Salad "Hedgehog" - a selection of the best recipes. How to properly and tasty cooked salad "Hedgehog".


Salad "Hedgehog" - the general principles of cooking

Tomorrow is a holiday, and there are not enough interesting recipes? We offer to pay attention to the Hedgehog salad. If you briefly describe this dish, then we can say that it is very interesting, not only the content of the ingredients, but also the original and bold design. Agree, your guests will be surprised if, sitting at the festive table, they see this gentle and charming pet at a festive feast. But what's inside this salad remains to be seen. After all, it is not so easy to determine externally what products were included in the Hedgehog salad; you will first have to try to reach the middle, and then solve this riddle. Salad "Hedgehog" is a beautiful and very tasty dish that gives the hostesses complete freedom of activity, starting with the selection of products and ending with the design of the hedgehog.

Salad "Hedgehog" - preparation of products and dishes

Often, this salad is layered. There are several popular variations of Hedgehog salad - with Korean carrots, with chicken, with olives, etc. The most common "Hedgehog" with Korean carrots. Carrots make out the body of a hedgehog. You can prepare Korean-style salad on your own, or you can buy it in finished form, which will significantly save time. Usually, the Hedgehog salad is laid out in flat ration plates so that the pet can fully fit into the plate. Using various decoration options, you can create a forest glade effect by taking fresh lettuce leaves and pickled mushrooms. This is with regard to the external design, but with the internal composition of the salad "Hedgehog" is also quite interesting. This may be a meat salad, and fish. The main thing, stacking the ingredients, create a hedgehog shape.

Hedgehog salad recipes:

Recipe 1: Hedgehog Salad

Salad, cooked with this set of ingredients, will appeal to lovers of sweetish dishes. The dish includes chicken and pineapples. As you know, these two components are perfectly combined with each other.

Ingredients Required:

  • 150 g - cheese;
  • 250 g fillets;
  • 100 g - nuts;
  • 2 tooth. - garlic;
  • 4 things. - eggs
  • 1 b. - canned pineapples;
  • 50 ml - mayonnaise;
  • olives for decoration.

Cooking method:

First, prepare the salad dressing "Hedgehog". We take walnuts and chop well in a blender. In mayonnaise we press the garlic press, garlic, here from the blender we send nuts and mix everything. It turned out excellent salad dressing.

Now you can start preparing the ingredients. Cook as you add food to the salad. First, boil the chicken fillet, and then cut and lay out in a plate with the first layer, coat with the previously prepared dressing. Then go pineapple, sliced. We cover it again with a dressing. After we rub cheese, and from above we rub hard boiled eggs. Spread mayonnaise. Layers laid in the form of a hedgehog. It remains to decompose the olives. Cut and decorate the spines and eyes!

Recipe 2: Hedgehog Salad with Korean Carrots

Inexpressible variation of salad. On top of a hedgehog decorated with Korean carrots. Choose a delicious and colorful Korean-style salad, as this is the first taste that guests will experience.

Ingredients Required:

  • 350 g - Korean carrot;
  • 200 g - mushrooms;
  • 3 pcs. - egg;
  • 50 ml - mayonnaise;
  • 200 g - breast;
  • 200 g - cheese;
  • 1 PC. - onion;
  • 1 b. - olives;
  • 1 bunch of greens.

Cooking method:

It may seem to many that it will be difficult to make this salad in the form of a hedgehog, but this is not so. You can alternate layers of salad "Hedgehog". So, boil meat and eggs, but in separate pans. After dicing both ingredients. We merge pickle from pickled mushrooms and cut into strips, chop onion finely. We need olives for decoration, but they can also be cut into quarters.

So, layers: meat, onions, mushrooms, eggs and cheese. Coat each layer with mayonnaise. We leave some cheese for the face of the hedgehog. When everything is laid, we place Korean carrots on top of the hedgehog, and in it we put needles, that is, olives. Sprinkle some cheese in the muzzle, and make eyes out of olives. Hedgehog on the sides are decorated with greenery.

