Everything you need to know about childhood obesity


Unlike adults, who are obviously not decorating the extra pounds, the puffy cheeks, folds and bandages on the body of the child still touches the grandmothers. A thin child causes outrage and desire to start fattening it immediately. But what to say, if the amount of food eaten gained kilograms ascend to the cult, and most mothers? Meanwhile, real obesity in some cases comes from childhood.

Overweight babies

Natural breastfeeding is a convenient, useful and safe thing. But artificial mixtures require careful monitoring of the weight of the baby. Large children gaining weight quickly are harder to move, learn to sit, crawl and walk. By the year when the child becomes as mobile as possible and even loses weight, large, overfed children, on the contrary, move completely inactive. It turns out a kind of vicious circle - food and extra calories make it difficult to move vigorously, and the lack of activity does not allow the abyss of infant plumpness. Of course, putting a baby on a diet is not just a wild idea, but also a cruel one. But to monitor the monthly increase and consult with a pediatrician about nutrition - common sense.

Overweight in children from a year to 3 years

A healthy child "owes" extra pounds only ... to the kindness and care of his parents and loved ones! But this age is very important for the formation of proper eating behavior. The habit of seizing grief from bruising or falling in sweets, encouraging sweets is only one side of the coin. The second is the rule of empty plates that comes from our grandmothers. Parents quickly forget about the main thing - a healthy, not spoiled by habits, the child's body has an amazing feature to control the feeling of hunger and satiety, not allowing to overeat. If the child announces his readiness to finish his meal, then so be it, he is no longer hungry.

Line weight in children from 5 years

5 years is the age when the problem starts to become noticeable. Parents of 5-6 year old children cease to be moved by fullness and begin to sound the alarm. What are the numbers on the scales are a serious reason to think about? Normally, the weight of a five year old child is 20 kg. Small fluctuations are possible in combination with growth - someone at this age is far ahead of their peers, and due to the physique. However, those extra pounds formed due to an athletic physique can be distinguished from the first signs of obesity and the naked eye. The excess weight gained from body fat is noticeable and requires intervention.

Parents can only identify the problem, but determine whether obesity is overweight, and if so, to what extent, only the doctor determines by a special formula and additional measurements.

The reasons

As in adults, in children a set of extra kilograms is provided due to the discrepancy between the calories consumed or the energy consumed. But this gap is formed due to various factors.

  • Habits and lifestyle. A calm child, not suffering from lack of appetite, runs the risk of becoming fat. And he often suffers, again, because of his parents. The habit of requiring a fully eaten lunch and dinner can lead to sad results. Be more attentive to yourself - when a child asks for yogurt, you should not offer him to eat it only after eating - perhaps he is ready to be content with an easy and useful product. instead fatty lunch.
  • Wrong mode. Joint family lunches and dinners help avoid snacking. A child can eat a stack of chips, nuts, or cookies quickly and unnoticed, especially if he eats snacks in front of a computer or TV. Those children who go to bed late eat fatal kilograms - for 2-3 hours of evening waking they are forced to absorb extra kilocalories.
  • Genetics. Children of obese parents are at risk - their probability of obesity is explained by both heredity and lack of nutritional culture of their parents.


The smallest excess weight inhibits physical development and undermines immunity. A large body weight contributes to more injury during falls. Fat babies often suffer from sleep disorders. And lack of sleep leads to fatigue, moods and bad mood. At an older age, overweight can turn into constant stress and even depression, especially in adolescents. During puberty, obesity can also lead to more serious consequences, which are usually considered a threat to adults - problems with the cardiovascular system.

What can parents do?

  • Overweight of the child by more than 20-25 percent of the norm is a serious reason for immediate contact to a specialist.
  • Your child’s bad eating habits can only be overcome together. Most likely, boring and tedious gymnastics for an obese child, you will not entice him. It means that parents should think over a kind of activity that will please, interest and enthrall, distracting from sweets, hazards and endless snacks.
  • Gradually, and most importantly, not noticeably from the child, transfer the whole family to low-calorie, but tasty food. A sharp ban on chips, soda and chocolate bars will not only cause protest and scandal, but also lead to their secret and uncontrolled consumption.
  • HLS and sports are actually very pleasant. Parents should themselves remember that skiing, ice skating, playing badminton and volleyball on weekends are much better than watching movies and talk shows on TV.

The main program and recommendations will be developed by a specialist. But the success of their implementation will depend not even on the child himself, but on the readiness and participation of the parents.

Text: Vera Guler


Watch the video: Top 10 causes of obesity in children - Boston Children's Hospital - Top 20 Health Challenges (July 2024).