Popular signs and magical properties of nettle


The most interesting thing is that this inconspicuous, at first glance, plant in different countries is completely different.

For example, residents of Bulgaria are very afraid that nettles do not grow near their home, as this promised sorrows and troubles. With the help of nettles, the southern Slavs protected their home from the “leakage” of prosperity and well-being - they planted gaps and crevices in this house with this plant. And Ukrainians did consider nettle to be a devilish plant.

In fact, nettle is credited not only with unique healing properties, but also called it a magical plant that can relieve negativity, maintain youthfulness and strengthen overall health.

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Ancient signs about nettle

1. Nettle is considered a vampire plant., which for growth and development necessarily needs periodic replenishment of negative energy. So, according to an old omen, the place where the nettle thickets are present is considered poor in energy. You should not stay in this place for a long time, arrange picnics, or erect any buildings.
2. Corruption and the evil eye today, as before, excites the thoughts of many peopleth. Indeed, absolutely any person who has ill-wishers or envious people in his environment can be exposed to these negative phenomena. To protect yourself from such phenomena, you need to carry a nettle twig in your pocket. This is especially true when there is a meeting or conversation with an unpleasant, peeping or envious person.
3. A person suffering from rheumatism in ancient times was quilted with nettle branches. Thus, they saved him from the excruciating pain caused by this disease.
4. If a person accidentally pricked nettles - this meant that the plant took over part of the negative.
5. According to ancient signs, it is believed that a nettle wreath that hangs on the fence will protect the house and its inhabitants from the evil eye and the effects of love magic.
6. If something fell into the nettle, then you can’t lift it, since the thing managed to be saturated with negative energy.

Magical properties

A nettle bouquet that will hang above the front door of your home will protect you from unfriendly guests, the penetration of evil forces and bad thoughts of your guests.

Nettle, like salt, has a very good property - to clean the energy of the house. This plant needs to be put at night in all corners, and in the morning to collect and take it outside.

Nettle like a sponge absorbs negative energy and will make the atmosphere of the house light, bright and clean.

For women and girls who want to keep youth and reveal their attractiveness and femininity, nettles will be more useful than ever. Make it a rule to take a bath regularly with this plant. It is enough just to lower a few fresh branches of nettle, pour water and lie in a rejuvenating bath for 10-15 minutes. Such procedures strengthen health, preserve youth, remove anxious thoughts and fatigue, and also relieve the body and soul from negative energy.


Watch the video: I can't Witch without. . Nettle (July 2024).