Quail Egg Salad - a selection of the best recipes. How to properly and tasty to cook a salad with quail eggs.


Quail Egg Salad - General Cooking Principles

The first appreciated sawn eggs and began to widely use them in cooking Japanese cooks. In traditional Ukrainian and Russian cuisine, until recently, these eggs were considered an exotic product. It is true that many women, buying a standard set of products, pass by quail crumbs, and in the basket they turn out to be traditional chicken. Meanwhile, there are a great many recipes for salads with quail eggs, where the crumbs play the main role.

Quail eggs are a dietary product and are harmoniously combined with many products, be it meat or fish gastronomy, vegetables, seafood, mushrooms, cheeses and other products.

As a rule, salads with quail eggs are dressed with dressing (olive oil, sour cream, mayonnaise, mayonnaise based on sawn eggs) and mixed.

Quail Egg Salad - Preparing Food and Tableware

Ingredients for quail egg salads undergo machining, cutting, heat treatment. Quail eggs for salads are cut into large rings, in half, or laid whole (size allows).

For cooking quail egg salads, a standard set of kitchen utensils is needed, but crumbs should be cooked in a small container so that they, while cooking, tightly adjoin, and do not float and fight against the sides of the pan.

Quail Egg Salad Recipes:

Recipe 1: Quail Egg Salad

This quail egg salad is a fireworks display of vitamins, nutrients, color and flavor range. The salad is so “rich” that it is able to compete with a complex dinner, and it does not “strike” your figure.

Ingredients Required:

  • quail eggs - 10 pieces;
  • green peas (frozen) - 100 grams;
  • Feta - 100 grams;
  • sweet pepper (more beautiful yellow) - 1 piece;
  • raw champignons - 10 pieces;
  • lightly salted white cheese - 100 grams;
  • chicken meat - 150 grams;
  • frozen green beans - 100 grams;
  • Cherry - 4 pieces;
  • salt;
  • parsley, lettuce, feather onions - 7 pieces each.
  • Dressing - olive oil.

Cooking method:

- Boiled sawn eggs cut in half.

- Brynza, feta cut into large cubes.

- Cherry cut in half.

- Boiled champignons are cut into plates.

- Yellow sweet pepper takes the form of a straw.

- Cook in boiling water (15-20 minutes) frozen beans and peas.

- Cut boiled chicken meat into slices.

- Green ingredients (parsley, lettuce, onions) are finely chopped.

In a salad bowl to collect all, without exception, the prepared ingredients, salt, mix and drizzle with olive oil. Have a good lunch!

Recipe 2: Quail Egg and Seafood Salad

Everyone knows that the cut eggs are more useful for chicken, but this treasury of useful elements can be doubled if they are combined with sea gifts. Salad of expensive, but incredibly delicious.

Ingredients Required:

  • quail eggs - 8 pieces;
  • crab meat - 300 grams;
  • shrimp - 600 grams;
  • red caviar - 5 tablespoons;
  • squid - 600 grams;
  • Crimean bow - 1 head;
  • rice noodles;
  • dill, parsley - 50 grams;
  • sea ​​salt.
  • Dressing for bacon - mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

- Boiled sawn eggs cut in half.

- Boiled and peeled prawns are laid in a salad whole.

- Boiled squids are cut into strips.

- Crab meat is cut into cubes.

- Crimean onion, shred almost transparent half rings.

- Rice noodles are dipped in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

- Green ingredients (parsley, dill) finely chopped.

In a salad bowl to collect all, without exception, prepared ingredients, salt, refuel, mix. Have a good lunch!

Recipe 3: Quail Egg and Seaweed Salad

An amateur salad with an interesting, unusual taste, but seaweed lovers will appreciate the treat to its true worth. The main role in the salad is assigned to sawn eggs, zest - sea kale, cooked in a special way.

Ingredients Required:

  • quail eggs - 10 pieces;
  • onions - 2 pieces;
  • sea ​​kale - 300 grams;
  • pepper, sea salt, vegetable fat for steaming.
  • Dressing for fat - juice 1/2 lemon.

Cooking method:

- Boiled sawn eggs cut in half.

- Onions, diced, browned on vegetable fat.

- Sea cabbage washed under running water, boil for 5 minutes. Decorate the broth and repeat the procedure, that is, boil the cabbage for 5 minutes. After that, with seaweed to remove unnecessary water.

In a salad bowl, eggs, sea kale, onions are combined. Products pepper, pickle and fill with lemon juice.

Recipe 4: Salad with quail eggs "Mediterranean"

Light, dietary salad with quail eggs with tomatoes in a Mediterranean style. The dish, seemingly at first glance, is made from the products we are used to, but the taste is unusual and all thanks to the dressing.

Ingredients Required:

  • quail eggs - 15 pieces;
  • ricotta cheese - 150 grams;
  • Cherry - 15 pieces;
  • black olives - 15 pieces;
  • pine nuts - 30 grams;
  • salt, leaves for salad for the pillow.
  • Filling for lard: vegetable fat - (3 tbsp. Spoons), lemon juice (2 tbsp. Spoons), honey (0.5 tsp.), Mustard (tsp.), Chopped dill (tbsp.), Salt, clove of garlic, pepper.

Cooking method:

- Boiled sawn eggs cut in half.

- Cherry cut in half.

- Olives are cut into rings.

- Preparation of the dressing: rub the crushed garlic, dill, salt, mustard, pepper and lemon juice in vegetable oil.

A salad pillow is laid out on the bottom of the plate, half eggs, tomatoes, cheese, olives are on top. Top salad dressed with dressing and sprinkled with pine nuts (ingredients are not mixed).

Recipe 5: Salad with quail eggs with avocado and salmon

This treat can be considered exotic, an overseas avocado fruit, with a neutral taste, perfectly emphasizes the pronounced taste of red fish (salmon) and sawn eggs.

Ingredients Required:

  • quail eggs - 8 pieces;
  • salted salmon (fillet) - 200 grams;
  • apple (sour) - 1 piece;
  • avocado - 2 pieces;
  • cucumber - 1 piece;
  • dill - 4 sprigs;
  • lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.
  • Salad dressing: soy sauce (st. Spoon), pepper, 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, salt.

Cooking method:

- Boiled sawn eggs cut into large rings.

- Salted salmon is sliced.

- Peeled apple and chopped on a coarse grater, sprinkled with lemon juice.

- Avocado, cut into medium cubes, sprinkled with lemon juice.

- The cucumber is cut into medium cubes.

- Dill is ground.

- Preparation of dressing: combine olive oil, spices and soy sauce.

In the salad bowl to collect all, without exception, the prepared components, fill, mix.

Quail Egg Salad - secrets and tips from the best chefs

The taste and appearance of salads with quail eggs depends largely on the eggs themselves, that is, on the correctness of their preparation. Sawed eggs, like other products, lose nutrients during long-term heat treatment. To avoid this, mini eggs are laid in moderately boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.

Sawn eggs, unlike chickens, do not crack, coming into contact with boiling water, the only condition for cooking - eggs must be at room temperature.


Watch the video: HEALTHY BREAKFAST MADE EASY!!! 15 QUAIL EGGS SALAD (July 2024).