consume whole milk. It contains casein and an insulin-like growth factor. These substances increase oily skin and can cause inflammation against the background of a dermatological diagnosis. Other products: kefir, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream can be consumed in moderation.
  • Cheap types of milk - This is a powder product that has nothing to do with milk. The buyer receives a set of chemicals dissolved in water. Such an impromptu chemical industry product carries no payload. Preference should be given to proven, natural brands of milk. Let them cost more.
  • Another option - cheap milk, richly flavored with hormones. Many brands of skim milk also commit the same sin. To enhance the taste, manufacturers do not skimp on the same casein, whey. These substances provoke increased production of sebum. With prolonged consumption, they can cause skin rashes and allergies. It is better to refuse such milk.
  • Ultra-pasteurized milk producer flavors with sugars. This is not milk, but a sugar solution. Excess sugar leads to thickening of the blood, malnutrition of the skin, and a decrease in the rate of outflow of lymph. Therefore, the skin becomes dry, flabby, dull and lifeless. Bags and wrinkles form.

To summarize:

  • Ultra-pasteurized milk, milk with casein, an insulin-like growth factor cannot be drunk, as well as cheap powder products. Also, products of unscrupulous manufacturers with hormones in the composition.

  • When there is milk intolerance, you should not drink it at all. If you refuse hard, you can try replacing it with lactose-free milk, but you need to strictly look at the composition and observe the reaction of the skin to a new product.

The issue of milk choice must be approached responsibly. What about other products?

  • Cheese.
  • Sour cream.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Yogurt, fermented baked milk.

Allowed. But with some limitations. Again, you need to observe the individual skin reaction. Cheese and natural cottage cheese practically do not cause problems.

Not just allowed, but the recommended product is natural yogurt. After passing the fermentation, it loses its negative properties. And if there are probiotics in the composition, it allows you to fight acne and inflammation of the dermis.

How to choose high-quality dairy products?

The question is complex. There are a few tips to follow:

  • Good, high-quality milk cannot be cheap. But an unreasonable price increase does not bode well.
  • It is important to carefully look at the composition of the product. It should have less chemical unnatural additives. It is desirable that they were not at all.
  • Also, there should be no sugar, sweeteners, flavors.
  • For permanent use, pasteurized or whole milk is suitable.

A good option would be to buy natural products from the manufacturer. The right idea will be to visit individual households in the countryside.

The cost of such dairy products is slightly higher, but the small owner has no reason to feed the cows and goats with artificial additives, reduce the cost of production, "chemicalize" the composition, because it does not work for the needs of the market.

Selling milk and products based on it for him is an episodic phenomenon. With rare exceptions.

How to check the individual sensitivity of the skin to dairy products?

It is enough for a week or two to abandon all dairy products. If the reason is not in them, the condition of the skin does not change in any way, but it may become worse (depending on the provoking factor).

With the proven negative impact of dairy products, do not despair. The fault lies with any one, maximum two products from the sour-milk category. In addition to intolerance in any form, it is enough just to change the brand of cheese, milk, sour cream. The process is not fast. You need to look for what caused skin problems. But the efforts will be rewarded.

Sour-milk products as such do not affect the condition of the skin with rare exceptions. The problem is production methods. Therefore, the issue is mainly decided by the choice of better food products.


Watch the video: Lactose Intolerance vs. Milk Protein Allergy - Dr. Elaine Barfield & Shara Wagowski, RD (June 2024).