Druid horoscope for April 23 + individual "danger index"



April is gradually moving towards its sunset, but spring only flares up brighter.

Druids believed that the events of this week are important for each person in that they allow them to take a fresh look at the world, make the right choice, learn more to value and manage what is already there. In a word, this day has its own, special meaning in the predictions and instructions from the wisdom of the ancient Celts.

And pay attention to the “hazard index” at the end of the article - it will tell you how brave you are or you should be careful that day.


Apple tree: Your life today is like a swift swing - the rise and fall alternate before you catch your breath. Jump! I mean, finally make the choice of what is really important on this day and stick to the chosen one, no matter what.


Fir: It will be a shame to you to creaking pain that by this spring alone are velvety and in gold, and you have not reached the desired. Find comfort in the fact that not everything in nature is primroses. Your time will come, just a little later. In the meantime, focus on communicating with loved ones, their need for warmth will certainly not wait.


Elm: The best time to fall in love. Again in someone who has been around for a thousand years or a little, in secret and in a stranger. Anyhow - but scientists say it activates the synthesis of "hormones of happiness." And support for you, so that your performance and creative light do not fall, will be very necessary today. But there is an alternative - just eat a chocolate bar.


Cypress: By the will of the forces of nature, a good attitude towards it today will turn out to be a great success for you in the near future. Plus, it’s just good for your metabolism to spend a vegetarian day. Open the windows at home - let the spring air rush. Trade vehicles for hiking.


Poplar: Some events will provoke you to manifest the worst features of morals. If you succumb, such a person will be considered by your immediate environment all spring. Be generous and show a sense of humor so that today you can lead people behind you and turn them into your faithful allies.


Cedar: Things will require giving up personal and enjoyable, but do not rush - profit in any form will not cover emotional damage. Better to properly dispose of what you have. This is a good day in order to make a decision and finally pay off debts, buy equipment in the house and a new toy for the cat.

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Pine: A close person intends to remake you under his ideal, which will become a threat to the Antarctic cooling of relations. Try to come to a compromise - your, of course, strong, but aggressive position, will only ruin everything. And this is a good day for a haircut - the master seems to read your thoughts.


Willow: Relax with work chores - they won't run away. But household chores will become for you an emotional outlet and training for personal growth. It is not so easy to make an apartment the coziest place in the world. But you can do it. And continuing the theme, it is worth noting that today you are able to prepare a very complex, but exquisite dessert.


Linden: Naturally, spring is a sports time. And since you are more adroit today than ever, master a new one - get on the rollers, go to the pool, spread a yoga mat - and go. But be careful with the words, so as not to make an accidentally impossible promise.


Oak: If you allow this day, like a spring stream, to flow freely, then it will be more productive than if your diary was packed to the last line. But do not lose sight of events that indicate finances - only in this today you will need seriousness, planning and instant reaction.


Hazel: Today it’s contraindicated for you to sit back. The energies of Earth and Space today are such that idleness will turn into a summer-empty flower in all plans, but hard work will be rewarded. And do not be cunning - the maximum strength should come from you, and not from assistants.


Rowan: The day does not promise to be the most interesting, but things in it will lay the foundation for your well-being until the fall. In particular, it is very good today to resolve all issues related to education, summer cottage, health and debt.


Maple: You are surprisingly energetic and entrepreneurial today, but what you will direct your efforts to, what opportunities you will discover and use is a matter of taste, at least somehow everything will be fine. Enjoy the company of friends - you lack mutual attention and be more friendly than ever to strangers - only positive energy should come from you.


Nut: Take on today’s previously unsurpassable worries - don’t expect a fulminant result, but by a small step from this April, you can get closer to their completion. Protect your head from overloading with unnecessary information. And run away, like from fire, from gossip - your word can become an unkind decisive factor in growing rumors.


Jasmine: It’s an amazing day when even the smallest, innocent deception of yours will be immediately revealed, but you yourself can easily be deceived. Try not to leave the usual roads and previously tested actions - for everything new this spring there will still be a lot of lovely days, but today stability and even the usual routine are more important.


Chestnut: Today, a perfectionist and a lazy gopher will wake up in you, who simply does not have the strength to wait for a vacation ... And it is useless to resist - rebuild the day to the maximum sense of your harmony in the world and do not worry about missed opportunities. More important is to save yourself.


Ash: What at other times made you dance with pleasure, today seems as bland as unsalted rice. But there is no reason for alarm - just the old has become obsolete, it is time to find something new, and to preserve the former as an invaluable experience and glorious memory.


Hornbeam: This day you need warmth. Moreover, not mental. In this regard, today you are just the opposite - a powerful and proud loner. But be sure to get out into the sun, into the street - otherwise, all spring will pass by. And also, do not refuse to help a friend, even if it seems a trifle, it is dear to him precisely from you.


Figs: Something does not live up to expectations, but the financial situation will be satisfactory, simply amazing. And hurry to spend wisely what has come - the money of this day in your personal Universe should rotate in order to attract profit in the future.


Birch tree: Today you are sanity, so take a look at the surrounding reality - is it all to your taste? If not, feel free to transform, drop and so on ... And pay attention to health - a small detail can change everything for the better.


Olive: This is a powerful day. No diet - you need calories. Everything you take will be successful, so put your priorities right. It is useful to start today to try on self-development techniques. And do not take to heart those who do not believe in you - they do not understand anything.


Beech: You are waiting for one of those rare days when everything goes easy, pleasant and safe. Try to saturate it with something that will make it a bit different from your usual everyday life, but don’t risk it much with a new one - this is a great day to appreciate what you have.


"Danger Index" for the signs of the horoscope of the Druids on Tuesday, April 23, 2019


1-2 points: If a gloomy panther sits right in front of you, maybe not the best choice - shake her cheeks with the call "Smile!". So this day is - try to be invisible in it for everything that represents at least the slightest potential danger.

3 points: A day, like a sleeping volcano, regarding which scientists are at a loss. In simple terms, let your risks be reasonable today and have a backup plan B for everything.

4-5 points: When there is a chance to enjoy life and do everything that requires safety and luck - it should not be missed. Therefore, this April day promises to be dizzyingly pleasant and eventful for you.

Your mark: Apple tree: 3.8 Fir: 3.1 Elm: 4.3 Cypress: 4.6 Poplar: 2.9 Cedar: 5.0 Pine: 4.4 Willow: 3.6 Linden: 3.4 Oak: 4.0 Hazel: 5.0 Rowan: 3.7 Maple: 4.4 Walnut: 4.3 Jasmine: 3.6 Chestnut: 3.0 Ash: 5.0 Hornbeam: 4.9 Figs: 4.5 Birch: 3.3 Olive: 4.7 Beech: 2.7


Total: This day is quite eventful and varied in its own way for all the signs of the horoscope. Not everyone will remember it as a bright element of April, but everyone will be able to get closer to something, open something, change something. We can say that this is something in between for the present April, then magnificent and swift, then quiet and predictable.


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