5 reasons why radishes go in the arrow: what to do with it, when to plant


How to plant radishes in order to get a good harvest and there was no shooting? Actual question. After all, it is this culture in early spring that replenishes the reserves of vitamins in the body. However, the radish season is short, not everyone can enjoy plenty of delicious fruits. Often gardeners complain that almost the entire radish went in the direction of the arrow. You can avoid this!

Radish shoots: why this happens

In fact, growing radishes is easy. The culture is so unpretentious that it grows freely even in a balcony drawer, not demanding on soils. But in order to get a good harvest of juicy fruits, and not abundant flowering of radishes, you need to know the features of cultivation.

First of all, the plant does not tolerate heat. This is the main problem, why instead of root crops a magnificent bouquet is obtained. Radishes should be planted as early as possible in spring or at the very end of summer. Then, during the period of fruit formation, the temperature will not be so high.

In central Russia, landing is carried out in May or at the very beginning of June, when the coolness still remains in the morning. In the southern regions, these dates are shifting. Sowing begins in late March and until mid-April. As a rule, already in early May in this area is unbearable heat.

Autumn sowing is carried out from mid-August to mid-September in regions with a cold climate. In the southern regions, sowing is extended until early October. However, early varieties with a short growing season are used for planting.

The second reason that affects radish shootings is lack of moisture in the soil. So that the fruits are juicy and not empty, the seedlings need to be well watered. In dry land, development stops, and the plant puts all its strength into the formation of arrows and seeds.

Important! Surface watering will not solve the problem. The entire fertile soil layer should be saturated with moisture.

The third mistake that gardeners make when growing radishes is insufficient cultivation. The abundance of weeds and dense soil makes the plant bloom. Loosen aisles and remove weeds regularly.

In addition, you need to remember the amount of fertilizer that is applied to the soil. Fresh organic dressing is completely unacceptable for radishes. This leads to an early rifle culture. However, not all summer residents are aware of this.

Reason No. 5 - too thick fit. The bed is regularly thinned out. In order not to throw away the sprouts, they are transplanted to another place.

The root crop tolerates transplantation well and this does not affect the growth of the fetus.

During thinning, choose the radish that is larger, the rest is grown.

How to plant radishes

Today on sale there are varieties of radish, which are particularly resistant to flowering. Well proven:

  • Globe;
  • Zlata;
  • Vera;
  • Ilka;
  • Presto.

They are especially popular in regions with warm climates, where heat quickly sets in.

The grooves for sowing radishes should not be deep, otherwise the seeds will germinate for a long time, which is bad for yield. The optimum seeding depth is 1 cm. The seeds are large, so it is better to immediately carry out a sparse sowing than to thin out the planting once again. The distance between the seeds is up to 5 cm. Between the beds it is enough to leave 10 cm.

Advice! To seedlings appeared faster, the soil after planting needs to be compacted.

Tasty and juicy radishes that will never bloom before the due date can be obtained with winter sowing. The seeds themselves will determine when it is time to sprout. Harvest from such beds is harvested 2-3 weeks earlier! The bed is prepared in the fall, and sowing is carried out in February on frozen ground. The planting depth is 4-5 cm. After planting, the seeds are covered with peat or humus.


Watch the video: How to Grow Radish Microgreens (July 2024).