A dog on a chain: how to properly maintain it. Is this legal?


For rural residents, street keeping a guard dog on a leash is often the only option for guarding the house and plot. After all, being indoors or in an aviary, the dog will not be able to protect the territory from uninvited guests. However, pet owners should remember that putting a pet on a chain, it is necessary to create all conditions for its comfort and safety.

How to train a dog to a leash

Dogs of large guard breeds with a well-developed undercoat are best suited for keeping on the chain: German, South Russian and Caucasian Shepherd Dogs, Alabai, Russian Black Terriers. It is not recommended to put on a chain of hunting dogs and smooth-haired animals: Doberman Pinschers, boxers, Cane Corso, Bullmastiffs.

The chain content of an adult dog, already accustomed to constant freedom of movement, can cause psychological trauma in the animal, increased aggression and bitterness on the owner. Therefore, to teach a four-legged friend to a leash should be from 4-6 months.

By this time, your pet should calmly relate to the collar, be able to walk on a leash and know the main commands: "Stand", "To me", "Nearby", "Sit", "Place", "It is impossible (Fu)".

Before you put the puppy on the chain for the first time, let him get used to the kennel and the adjacent area. Inside the booth, place the usual doggie litter and his favorite toys. You can only start tying the dog after it is fully mastered in a new place.

The freedom of the puppy should be limited gradually, first arranging two or three "chain hours" per day.

At first, be prepared for the fact that the baby will constantly whine, bark and break free. The main thing here is not to show pity and not go on about the pet. And so that the four-legged friend does not feel abandoned, often approach him, talk, play and encourage goodies.

Arrangement of a kennel

Keeping a dog on a chain implies a booth. It is best to place it in a dry place with a good overview of the area.

Install the building on the sunny side, but make sure that the dog has the opportunity to take refuge in the shade.

The size of the dog’s home depends on the size of the animal. Your pet should be free and comfortable in its shelter.

The kennel is made of dry hardwood and placed on a low pedestal. To keep the structure warm, it is equipped with double walls, between which foam or felt is placed.

To avoid parasites, thermal insulation materials are changed once a year. To simplify cleaning, it is advisable to equip the booth with a removable roof. The bottom is covered with straw or covered with a mattress stuffed with dry grass or feathers.

The kennel should be cleaned at least twice a week, clearing the space of food debris, excrement and removing dirt and cobwebs from the walls. The monthly disinfection of dog housing with creolin solution, Delcid and Bars Forte preparations will also be useful.

Ammunition Requirements

For a chain dog, choose wide multi-layer leather collars equipped with a boiled ring and a double row of holes. Make sure that the product does not contain sharp edges and faces, and metal parts are made of hypoallergenic hard alloys. Between the collar and the neck of the animal, two fingers of an adult should be placed.

For dogs on a leash, the use of:

  • spiked parfours;
  • made in the form of a sliding loop of noises and half-frogs;
  • halti.

As for the chain, it is chosen based on the weight of the pet.

ATdog EU (kg)Chain thickness (mm)
more than 416

The mistake of the owner will be the fastening of the chain directly to the kennel or a separate column. In this case, the animal can easily catch on, become entangled in a leash and hang on it, which often leads to asphyxiation.

The most comfortable option for securing the chain is a block post, giving the dog the opportunity to move around freely and providing perfect viewing and listening to the protected area.

The design consists of two pillars deeply dug into the ground and strengthened by guy wires, between which a cable with a diameter of 0.6-1 cm is stretched. A suspension block with a welded strong chain up to 2.5 m in length is placed on it. To prevent twisting, the harness is equipped with a swivel.

Important! The site where the checkpoint is located needs to be cleaned of vegetation and objects that impede the free movement of the dog.

Chain Dog Care

The basic rule of keeping an animal on a leash is its systematic walking. To maintain the health and good physical condition of the pet, walks must be made once or twice a day. This is not about five-minute boardwalks around the yard, but about full-fledged training (jogging, games, exercises).

Lack of activity and regular exercise leads to:

  • decrease in muscle tone;
  • degenerative changes in the musculoskeletal system;
  • weight gain;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • stereotyped or obsessive behavior (unexpected aggression, causeless anxiety, running in a circle, constant barking or howling).

Remember that releasing chain dogs for free walks (without the supervision of the owner) is strictly prohibited.

Outdoor dog maintenance requires a special approach to feeding - it should be two-time, high-calorie and include foods with high levels of protein, fat and low - carbohydrates. It is better to give preference to natural nutrition.

Do not forget about drinking: the animal needs to have constant access to fresh water.

To ensure healthy nutrition for your four-legged friend, include raw meat scalded with boiling water (rabbit, beef, turkey), sea fish, cereals (oat, rice, buckwheat), dairy products, chopped raw or boiled vegetables (except cucumbers and cabbage) in his diet. .

And the last thing I would like to draw attention to is the legal aspect of keeping a dog on a chain.

According to Federal Law No. 498-ФЗ "On Responsible Animal Handling", such actions by the owners are not considered a crime and are not an indicator of cruelty to pets.


Watch the video: How to Chain Down Equipment. without knocking out your teeth (June 2024).