Rating of the most dangerous signs of the zodiac


You can talk a lot about the shortcomings of the different signs of the zodiac. The smartest, the most charming, the strongest, but today we’ll talk about the dangers posed by everyone.
According to the results of a study of the characteristics of different astrologers and an analysis of the zodiac affiliation of serial killers, we demonstrate a possible connection between the zodiac sign and a possible level of danger.

If we talk about fire signs, then among them Sagittarius pose a great danger. A large percentage of crimes is precisely the share of Sagittarius, while Aries are famous for their excellent weapons, and Lions are famous for banal danger.
Among the air signs, palm get Libra. Their excellent weapons are reinforced by a keen mind and danger. The twins are petty crooks. The reasons for the crime for Aquarius are quite commonplace - revenge.

Earth signs also have their leaders, and among them Taurus. Having a temperamental disposition and a risky nature, he creates a huge danger to others. Virgo and Capricorn are usually diverse, well-armed criminals.
Among the water, as well as among all signs, the largest number of crimes is exactly Cancers. Their incredible cruelty combined with a complex character often pushes them to crime. Fishes and scorpions are less aggressive, but their nature is peculiar and difficult to control.
And so, let's make a rating.

12. Gemini
This sign practically does not appear in criminal lists, despite the poor reputation of Gemini. They are not capable of cruelty because they rarely take people seriously. The biggest harm from them is to talk to death.

11. Aquarius
They are smart enough, and their concern for justice and a strong ego often allows them to avoid punishment. But even without this, they are the second least dangerous sign.

10. Lions
In fact, no more than kittens. Killing for them is a way of attracting extraneous attention to themselves, to which they resort extremely rarely. Whenever possible, they try to avoid any problems.

9. Scales
Libra is considered a rather soft and friendly sign, having a patient disposition and a craving for justice. But when their soft nature is abused, they are transformed into cruel and capable of crime.

8. Virgin
Among virgins there are two types competing with each other. This is either mentally ill people. Or overly smart. However, they do not like to kill Virgo. Fraud is their main business.

7. Fishes
Among the fish, the level of serial killings is especially great, so do not be fooled by their cute disposition. They are prone to addiction and therefore their killing are extraordinary.

6. Capricorns
Remotely similar to Pisces in their love of serial killings. But the number of killed, as a rule, exceeds the modest numbers of Pisces. Capricorns have a hot temper, and in this rage show all their negative sides. Starting to kill them is quite difficult to stop.

5. Aries
The character of Aries is quite quick-tempered and uncontrollable, but at the same time they quickly cool down. Once near them at the moment of anger, try to stay away.

4. Taurus
They are also cruel in anger, but they are more prone to fraud.

3. Sagittarius
Take away the bronze on our list. They are not capable of large-scale crimes, just as well as of causing harm to others, but theft is their strong point. Catching them is almost impossible.

2. Scorpions
Under this sign, the largest number of serial killers, who are real psychopaths and sadists, was born. People of this sign, more often than others, become mercenaries.

1. Crayfish
Top our list - Crayfish. This sign is characterized by certain cruelty and with incredible passion they kill their victims even because of banal envy.
Extremely unstable emotionally.
Having familiarized yourself with the degree of risk, you will be able to shield yourself from possible risks in dealing with the dangerous signs of the zodiac in the future.


Watch the video: Eugene Ranks Every Astrological Sign From Best To Worst (July 2024).