Recipe 3: Hedgehog Salad with Smoked Meat

You can prepare the Hedgehog salad not only for holidays, but also on everyday days. Moreover, it will appeal to young children. Salad includes a minimum set of products.

Ingredients Required:

  • 2 pcs. - eggs;
  • 1 PC. - an Apple;
  • 300 g - smoked meat;
  • 150 g - cheese;
  • 2 pcs. - fresh cucumbers;
  • 100 ml - mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

Beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt and fry the egg pancake on both sides in a pan. In the meantime, we take smoked meat, for the budgetary version, smoked chicken legs will come in handy. Separate the meat and cut into cubes. Salad "Hedgehog" puff, each layer spread with mayonnaise. Immediately create a form of a hedgehog. The first layer of meat, then cucumbers, cut into strips, followed by apples, cut into cubes. After there is cheese. Mayonnaise is no longer useful. Take an egg pancake, gently cut into strips and lay out in cubes on top of the cheese. It is chopped pancake that will serve as hedgehog needles. Eyes make either of two grains of grapes, or take olives. Homemade salad "Hedgehog".

Recipe 4: Hedgehog Salad with Pickled Cucumbers

Quite an interesting version of the salad with a rich set of ingredients. This includes a lot of pickled ingredients - cucumbers, peas, mushrooms.

Ingredients Required:

  • 3 pcs. - potatoes;
  • 200 g - cooked sausage;
  • 5 pieces. - pickled cucumbers;
  • 5 tbsp. l - canned peas;
  • 1 PC. - carrot;
  • 5 pieces. - egg;
  • 3 tbsp. l - mayonnaise;
  • 3 tbsp. l - sour cream.

Ingredients for decoration:

  • 15 pcs. - olives;
  • 20 g - cheese;
  • 10 pieces. - marinated mushrooms.

Cooking method:

To start boil vegetables and eggs. After cutting everything into cubes, like sausage. Pickled cucumbers are cut into strips or half rings. For dressing, you must mix mayonnaise with sour cream and add salt. We collect the salad: we will make the head first - we mix a spoonful of sliced ​​potatoes with a dressing and slide we will place it at the beginning of the plate, and then the body will go.

The ingredients are mixed in a vessel, refuel the dressing and lay out the body of the hedgehog. It remains to decorate. To do this, lay olives, cut into four parts. Scatter on the body put a few whole mushrooms. We rub cheese on the face and make a spout and eyes.

Recipe 5: Hedgehog Salad with Walnuts

Another "home" version of the recipe, where you can not bother about the set of ingredients and take those products that are currently in the fridge.

Ingredients Required:

  • 300 g - meat;
  • 100 g - nuts;
  • 200 g - cheese;
  • 50 ml - mayonnaise;
  • 1 PC. - an Apple;
  • 4 things. - an egg.

Cooking method:

Boil the meat, cut into cubes. Hard-boiled eggs are cut into cubes, as well as cheese. Apple cleaned and rubbed on a coarse grater. All the listed ingredients are dressed with mayonnaise and spread on a plate in the form of a hedgehog. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts on top. Eyes can be made from raisins.

Salad "Hedgehog" - the secrets and tips from the best chefs

When it comes to salads with an interesting thematic design, you should not set a framework for yourself. Here fantasy is more welcome. If everything is more or less understood with the ingredients, you can make your favorite salad, put it in the form of a hedgehog and arrange needles. But the design of dishes for each time, you can vary a little. You can put a hedgehog on a green lettuce leaf, and scatter around mushrooms, put a couple of pieces on needles. Interesting and creative! If the recipe for salad "Hedgehog" includes cheese, put it in the last layer, and on top mayonnaise. A rich layer of mayonnaise will create the overall color of the dish. And now, only you can lay out the needles of black olives.


Watch the video: 10 Healthy Salad Recipes For Weight Loss (July 2024).