Pathologically greedy men. Why are they like and how to live with them


A greedy man is not uncommon in the modern world. Sometimes it happens that a woman learns about this quality of her chosen one quite late. How to recognize in the man you liked, "miser," even before the start of a serious love relationship. What, in essence, distinguishes banal greed from rational economy?

Why do men get greedy?

The foundation for everything is laid in childhood. Teens, as a rule, try to completely copy the behavior of their loved ones:

  • fathers
  • older brothers
  • grandfathers
  • uncles

They absorb and try to adopt all the negative and positive qualities. Siblings, when they grow up, use the same behavioral model as their ancestors. If the boy’s father somehow cheated on his mother, then his son will do the same in the future, since for him such behavior is the norm that has been instilled (and sometimes “hammered”) from early childhood. As a rule, greed and stinginess in adulthood are due to the following reasons:

1.Poverty and extreme lack of material resources in the family of a growing boy. A man who from early childhood saved almost everything will try to continue to do this in adulthood. But it is not a fact that a stingy man should grow out of a small and very greedy tomboy. Specialists (psychologists) argue that as soon as a man reaches certain heights, he can become very generous and wasteful in some things.
2. Wealthy and prosperous families. It often happens that a baby spoiled since childhood can successfully become an avid and incorrigible stingy. After all, he’s used to the fact that only him always gets the most “tidbit”. In relations with representatives of the weak half of humanity, such men behave extremely selfishly, not paying any attention to the reproaches of their other half. They will never spend "extra penny" on their beloved, and they will never save on their desires and hobbies, confident that this should happen in life.
3. The buying up of mother and father. Everything is a bit more complicated here. Parents, by their behavior, can instill in the growing man an exorbitant craving for greed. There is practically nothing to be done about it, stinginess sooner or later will manifest itself anyway, even if the young man had not previously shown signs of greed and economy in everything and everyone.

What distinguishes savings from banal greed

Many women are simply not able to separate these two concepts and draw any boundary between them. For them, these two qualities are one and the same.

Women are sure that if a man constantly saves on his beloved, then he is just a "miser."

Stereotypes of a similar plan, which have developed over women for decades, are almost impossible to break. But it is worth remembering that between the economy and greed there is a very fine line, having crossed which a man can instantly become mean.

What is the essence of male greed and what is it in reality? It is safe to say that this is an irresistible desire to possess: things, money and feelings of all people around a man without any restrictions and norms.

Saving, in essence, is a rejection of something in favor of saving and increasing (in the short term) own resources. That is, an economical man is not scattered money left and right, but he does not save material resources for a "rainy day".

Greedy men are very different from economical ones in that they are able to spend money exclusively on their own person, but not on their close and beloved people. Thrifty men will by no means leave their loved ones without a presentation, even if they temporarily experience some financial problems. Therefore, in no case should you “combine” these two concepts that are completely different in essence. And do not blame the young man for stinginess, if he gives you not thousands of red roses, but a modest bunch of beautiful orchids.

It is important to know that an economical man is a really excellent option for building a strong and loving family. You can always rely on such a man in everything. Behind it you will be like behind a stone wall, do not need anything, because he knows how to plan his material expenses.

Greedy men by their very nature will not be able to become ideal candidates for husbands. He will save on everything, not only on his official spouse, but, unfortunately, on his offspring too.

Specialist intervention

If it is simply unrealistic to cope with attacks of impending greed, then an urgent need to consult a practicing psychologist.

It is worth noting that pathological greed (by many experts) is equated to acute mental illness, and in order to cope with it instantly, it is imperative to seek help from professionals who know exactly what and how to do in a given period of time.

Greed in many of its manifestations is a curable human vice. Proven in practice - a fact.


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