Charms for a wedding for young people


A wedding is an important event in the life of future spouses. According to legend, on this day the bride and groom are especially vulnerable to dark forces and are open to the evil eye or damage. In order to protect the newlyweds from homemates and envious people, it is necessary to prepare amulets.

Charms for the bride

A wedding cannot be held without invited guests. Often among them there are ill-wishers in whom this event causes only anger and envy.

The bride can protect herself from negativity with the help of certain amulets:

  1. Veil. Many believe that its main purpose is beauty, as it perfectly complements the wedding dress. However, before the veil was used as protection during the celebration. According to signs, a white veil helped to shelter a woman from evil spirits and the unkind wishes of invited guests. At the same time, the minimum length of the veil should reach the level of the shoulders.
  2. Pin. She protects the bride from the evil eye. It must be pinned to the dress from the inside, so that it is invisible to others.
  3. Bouquet. For amulets, white flowers should be present in the flower arrangement. Also, for additional protection, the bouquet can be tied with a wide red satin ribbon.

Charms for the groom

Unlike a man, a woman at a wedding gets more attention. Because of this, the groom needs minimal protection. The bride usually attracts the negative energy of envious ladies who could not arrange their family happiness.

The groom, in most cases, becomes a victim of female partisans. It is a man who tries to throw various trifles at the holiday that will interfere with his happiness and well-being in the new family.

Typically, these "gifts" are hidden in the pockets of the jacket. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave it unattended during the entire wedding celebration.

To protect the groom, you will definitely need a pin. It has a strong effect, especially if the bride also takes advantage of such a talisman. You can also try putting salt to protect it. It must be wrapped in a piece of paper and placed in any jacket pocket.

The most popular amulets

Different peoples of the world have their own wedding traditions, which differ from each other. In some cases, the differences are so dramatic that the rites of another country may seem ridiculous. Regardless of how wedding customs differ, they have common charms.

Wedding rings

This amulet is considered the most popular, since not a single wedding celebration can do without it. Wedding rings are a symbol of family life, happiness and prosperity. Previously, the choice of wedding decoration was taken seriously. At the moment, many couples do not pay much attention to this. Brides try to choose the models they like, and men simply agree with their choice.

The ring exchange tradition has a certain meaning. The wedding ring is a symbol of the union of two destinies, the fusion of two energies into one. The rite of exchange implies the infinity of the marriage.

There are many superstitions associated with buying a wedding decoration, but two will suffice. The bride should not give her friends her ring for fitting, as this will ruin her future marriage. Also, you can not buy a wedding ring in thrift stores. Such a decoration will store the energy of the past carrier. If the relations of the previous owners were unsuccessful, the same fate will await new carriers.

The blessing of parents

This is another effective way to get protection. Many couples began to ignore this rite, as they did not consider it necessary to observe ancient traditions. Custom means the words of parting and protection in the form of prayer. At the same time, the blessing will not lose power if it is replaced by one’s own wishes. Together with warm words, you can give an icon to the bride and groom.


Over time, this tradition is less and less common at weddings. Someone forgets about it, and someone incorrectly holds the ceremony itself. Now the newlyweds order a loaf in bakeries or confectionery boutiques, not at all thinking about what emotions they will cook with it.

According to tradition, wedding bread should be baked by a close relative of the bride. Therefore, such a case was not entrusted to outsiders. In this case, you must choose the woman whose marriage has developed happily. Only in this case, the bride will receive a piece of luck, which will help create a strong family.

Private confectionery companies do not always know how to properly prepare a loaf. In ancient times, wedding bread was decorated with the remnants of dough. The top of the loaf was supplemented with a bird, and the edges with geometric ornaments and figures. Each decoration contributed to the attraction of happiness. At the moment, on loaves you can find only simple patterns or flowers.


According to tradition, the bride must embroider this amulet on her own. She can also take the help of close relatives or friends. Rushnik is the keeper of the hearth, however, he can get into the newlyweds' house only after the wedding celebration.

At the celebration, the bride and groom tie their hands with a homemade towel to make the union strong and inextricable. A towel is often put underfoot in a church or registry office so that the newlyweds receive protection at the time of creating a new family. Traditionally, a homemade towel is passed from generation to generation. Thanks to this, the couple receives not only a powerful amulet, but also the patronage of the Family.

Regardless of which amulet the couple chooses, she will still receive protection on her wedding day. It is important that the attribute is made or presented to the young with a pure heart with good intentions. Otherwise, “evil gifts” will interfere with family happiness and well-being of young people. At the wedding, you can use several charms at once or limit yourself to one.


Watch the video: Love Finds you in charm 2015 (July 2024).